54. Panic - (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

I ignored their worried expressions and ran to the gigantic fridge. I grabbed me a bottle of water and took a pan of lasagna out.

A lady behind me held me back and took the pan from me. "Let me." She smiled and fixed a huge plate of it.

She warmed it with the oven and then a few minutes later, she gave it to me.

I gave a weak smile and a thanks, before grabbing a fork and digging into it. I had overwhelming cravings and my hunger knew no bounds. I felt famished, even once I finished off the huge plate of food.

Getting another, I was halfway through with the second plate of lasagna, but then suddenly had the urge to puke...once again.

My forehead felt all sweaty as I got up, grabbed the water bottle and rushed back upstairs.

When I got closer towards the room, I tiptoed swiftly into the bathroom and emptied all the lasagna out my stomach.

I felt sick and I couldn't keep anything down. From the huge sundae I had to the lasagna. At first, I thought it was some type of food poisoning maybe or maybe one of the flavors I had become allergic to? But then I started adding all my symptoms up.

I felt lightheaded and exhausted, hunger craved for food and when I finally ate, I end up puking it all out. Then there's the situations with these unexpected high temperatures. THATS WHEN I STARTER TO WORRY.

I racked my brain for any clues that could help me figure out what was going on with my health, but then something came to me.

My periods weren't like usual girls, it was irregular. Usually you get a period for a week each month, but mines always came late. I had mines each two to three months and it lasted way longer.

I tried to remember the last time I had my period. Then I remembered it was before I met Arthur. A week before at most. I had been in extreme pain with the cramps and my mood didn't help either.

Then I counted how long I've been here. I hadn't gotten one since then, and it's been about 1 in a half or 2 months since I've been staying with Tristan.

I should have gotten my period somewhere around this week. I checked my undergarments and found nothing. I didn't get it yet.

Thats when I started to get crazy thoughts. I left the bathroom and searched for a electronic I could do a little research on.

I left the room once again and strolled down the stairs. I walked down the corridors and found myself standing in front of a room.

I entered without much thought, and sighed in relief to find a Gray laptop resting on the wooden table.

Opening it, I instantly groaned. It was protected with a password. Probably Tristan's.

I typed in numerous things, but none of it worked. I didn't know anything about him except for what he had already told me or what I already knew.

I tried to remember what his birthday was from Wikipedia when I researched him a few years back, but I completely ignored the details about his birth.

Groaning in frustration, I pulled the end of my hair and bit down on my bottom lip. I concentrated on what it could be.

Thats when I remembered how much he claimed he cared and loved me. I tried my name and anything he could have known about me, but it was all incorrect.

I was about to give up when it said only one last try before the laptop was locked due to numerous attempts at signing into it, but then I remembered something.

He had this admiration for the nickname he gave me. I tried Kooky, and to my surprise, it actually worked.

Bingo! I finally got in. Going to Google, I searched in symptoms of pregnancy. It felt hella weird to search this, but I had to.

I gasped loudly when I got the search results.

Even though I didn't have all the signs of early pregnancy, I did have a few of them. That meant, there was a slight chance I could be....

'No! This could be anything, Alina. Do not say anything about the word pregnant!' My head scolded me.

If I actually was, everything in my life would change. Not only that, things would be complicated and especially now that I know about Tristan's previous kids.

Though, I wasn't gonna make any conclusions until I was sure. And the only way to be sure about it was to either get a check up or get a pregnancy test.

So without another thought, I got up and ran out of the room, but not without clearing the search history and shutting the door back.

I wasn't thinking about what I was about to do, I only needed to know if what was happening to me had anything to do with a baby. I would be on the verge of insanity and distress if I didn't find out ASAP!

Going to the driver, I immediately started shouting orders. "Take me to the store! Please, right now!"

He looked at me weirdly and concern. I held the urge to roll my eyes and scream at him. I didn't know why I felt like that, but I was feeling extra moody while waiting for him to finally accept.

"Madam, I don't think..." He stopped when I gave him a hard cold glare.

"I need to consult with Mr. Turner and get the permission to take you anywhere. I am sorry, but I cannot drive you anywhere without his consent."

I narrowed my eyes on him and sighed. "Please, I promise I will let him know and I will not get you in trouble. Please, its urgent and I can only know about this." I pleaded to him.

"Madam..." The driver continued, but I expressed all my emotions in one blow, taking him aback in shock.

"Please, sir. I need to go to the store and confirm something. It will only be a few minutes, and I promise you won't get in trouble."

He finally sighed and let in. "Okay, Madam. Please hurry." He said, although I could notice the panic in his voice.

I didn't wait another moment and I slid into the backseat.  The moment I did, the engine started and we pulled out of the estate.

I wasn't worried about getting in trouble with Tristan for leaving without his knowledge, I was worried about what I would find out.

'God please not let it be what I think it is...!' I crossed my finger and closed my eyes, praying to god that things wouldn't turn out to be.....true.

But not every wish comes true.....

In Love With The Enemy: A Love and Hate Story Book #1Where stories live. Discover now