🪐𝔹𝕠𝕣𝕟 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕊𝔸🪐

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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟


When Kira woke up she wasn't where she remembered being last

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When Kira woke up she wasn't where she remembered being last. Her eyes shot open and she looked around and the vast nothingness that surrounded her. "Where... where am I?" She wondered allowed and her voice echoed. "You think you know, who you are, what's to come." A voice suddenly bounced around her. She didn't recognize it but something about it felt important. "You haven't even begun." The voice added. "The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together." Another voice came. She didn't quite recognize this one either but it also felt very important. "People keep telling me they know me, I'm afraid no one does." Another voice, this one female. She certainly didn't recognize it. "I see it. I see it all. All that is, all what was, all that could be." This one was her own voice. "And it hurts."


Kira gasped for air as her eyes shot back open. "Kira," Echo said once he noticed she was awake. She realized he had been holding her while she was unconscious. "Yeah..." she muttered. "How long was I out?" She asked. "Only a few seconds." Fives responded. "Huh. It felt longer." She replied with a shrug as she got to her feet. "Kira," Rex said as he looked at her with sharp eyes. "Are you alright?" He asked and Kira gave him a confused look. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" "Do you remember what happened before you blacked out?" Anakin asked. "No." Kira replied. "Why's everyone staring at me? Jesus you look like you've all seen a ghost. Chill out." "Kira," Ahsoka spoke up, addressing the earth girl. "Rex's com link went - crazy. We heard from people you identified as Chelsea, Cameron, and Nicolas. Do you have any idea who they are?" Kira paled. "I-" she had flashes in her mind. Her voice speaking, radio static, the faces of her old friends. "Yeah. I remember now. Sort of. It's still fuzzy. Chelsea and Cameron are from earth. They were some of my best friends." The gun ship landed on Coruscant. "Do you have any idea what happened? Or what it meant?" Ahsoka asked. "No." Kira replied. "I don't. But I would like to."


"So it really wasn't any different from the original?" "Well, not completely." Kira replied as she sat across from Fives and Echo at 79's. She was drinking whatever Fives had ordered for her that was 'strong as hell' but 'didn't burn like hell going down'. She sipped the drink while she played with the piece of metal that was attached to her via a cheap necklace chain idly. She was tipsy, not drunk, at least not yet. But Kira was no stranger to alcohol, and her tolerance was high. "I mean, it was a hell of a lot sweeter but not better." She told the men. "So then why did they call it 'new Coke'?" Echo asked and Kira scoffed. "Marketing. That's all companies care about. At least on earth. It's always all about money." She said as she rolled her eyes. "What's that?" Fives finally spoke up and she looked over at him. "Hm?" Fives' eyes narrowed to the necklace she played with. "That." He said as he pointed at it. "Oh." She said as she held it out in front of her. She had kept the accessory hidden underneath her clothing, which she did all the time. "It's my dog tag." She said as her fingers pressed against the cool metal. She took it off of her neck and looked down at the inscription on it. "Your what?" Fives asked, the men were clearly confused. "You mean your military doesn't have dog tags for the soldiers?" Both men shook their heads. "Huh." Kira replied. "I guess that's just an American thing." She added. "So," Fives began. "What's a dog tag? And what's written on it?" He asked as he tried to read the writing on the thin piece of metal. "Dog tags were given to soldiers during World War Two I think. That's when they started." "World war Two?" Echo asked with wide eyes. "I- you know what, don't worry about it. There's a lot to unpack there." She said. "In summary, a lot of the big countries on earth went to war but that's not important. Anyways, dog tags were and are used to identify a solider if they die in battle and their body is unrecognizable. That's why we all wear them at all times." "Well what does it say?" Fives asked again and Kira sighed as she held it up to read it. "Stacey, Kira B. 984-56-31120. O-. Jewish." Echo raised a brow. "What does all that mean?" He asked curiously. "Well, Stacey, Kira is my last and first name. B is my middle initial." "Hold on," Fives interrupted her. "You have a middle name too?" "Uh yeah," "wow imagine having a first, middle and last name." He said as he nudged Echo. "You mean you don't?" "We're clones, missy. We have numbers and names we've made for ourselves and that's it." "Huh. Well you can all have my last name." Fives laughed at that. "Doesn't that make us all married to you?" "No." Kira replied. "It could make you all my adopted brothers." The men froze. They didn't quite know what to say. "Did you have a brother on earth?" Echo asked cautiously. "Yeah. Well kinda. His name was Ben but he's my step brother. He's only like five too so it's not like I hang out with him much." "Step brother?" Fives asked, unsure of what the word meant. "Yeah, he's like my half brother. My mom had him with a man who wasn't my father." Echo's ears perked up at the mention of her father again. "Kira," he said as he looked over at her. His eyes became intent. "What happened to you and your father?"

 "What happened to you and your father?"

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