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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕖


"You serve Dooku?!" Anakin hissed and Mendax chuckled

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"You serve Dooku?!" Anakin hissed and Mendax chuckled. "Naturally, yes I do." He replied. "I was sent here to wait for the Oracle, a legend of the force, to ride up and bring her to Dooku to serve the sith." "You will not." Kira spoke, her voice still a combination of many voices rolled into one. "Won't I? What can you do to stop me? You still don't know how to use the gifts of the Oracle while I am mighty, a full sith." "No." Kira replied flatly. "I am the Oracle. I see all that is, all that was and all that could be. I see everything that is in this world and all others. But you are small and tiny and weak. I see every one of your atoms and I scatter them." She stated and outstretched her hand to his direction. A purple glow formed around her fingers like a flame and in a blast of energy Mendax howled in pain as his form purely dissolved into thin air. "Kira..." Anakin muttered and the girl turned to him. His blue eyes watched her in wonder but also in fear of what the girl had done. "You've got to stop this. Let go. It's too much for you." "No." Kira replied. "I want you safe, my master." "Kira let go, it's time to go home." "Home." Kira muttered with only her voice. "I want to go home." She said as she looked up at him, only her voice speaking now. She turned away from him and lifted her hands in front of her. That same purple glow rose from her fingers and out before her, creating a ring of purple energy. Through the ring a different world came into focus. Earth. It was just as Kira remembered it. The view of the trees, blue sky, and sound of the birds chirping caused her to come back to focus. The white of her irises faded back to brown. She turned to Anakin and the men one last time. "I want to go home."


A butterfly with purple wings fluttered through the portal Kira created and into the temple. It's elegant wings helped it glide past Kira and it landed on her shoulder for a moment before flying off again. Echo's eyes watched the strange and beautiful creature before turning back to Kira. "Are you really going to go?" He asked and Kira sighed. "I've got to. I've got to go home." She said. "But what about... everything that just happened?" Anakin asked. Kira had an identity none of them had expected. She was born of the force, much like Anakin, making them almost siblings. Not only that but she had powers none of them understood. "We have to bring you to the council.. as much as I go against their wishes they need to know of this." "No." Kira said flatly. "You can tell them all that they need to know." She said. "But right now, after everything, I want to go home more then anything in the world." Anakin sighed, looking at his now former padawan. "I suppose you won't need me to teach you anymore then." He said but Kira smiled. "I don't know, 'master' a few crash courses might be in order in the future." She said and Anakin grinned back at her. "Take care of yourself, earth girl." He said and Kira's smile widened before she moved forward to wrap her arms around her master in a hug. In the time she had known him, Anakin had become like a brother to her. And she would miss that relationship more then anything else. Timidly, Anakin hugged her back. "Thank you master." She muttered before stepping back. "Captain," she said as she turned to the clone who removed his helmet and held it by his side. Rex grinned softly as he saluted the girl who saluted him back. "Take care, miss Stacey." Rex said and Kira nodded before finally turning to Echo who had already removed his helmet. "Do you really have to go back?" Echo asked and Kira sighed. Echo had also become a close friend of hers in the time she knew him. "Aw Ech, I've got to." She said softly. "I've got family back at home who miss me very much. I've got to go home to them." She said. "Yeah.." Echo replied. "But you'll see me again." Kira said confidently. Echo's eyes lit up. "You mean it?" "Of course I do." And with that Echo leaned down to give Kira a hug. She hugged him back, wrapping her arms around the uncomfortable armor. She even gave the ARC trooper a kiss on the cheek which caused him to blush ever so slightly.


Finally once Kira was done with her goodbyes she turned to the purple glowing portal. She extended her hand out to it first, letting her fingers brush up against the fabric connecting her world to this world. Seamlessly, her fingers slipped through the portal as if it were nothing. On the other side she could feel the crisp cool air of autum on her skin. She finally took a deep breath before continuing to walk through the portal to earth. The second she was on the other side, the ring of purple energy vanished. "But why haven't we heard anything from her?" A familiar voice caused her to look up and around herself. "She said the batteries for her pager were dead." "So can't she just get new ones?" "That's probably a lot more difficult then you think." Kira noticed that she was in a park, a park she recognized. And the two voices she heard were some of the people she cared about the most in the world. A smile came to her face and tears welled in her eyes. "Sam." She muttered. "Sam!" She shouted this time, loud enough for her sister to hear her. The other brunette turned around and Chelsea followed her gaze. "Oh my god." Sam said before jumping up from the park bench she sat on with Chelsea and running over to her Sister. She didn't say or ask anything of Kira, she was just happy she was home. And without warning, she wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug. Home. Kira thought to herself. She was finally home.

𝕂𝕀ℝ𝔸 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℂ𝔼𝕐 will return in ℙ𝔸ℝ𝕋 𝕋𝕎𝕆

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𝕂𝕀ℝ𝔸 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℂ𝔼𝕐 will return in ℙ𝔸ℝ𝕋 𝕋𝕎𝕆

𝕂𝕀ℝ𝔸 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℂ𝔼𝕐 will return in ℙ𝔸ℝ𝕋 𝕋𝕎𝕆

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