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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕪 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕖


"Echo I'm sorry

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"Echo I'm sorry." Kix said as he stepped back from the sleeping girl. It had been several hours since the end of the battle. Echo had carried the limp body of Kira Stacey back to the medbay at the GAR facility on Coruscant. "She's gone." Kix said, refusing to look at his brother. He just couldn't handle how heart broken he was going to be at the news. Echo brushed his gloved fingers over Kira's forehead. He just couldn't believe that she was gone. He leaned down to give her one final kiss on her forehead and the second his lips connected with her forehead Kira's eyes fluttered open and her lungs filled with air. "Echo?" She said softly as she looked up at the trooper who stood above her. Immediately Echo's demeanor softened and a smile graced his face. "Hi." He said softly. "Oh my god Kira!" Sam shouted as she ran past Echo to throw her arms around her sister. "I thought I had lost you. You idiot. I love you." She said as she choked back tears, welcoming her sister back. Sam pulled back, and Kira sat up in her bed. "Are you ready to go home?" Sam asked and Kira's eyes widened. "Home?" She asked as she looked from her sister to Echo who seemed to be hanging on her words. Sam nodded. "Yeah back to Cali. Everyone's gonna be worried sick about you again." Kira's lips pressed into a thin line as she thought about Sam's words. "Right." She said softly, looking down to her hands in her lap. "Home."


"Are you sure about this?" Ahsoka asked as she helped Kira walk. Somehow, they had convinced Kix to release her from the Medbay so she and her sister could return back to their world. "I don't know if you're strong enough yet to-" "I'm fine Ahsoka." Kira replied to the togruta who held her arm on one side. On the other was Echo who hadn't said a word since Kira had decided to return home. Kira could tell something was wrong, but she didn't want to be arrogant enough to assume that he didn't want her to leave him. She didn't want to assume his world revolved around her. She sighed before using her abilities to open a portal to earth, Sam watched with wide eyes, and it was clear to her that Sam really had missed their home. Hardcase stood with Sam as they both stood in awe of the growing portal. He had become rather close with the other girl from earth. Kira didn't understand it but she wasn't the boss of Sam, which Sam had clearly stated to her on numerous occasions, so there wasn't anything she could do about it. Her heart felt heavy as she looked back through the portal to her world. She didn't want to return and face reality without Chelsea. Things would never be the same. And as if sensing her conflict, Ahsoka turned to her, soft eyes looking at the brunette. "You know," Ahsoka said, "I believe you belong here. With us." Kira's eyes furrowed in confusion. "What?" "From what Sam told me in our time in the archives together, your world knows nothing of the force. Earth may be a great place, but not for your kind. Kira, you wouldn't be able to live up to your full potential there. I may be over stepping my boundaries but I believe you belong here, with us. You are one of us now, after all." Ahsoka's eyes glanced over at Echo for a moment before looking back at Kira. "The choice is yours, Kira, but we owe you a lot. I'd hate to see you give up everything you've earned here just to go back to a life that is far beneath you."


Kira walked over to her sister. There was a difference in her step and stature, a confidence not seen before. "Ready to go?" She asked the younger Stacey who smiled up at her. She turned to tell Hardcase goodbye one more time and waved at Ahsoka. Kira took her hand in hers and led her through the portal back to earth. Sam wasn't stupid. She noticed the way her sister carried herself, and unfortunately, she knew what was next. "You aren't staying, are you?" She asked softly and Kira sighed. "Sam, as much as I love you and everyone else, I don't belong here anymore." Sam's smile fell. "Yeah." She said softly. "I knew this was coming." She added. "But I want you to be happy." She added as she looked back up at her big sister. "And don't think I won't visit." Kira added. "The Oracle is meant to be a bridge between the void between time and space and the physical world of reality. But lucky for us a bridge has two sides and our mom had two daughters." Sam raised a brow at her words, still not used to her sister being referred to as 'the Oracle'. "I'll still be around for Hanukkah, Yom Kippur, Thanksgiving, and Passover. It's not like I'm gonna disappear I'll just be 'on leave'." She teased and Sam rolled her eyes before wrapping her arms around her sister in a tight hug. "I'm gonna miss you, bitch." Sam said and Kira laughed as hugged her sister back, holding her close. "Like wise, jerk." Kira then removed the dog tag necklace that still hung around her neck. She looked down at her sister before putting it around her neck, something to remember her by. "I'll see you real soon, sis."


"You came back?" Echo asked with wide eyes as he watched Kira step back through the portal to the GAR facility on Coruscant. "But what about your sister?" He asked, of anyone knew the importance of the sibling bond it was Echo. His amber colored eyes looked down at her, his eyes met hers and he searched her gaze, utterly confused by her presence here with him. "What about your family?" He asked, his voice soft. Echo didn't have a family like Kira did. True, Kira's family wasn't the best. It was broken and small but it was still good. Kira walked over to him. She gently took his hands in hers as she looked up at him. "Echo," a small smile spread on her lips as she looked up at the clone, her clone. "You are my family."


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