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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖


"Kira?" Chelsea said as she watched her friend step through a portal and back to earth

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"Kira?" Chelsea said as she watched her friend step through a portal and back to earth. She wasn't expecting to see her back so suddenly but it was a welcomed surprise to be sure. "You're back?" "More or less." Kira replied. "C'mon I need your help." "With what?" Chelsea asked as she followed her friend through the halls of the air force base. "How do you feel about going for a fly?" Kira asked, stepping outside and heading to her plane. Now Chelsea was skeptical. Something about this just seemed suspicious to her. "What are you up to?" "You mean, what are 'we' up to." Kira grinned as she shoved her bone dome into Chelsea's hands. She took the flight helmet with a skeptical look. "Kira..." "we're going to help end a multidimensional space war." Kira told her friend with a grin as she pulled on her flight jump suit. She didn't even want to dwell on how crazy she sounded because she knew she sounded absolutely insane to the other girl. But at this point, with everything she had heard from Kira over the year Chelsea just shrugged as she put her helmet on. "Naturally."


"Eagle leader this is tower you are not clear for take off please return to port." The transmission radio in Kira's plane began to fill with her superiors warning her not to take her plane into the air. It was painfully familiar. "This is Eagle leader to tower. Don't worry I'm just doing a little routine training with Eagle three. We won't be gone long." She radioed back to the tower before turning off her radio. She wasn't in the mood to negotiate today. After doing all her routine checks, flight controls free, brakes set, electrical gear off, ammeter check, throttle reduced to idle. All things looked good. "Ready Chels?" She radioed over to her friend. "Roger." She replied and Kira smiled. "Sounds good then. Let's hit it." She said before giving her plane full throttle and leading the taxi down the runway. As her plane and Chelsea's began to climb into the air Kira began to focus back on to the force. She trained her mind onto where she wanted to go and when she wanted to get there. Lothal. She thought to herself. She had her mind trained on the force so well she couldn't hear Chelsea radioing her with impeding words about the purple circle that just opened up in front of them. "Full thrust." Kira shouted through the radio at her friend. "Through the portal. Go go go."


Legions of droids marched on Lothal. Palpatine had ordered for the full strength of the separatist army to cover his plans and he had spared no expense. Anakin and his men had never seen so many droids in one place. It was a nightmare. The battle had long since begun, everyone split up into their respective groups. "It's been quite a while." Rex shouted to Anakin as he shot another droid. "I don't think she's gonna make it, sir." He added and anakin used his lightsaber to deflected another round of shots right back to the droids. "She's coming. I can feel it. She'll be here Rex." Anakin replied. Though even he was started to lack faith in Kira. But just as they began to loose hope in the girl, Rex's comm lit up. "Yeah?" He answered it flawlessly in the heat of battle. There was static on the other end but he could barely make out a voice. "Your eft." "What?" Rex replied, not being able to understand what was being said. "Eft!" The voice came again. There was silence and finally the voice came again and Rex could hear it clear as day. "On your left!" Kira's voice shouted through the comm as the sound of two F-16's could be heard flying over head. "Kira?" Rex said into his comm, though he was fairly certain that it was the brunette flying over head. "Eagle leader and Eagle three reporting in."


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