🪐𝕊𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤 (𝔸𝕣𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕕𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤)🪐

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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟


"So what's 'Cors-u-can't'?" Kira asked as she tried to say the name of their destination she had heard many others say

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"So what's 'Cors-u-can't'?" Kira asked as she tried to say the name of their destination she had heard many others say. Anakin chuckled at her way of pronouncing the planet. "Coruscant." He corrected her. "And it's the capital of the Republic. The senate and Jedi temple are both there." "So it's a planet? Or a country?" Kira asked with a raised brow. "It's a planet." "That's so crazy." Kira muttered as he eyes trained on the planet they were approaching in the distance. "How so?" Anakin asked as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at the brunette. "Well on earth, we're all pretty simple. We didn't think it was possible for life to be possible anywhere other then earth. Well, that's what most people believe. Some people think the government is hiding evidence for extraterrestrial life from us." She laughed softly at her words. "I can't imagine why they would hide something so radical from us." "Radi-what?" Anakin asked as he tried to understand the words she used. "Amazing, unbelievable, crazy." She explained. "Radical means wonderful but also something that's not possible, reformation or just all around new and crazy."


The cruiser finally reached Coruscant and the time had come for Kira to meet with the council. She stood at the edge of the ramp, watching everyone unload and depart for their next tasks. Her eyes trained on the clones in particular. Something about them faintly reminded her of home. She assumed it was their militaristic demeanor since she, herself, was a part of the military back on earth. She missed the air force, which is something she never thought she'd say. She missed her commander and her fellow eagles. She missed Chelsea, her best friend, the most. Who else was she supposed to watch movies with at one in the morning while eating overly buttered popcorn? There was a strange feeling in her gut that told her that her blissful life on earth was long in the past and a new reality had begun for her. "Are you nervous?" A voice behind her caused her to jump slightly. Kira turned to see the girl with head tails instead of hair, Ahsoka. She smiled nervously. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." Kira replied. "Anakin told me that your people aren't used to all of this." She said as she gestured to the vast surface of Coruscant. Kira's eyes looked at the bizarre sight. People traveling on floating machines and large buildings as far as she could see. It reminded her a lot of New York, but much more futuristic. "Yeah," Kira replied, "on earth no one flys around on whatever those are. We all drive cars or walk." "What's a car?" Ahsoka asked as she tilted her head to one side in wonder. "Uh- it's like a small ship with wheels I guess. It drives on roads and it doesn't fly." "Doesn't fly?" Ahsoka echoed. "That sounds awfully boring." "Compared to flying it can be. But if you have some good music playing it's not that bad." "Ready to go?" Another voice joined the conversation and Anakin approached the group. Kira sighed as she was brought back to the reality that was her being brought before some alien council. "Yeah... I suppose."


"So this is the distant force weirder we have heard so much about." Obi-Wan addressed the young woman as she was brought before the council. Anakin stood at her side, partially because since he found her she was his responsibility, but also because he wanted a somewhat familiar face to be with Kira while she came before the Jedi Council. He couldn't imagine how stressed or even afraid she was, being brought before a high council she had never even heard of in a distant land, and having her fate be decided by people she didn't even know existed. He felt a sympathy for her, and he wanted to help her as much as he could without seeming too soft of course. "What is your name?" Mace Windu asked. Kira's hazel eyes met his. "My name is Kira Stacey. And I'm from earth." The name of the planet brought strange glances between each council member. "A Long time it has been since earth we have heard from." Yoda said. "Not think the force reached that far we almost did." He added. And Kira shifted uncomfortably. "But turns out we were wrong." Shaak Ti said, giving the girl a kind smile. "Welcome to Coruscant, young Kira. I can imagine this is a bit much for you." She added. "Well," Obi-Wan began, "What is to be done with her? Should she be trained as well? She is much too old for Jedi training." "Skywalker, can you show us the report on her midichlorian count?" Mace Windu requested and Anakin handed him a piece of folded up paper which he unfolded and read carefully. "Her midichlorian Count is unsettlingly high." Windu said as he handed the paper to Obi-Wan who raised his eyebrows as he also was surprised by what the report said when he read it. "Not as high as Anakin but even still, it is surprising that a count so high could come from such a distant place." Obi-Wan added. "Then it is imperative that she be trained, don't you all agree?" Plo Kloon said. There was a hesitation amongst the council before Yoda finally spoke for the group. "Young Kira, trained by Anakin you will be, since responsible for finding you and bringing you here he is." "I'm sorry, master." Anakin spoke up, a sense of worry in his face. "You want me to train another padawan?" "Yes." Yoda answered shortly. "If capable of this task you were not, the council not request you to do so we would." Anakin hesitated. "But isn't that against the rules?" He added. "Normally, yes. But the council is willing to make an acception for your case. Do you understand?" Mace Windu informed him. He looked down at Kira and sighed before looking back to the council. "Yes master. Thank you."


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