🪐𝔻𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 ℤ𝕠𝕟𝕖🪐

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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖


"Kira!" a voice rang out over the cement runway and Kira turned, using her arms to sheild her from the harsh rain, to see if she could find the source of who was calling her

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"Kira!" a voice rang out over the cement runway and Kira turned, using her arms to sheild her from the harsh rain, to see if she could find the source of who was calling her. "Kira Stacey!" It came again and that's when her eyes found the source. Cameron Beckett, or as he was better known, Eagle Leader. "Captain Beckett." Kira replied as she held her flight helmet at her side. "What the hell are you doing out in this storm?" Cameron asked, his voice was deep and loud. Fitting for a commanding officer of the US military. "Completing the training exercise early." "Eagle Seven you have lost your mind. I am going to have to order you to stand down and return to your barracks." "Respectfully, I am going to have to deny that order." "Eagle Seven-" "I can do this, Captain. Trust me. It's just a little rain, no big." Beckett could tell he had no chance stopping her. Once Kira had something in her crawl it was impossible for her to let it go. He sighed before placing a hand on her shoulder. "Please be careful." "I will."


The rain pelting her visor relentlessly made it impossible for Kira to see two feet past her plane. This wasn't as easy as she was hoping it would be and she couldn't even tell what direction she was even going in. "Eagle Seven." Her radio began to chirp at her. "Eagle Seven, do you have a visual on the sky?" They asked again. "Negative. I don't have a - shit - no I don't have a visual. I cannot see a thing in this storm." She said but pressed on. "Eagle seven!" This was a new voice, one that made a chill run down her spine. Commander Jones. "Kira Stacey! What the hell are you doing flying in this storm?" He demanded. "Just routine storm training, sir." She replied. "Nothing to worry about." "Eagle seven I am ordering you to stand down and land at once." "Negative, commander. I will complete this mission." "Did you just - did you just deny my orders?" Jones asked, his voice tainted with disbelief at her defiance. Kira was in for it now. "Kira, you will land this plane I will not-" with that Kira shut off her radio communications. "Why doesn't anyone think I can do this... it's just a little rain." She muttered. She added more power to her engines and pulled up to what she assumed to be the sky. The young pilot pressed on, confident in herself. Her confidence instantly dissolve when her eyes caught sight of a massive ship above the clouds. How she didn't see it before had completely confused her. She didn't react fast enough and with a scream her plane ran into the side of it, knocking out her engines and causing her to take an involuntary nose dive to the ground through the storm. She couldn't avoid it, and her plane crashed far from the base. You know how people say before your death your life flashes before your eyes? That's what happened to Kira. Flashes of her family filled her mind. She saw her mother sobbing in a corner and her siblings screaming at the top of their lungs. She saw her high school graduation. She saw beer bottles scattered across the table of her childhood home kitchen table. She saw her senior prom. She saw her father's lifeless body. She saw her first electric guitar. She saw the gavel of a judge. She saw the enlistment papers for the US Air Force from the day she joined. And finally she saw a cold pistol in her hands. That was it before Kira was knocked unconcerned upon impact and her plane, "Sniper" was left in a mangled mess. The rain slowed to a drizzle as she laid there in her cockpit, unconscious, unaccounted for, and with all her communications foolishly disabled. This Eagle had lost her wings.


"Is this what hit the cruiser?" Rex asked as he gestured to the wreck of a plane. Skywalker walked over to inspect what the captain was looking at. "Looks like it." He said as he inspected the crash. "Look!" Ahsoka said as she came to her master's side and looked onto the crash. "There's a girl in there! And it looks like she's still breathing!" Ahsoka added and in an instant everyone's eyes were trained on the sleeping pilot in the cockpit of "Sniper" or what was left of it at least. "C'mon men, we've got to get her out of there. It's the least we can do." Rex ordered and the men went to work. "Master," Ahsoka began as she took in the sight of her surroundings. "Where are we?" Anakin followed her eyes and sighed. "I'm not sure, snips." He said. The two were on a mission to investigate a disturbance in the force that the council, and all Jedi really, had sensed. It had led them to this place and this planet. "We're in the distant parts of the galaxy." he told her. "Farther then the outer rim."


"Is she alright?" Anakin said once the men of the 501st had recovered the pilot trapped inside of the cockpit of the mangled plane. "She's unconscious but still alive." Rex said as he held her in his arms bridal style. Her body was limp and she seemed to have a few growing bruises and cuts from the crash. She needed medical attention as soon as possible. "Why don't we take her back to the cruiser and get her some help. I'm sure that crash messed her up real bad and it's the least we can do after we- well- hit her." Rex nodded before shouting some orders to his men. Kira was taken with them back to their cruiser and away from her home. Her friends and family on earth would never know what happened to her after her tragic crash on that fatal day.

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