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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕪


Medals may not have been a thing for the bad batch, but for Kira Stacey they were

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Medals may not have been a thing for the bad batch, but for Kira Stacey they were. In her words when she was a cadet who dreamed of some day earning a metal in battle, "if I work hard enough one day, and sacrifice a shit tone of my life for this cause. I better get myself a damn metal." And here she was, looking at herself in her proper Air Force service uniform. She didn't look like "the Oracle" but rather she looked like herself, a true Air Force pilot in full uniform. Anakin had pestered her to wear Jedi robes but she had denied his request ever chance she had. "I'm not wearing that." She has argued with him. "But Kira it's the end of the war ceremony. You have to wear them." "I'm not wearing that." Kira wasn't a Jedi, so why would she wear their uniforms? Instead she settled for the navy "Air Force" blue uniform that was fit with a navy blue dress coat that was adorned with her silver name tag that simply read "STACEY" in black lettering, a silver US pilot badge (you know the one, a pilot's "wings"), her identification badge that showed her branch of service, the ribbons she had earned while in service- only a few-, and the patches on the sleeves of her jacket addressing her rank in the Air Force, captain. Under the jacket she wore a light blue button up shirt with a black neck tie. Her blue trousers matched the color of her blazer and her enlisted service cap that also carried the seal of the US Air Force. Covering her hands were a pair of white gloves that fiddled with the name tag that clung to her jacket over right side of her chest. Her hair was kept out of her face by being secured in a tight low braided bun. Miss Stacey looked like a true American soldier. Which was nothing like anyone on Coruscant had ever seen. "Kira?" Ashoka asked as she entered Kira's room. The togruta was dressed the opposite of Kira, she wore the customary Jedi robes Anakin begged her to wear. Kira smiled at the sight of her. "They're ready for you."


"Captain Stacey." The Oracle looked up at the blonde clone. He was also in a service uniform but his differed from hers. The clone's uniforms where white with a thick stripe that ran from the colar to the tip of their sleeves. The color of their stripes depended on their battalion, Rex's was a deep royal blue. Over his shoulders were patches that held smaller golden and black stripes to define his rank, also as captain, and on his arms was a patch with the symbol for the republic. Medals were pinned to the left side of his jacket. As they damn well should be. That man deserved every one of them and more. Kira thought to herself as she eyed each medal careful before her eyes looked back up at Rex. His stance stiffened as he brought his hand up to his forehead, saluting her properly once more. Kira's demeanor became strong and stiff as she assumed the stance of attention once more and saluted her military equal. "The Republic thanks You for your service." He said before dropping his salute and Kira mirrored him, doing the same. He picked up a medal with a purple ribbon and a golden plate with the symbol of the Republic and Kira bowed her head in his direction as the captain placed it around her neck. "We owe you a great debt, captain Stacey and Oracle of the force."


"Kira!" Echo cheered as his favorite earth girl entered the barracks. "There she is." Fives added with a grin. "Miss universe herself." Kira laughed with a snort at his words. "Oh please don't call me that." She replied as she walked over to Echo who put an arm around his girl. This was where Kira belonged. With other soldiers, socializing and enjoying the fellowship of the moment. The battles were a part of the pain but that's what made them all stronger. And finally the war was over. "So," Jesse said as he looked at the woman who had given up almost everything to save them all. "What now?" He asked and the clones all looked at Kira. "Yeah, you don't have to save the world anymore." Fives added. "You can be normal." He teased and Kira rolled her eyes at him. "But seriously," Echo asked as he looked at the girl who he held in his arm. "What are we gonna do now, Kira?" He asked, a serious expression on his face. The clone was genuinely curious, they wall were. They were engineered to fight wars. Now that the war was over, now what? "What do you mean 'now what'?" Kira asked with a small grin. She leaned up and kissed Echo's cheek and several of the men chuckled and snickered at the gesture causing Echo to turn slightly pink over his cheeks. "We saved the world." She replied with a  matter of fact tone. "I say we party."




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