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The Jedi watched as Anakin led Kira out of the room and waited until she was gone to discuss what just happened

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The Jedi watched as Anakin led Kira out of the room and waited until she was gone to discuss what just happened. "I'm hoping I'm not the only one who sensed that." Obi-Wan broke the silence after their departure. "I've never sensed anything like that before." Mace Windu said. "The way the force moves around Kira is unlike anything I've ever felt." Plo Kloon said and Obi-Wan lifted a finger to his chin. They all felt the same thing about Kira. A feeling they had never felt before. Obi-Wan had felt a similar sense on Mortis but even that was a stretch of a comparison. "At least we are certain she's not a threat." Shaak Ti spoke up. And she was correct. There was not a single hint of the dark side moving through the girl. Just the force, pure and raw and untapped. It seemed not even Kira herself was aware of the power she possessed. "That is true, however, if she remains unaware of what's going on for much longer she could become one." Mace Windu replied. "What are we to do then?" Plo Kloon asked. "Let her continue her Jedi training for now, until we know more there is not much we can do." Obi-Wan added. "One thing is for sure." Mace Windu said. "I know we all felt it," he added. "Kira Stacey and the way the force moves around her is nothing less then a pure anomaly. It's almost as if she's not really here." Obi-Wan nodded. "Yes I felt it too. It's almost as if Kira Stacey shouldn't exist."


"That seemed to go well." Anakin said as he led the girl through the halls of Jedi temple. "Yeah I guess." Kira replied. "You guess?" Kira nodded. "I never test well. Even in school. I flunked so many tests. I knew the material in and out, I wasn't stupid. I just had testing anxiety." Anakin looked down at her with a confused expression. "Flunked?" "You know, fail." Anakin laughed softly at the girl. "Kira," he said, "you cannot fail these tests. They are done to find out more about you, not to grade you." Kira looked up at him. "Wait, seriously?" Anakin nodded. "Sick." She replied. "Sick?" Anakin echoed her words again. "How can that be sick? Are you sick? Do I need to take you to the medbay again?" Kira laughed this time. "No, E.T. It's an expression. It means great." "Why would that be an expression to mean great? Being sick isn't great." Kira sighed. "Yeah I know.. it just is what it is." Anakin rolled his eyes. "You sure are strange." "Yeah well you aren't anymore normal then I am." Kira replied. "You should get some rest, Kira. Your training, your actual training starts tomorrow." He said. "Sure thing but I have to get my Walkman back from the men." She replied. "Your what?" "My Walkman. Small box that plays music." Anakin shook his head with a sigh. "Okay whatever. Just go get your- whatever - and get some rest."


Kira walked into the barracks, surprised with herself that she was able to find her way to it on her own without getting lost. "Kira?" A voice drew her attention. She noticed most of the men were asleep, it was late. "Echo?" Kira said as her eyes fell on the familiar trooper. She walked over to him, he was sitting on his bunk with her Walkman in his hands. "I finally got my turn." He said with a small smile. "Yeah?" She said with a smile back at him and sat on his bunk with him. "What do you think?" She asked. "This is amazing." He said in a bit of a whisper since the other men were asleep. Kira grinned. "I'm so glad you liked it! What song was your favorite?" She replied. "I really liked the one that was like three different songs in one. It was long but but wasn't like anything I've heard before." "You liked that one?" Another voice added to the conversation causing the two to look up to see Fives approaching them. "That one is sooo long. It goes on for six damn minutes." Fives added. Kira chuckled. "I pity your future wife if you think six minutes is such a long time." Echo laughed with her. "Whatever." Fives said with a roll of his eyes. "The one about staying or going was pretty good." Fives admitted, joining the conversation. "You thought 'Should I Stay or Should I Go' was better then 'Bohemian Rhapsody'?" Kira asked as she raised a brow. "If 'Bohemian Rhapsody' is the one that Echo's talking about then yes." "Ugh, don't talk to me ever again." Kira teased as she rolled her eyes. "You have no taste." She added and echo laughed. "What? Just because I don't like a song I don't have taste?" "Fives," Kira said. "Everyone likes Bohemian Rhapsody." Fives rolled his eyes. "Whatever. It's late. Shouldn't you be getting to sleep?" He asked and Kira sighed. "Yeah I just came to get my Walkman." She said and Echo handed her the music player. "Thank you for letting us use it." He said and Kira grinned. "Anytime, soldier boy."


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