59. The Goodbye Letter | Welcome home | The stranger's help

Start from the beginning

She picked out the least expensive shoes on the rack, sneakers and sandals mostly. While packing, she found some of her clothing and she also found something else.

Alina was opening different doors inside the wardrobe and picking out different clothes, when she came across a device. It was very familiar to her eye, and she picked it up to examine it. When she saw it clearly, she gasped.

Laying down in between piles of neatly folded clothes, laid her old cell phone and her purse beside it.

She immediately pressed the power button and a few minutes later, it turned on. The percentage was low, but it was enough to keep her going. She didn't understand why it was hidden in this wardrobe, but she was grateful that she got it back.

There were over five hundred different notifications. From unread texts and messages, to unread emails, missed calls, and unheard voicemails. She listened to each and every one of them. Most were from her worrisome friends, while the rest were mostly from her job. She knew that her reputation would probably be damaged and she'd lost her job by now, but she hoped for the best.

Alina continued packing and threw her phone into the purse, packing the purse in the luggage as well.

When she finally finished packing, she brought the suitcase out with her. She wrote down a letter on the bed for anyone who came across it. She was sure that Tristan would probably read it. Including Claire.

'To Claire and Tristan.

  I know you might be mad at me, furious even, that I left like this without saying a word. There was a reason for me leaving, though.

  But the problem is, I couldn't tell you. I just had to make this decision on my own for the betterment of everyone. You'll probably find me one day and hate me forever for doing this, but I had to. I know you won't understand without a reasonable explanation, but honestly....I can't even give you one.

Just as much as you're hurting right now for leaving like this, I am as well hurt to. But I had to leave. Maybe one day I could tell you....more like show you, the reason why I left. But right now, I just can't.

Claire. Ever since we met, you've been really nice to me and very supportive of what I believe. You cared about my feelings and gave me your comfort through a new-found friendship we discovered together. You never doubted nor judged me about anything I've shared with you. Every single thing I say, you listen to and share your thoughts about. You are cautious about my feelings and helped me when I was lonely around this new place. You made this new life I had to live....fun, exciting, and you made me want to continue going. So, for that I thank you. Thank You so much for being such a great friend to me and sharing your happiness with me. It meant the world. And I'm sorry that I have to leave you behind. It's not my intention to hurt you, but I have to leave. You might not understand why, but, I feel like it's for the best. Be happy and remember those moments we shared as friends. We will met again....soon ~ Love, Alina:)

Tristan. I have always hated you in the beginning, because of what you took from me. I still can't forgive you for that, but things have changed over time between the two of us. At first, I couldn't stand to look at you and wished that you were dead. But now, you're the only thing I've wanted to look at, and I want you to be safe. The life you live is dangerous and unfortunately, I can't be in it. You might be the most angriest man on earth because of my unexpected leave, but there's a reason. I'm sure you'd hunt me down until you find me, starting with my home. I will be expecting to encounter with you again at some point, but not right now. I cannot stay here anymore. Every single thing I've shared with you and expressed, was very much real. I appreciate you and I care for you. I know that every single second of my absence will hurt like hell. You're not the only one. I've become extremely acquainted and fond of you, so this wasn't easy. But, I hope you try to forgive me for this. You might be pleading with me to give you a hint on why I'm leaving so suddenly. Well, I owe you that much. Ever since that night we spent together....things changed in ways you'd never understand. And everything became more complicated for me when you revealed the truth about Amberleigh and Preston. There is something that I can't tell you about my health, because I'm not really sick....but I'm not well either. And I could tell how you felt when you explained everything to me about them. You felt not only ashamed, but I knew you weren't ready for that responsibility. So I won't burden you with another one. I hope you get the message and understand what I'm trying to say. Of course, we will meet again, and I will have no other choice but to tell you the truth. As long as you know that I didn't leave you to hurt you, I left you to help you, then I'll be fine. Find happiness with those two....they are contagious when it comes to that. Yours truly, Alina ~

In Love With The Enemy: A Love and Hate Story Book #1Where stories live. Discover now