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The story itself is over 40,000 words

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The story itself is over 40,000 words


The word "Kira" appears 926 times in the story


The word "Echo" appears 251 times in the story


In her youth, Kira was a competitive ice skater but left the sport because she deemed it "too girly" and took up rollerblading instead


Kira was originally going to be a skateboarder who was also a drummer for a band. She became an air force pilot when a follower of mine reached out to give me suggestions for the story and suggested she be named "Kira" and be an air force pilot


Radical is my most successful story on Wattpad


TEMPEST was the original sequel to RADICAL but writing it was an actual train wreck


Kira was originally going to fall for Fives, however, the more I developed Kira's character I decided someone with Fives' personality wouldn't be healthy for her. She needed someone who wouldn't joke around with her all the time and who would listen to her and support her but also be brutally honest with her and that was Echo


A lot of people complain about Kira not going with Rex and the Bad Batch to save Echo in act two, but her reasons for this are clearly stated. Echo being saved by Anakin, Rex, and the Bad Batch is a set moment in Echo's timeline. If she had gone to save him herself or with the boys it would have royally screwed up Echo's timeline. Kira knew Echo had been through so much she didn't want to put him through anything else


Kira's face claim is Natalia Dyer but she would be voiced by Eliza Dushku


I also considered pairing Kira with Rex when plotting the story but just decided against it. However a friend of mine who read the story still ships Kira with Rex even though she ends of with Echo


The same friend who ships Kira with Rex also theorizes that Edith is not Echo's daughter because of the possibility of Echo being unable to have children after Skako Minor

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