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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟


Kira stepped through the portal into a vastly vegiated planet

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Kira stepped through the portal into a vastly vegiated planet. She had no idea where she was but it wasn't earth that's for sure. Her feet suddenly felt very cold and Kira looked down to see a blanket of ice beginning to form around her feet, holding them in place. Kira looked up to find the source of the icey magic. "I know you're there." Kira shouted confidently. Slowly, a blonde girl with deep blue eyes, wearing blue robes and a single streak of black hair stuck out amongst the locks of golden curls that framed her face. "Who are you?" The blonde girl asked as she kept one of her hands outstretched towards Kira, allowing the ice to travel up Kira's body. "How did you find this place?" Kira shivered from the cold of the ice traveling up her body, tingling her skin. "My name's Kira. Let me explain, I'm from another dimension and I need your help." The other girl didn't move. "Are you with the First Order?" "No. I'm from earth." "What did she say?" A voice called from the trees and the blonde girl sighed in frustration before turning back around. "She said she isn't with the First Order." The blonde shouted and another girl jumped down from the trees. She wore animal skins and sported a bow and quiver tied around her chest. The other girl was much more tan with dark brown hair and a single strand of golden blonde hair among her dark braid. She narrowed her eyes at Kira. "Take her to Leia."


"General Organa, if everything she is saying is true then we have to help her." A brunette jedi reasoned with Leia. Kira had come to know her as Rey, the last of the Jedi and a loyal member of the resistance. She was also friends with the girls who found her, Amphitrite an elemental of water, and Artemeis, Amphitrite's big sister and a skilled archer. Both girls were also resistance members. "I know." Leia replied. "And you will." she said before turning to Kira with a small smile. "We will help you, it's what we stand for." She said. "Poe, Rey, Artemis, Amphitrite, and Fin will go with you." "But what about you?" Poe asked as he turned to Leia. "Poe's right, general, we can't just leave you." Artemis added. "I will be fine. I have the whole of the resistance here to protect me. This other world needs you all. Go." "But-" Finn tried to object but the General wouldn't hear any of it. "Go."


"So this is Coruscant?" Rey asked as she looked around the planet on the other side of the portal, said portal now drifting away after they had all passed through it. "Yep." Kira chimed. "It's so busy." she said. "I need you all to head to the Jedi archives with the others. "Others?" Fin asked. "You'll see." Kira replied. "I have one more reality to visit then I will be in there with all of you." "But where are the Jedi archives?" Poe asked and Kira looked over at Rey and Amphitrite. "I'm sure you'll be able to find it, between all of you." Rey nodded back at her. "Yeah." She said, "We'll figure it out." Amphitrite nodded as well. "Indeed. You go, bring back more people to help." Kira nodded, truly feeling exhausted. The group turned to walk towards the temple and Kira hoped they would also be able to find the Jedi Archives with the others but truly she didn't have the energy to worry about it anymore. She felt her body grow weaker and weaker but she had to make one more trip. This one would be the most important one. She could feel it. One more trip.

{ A/N }
Introducing Artemis, Amphitrite, Rey, Poe, and Finn from reality 5/6
From "The Elemental Series Books 1-2" by @/m0mmat0rtle

{ A/N } Introducing Artemis, Amphitrite, Rey, Poe, and Finn from reality 5/6From "The Elemental Series Books 1-2" by @/m0mmat0rtle

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