38. Try again or fail Completely

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Rosetta Delilah Seinfeld - Rosa rara e delicata che cresce solo una volta nella vita.

"Cool..." I mumbled curiously. "If only I could decipher what this meant?"

"A rare and delicate rose that only grows once in a lifetime." I was taken by surprise when I looked up to find Tristan calmly standing there with folded arms as he looked at me with amusement.

Tristan Pov:

I was coming from my office and was about to go up and take a shower, when I caught a glance at a girl who roamed around. It was Alina obviously.

I had given her space because I knew she wouldn't want to see me whatsoever at all. Staying away from her deliberately wasn't easy, but I tried my best.

Watching her leave my eyesight, I completely forgotten of taking any shower and instead followed her. The direction she was going told me she was going to the art room. It wasn't really a room I went to, but when I did, I looked at the paintings and drawings.

My theory was proven correct when she opened the wooden door and took two rights and a left. I followed behind her and stood there watching her as she admired the sketch a old woman.

Her brows furrowed in curiosity and confusion as she tried to figure out what the words meant. "Cool..." She mumbled. "If only I could decipher what this meant?"

I folded my arms and answered her question, which wasnt actually directed towards me. "A rare and delicate rose that only grows once in a lifetime."

She jumped a little and turned to find me standing a few inches away from her. "What are you doing here?" She asked me, questionably.

"I am here because you are here..." I responded calmly.

She gave me a questionable look and turned around. "Well you don't need to be here just because I am."

"But I want to be so I will..." I said back.

"Well if you're going to be here, then I will leave and you can stay." Alina grumbled. She left her spot and walked back in a hurry. I swiftly followed behind her.

"We need to talk..." I told her. She had been trying to avoid me as much as possible lately, and I've let her. Now it was time to talk about what she was avoiding me for.

"No, we don't need to talk about anything." She said back in a high pitched tone. "There's nothing to talk about between you and me."

I quickened my pace and caught up to her. Wrapping my arm around her waist and grabbing her wrist, she had no other choice but to halt.

"Let me go!" She spat and tried to wriggle out of my arms. "No, not until we sit down and communicate with each other on what's bothering you so much about that kiss." I said as softly as I could.

Alina gave me a death glare and continued to move. "Stop it! Tell me why you are so bothered by it." I asked again, but she turned and didn't give me any answer.

"Alina! Answer me right now!" My voice got higher and more serious, making her flinch a little. She still didn't answer.

I hardened my grip on her waist and wrist, making her yelp and turn back to me with an angered face. "Stop!"

"Not until you answer my question. I need to know." My grip lessened just a little bit, but it was still tight around her.

"You should know by now that I only went out with you because you demanded it. I felt it was a good way to show some gratitude that you spared my brothers life. It meant nothing else to me but that. So you kissing me was way out of line." She confessed.

I felt a huge pang in my heart as if someone was beating it over and over. "So for you, it was nothing but some twisted reciprocation?" I asked in disbelief.

She nodded slowly. "Yes, that's all it was." Her voice held so much honesty and confidence that you'd probably believe her, but I knew her better than that. Her facial expressions and eyes told that she is lying. Her pupils dilated and her I could see the hesitation on her face.

Alina might want to convince me that what happened that night was nothing but showing some stupid gratitude, but I knew she was trying to convince herself that. She couldn't couldn't convince me, though.

"And we both know that what you're saying is not true." I wanted her to admit that it was more than what she is saying it was, but she didn't. "No, what I'm saying so the truth. Now, you will need to be the one to get it in your head already...that What happened that night was nothing to me. And neither was that kiss." She continued struggling in my arms. I loosened my grip and let her leave.

She was walking back to her room, but turned around and gave me one last glance and just a few simple words. "And that's why I can't forgive that. You know kissing me wasn't right and you can't put this on me either. This was all on you, so don't come and ask me what I felt. I felt nothing." And with those words, she left me standing there.

I sighed and shut my eyes, needing a minute to myself. "I will not believe that." I gritted. Whether she wanted to be or not, she was mines. Alina is in my possesion and I will never let her go.

She won't slip out of my hands so easily. I didn't care that she was purposefully denying the fact she felt something for me. I knew what she was doing. She was trying to protect her heart from a devil like me. Though she should know her heart wasn't as guarded as she thought. By her actions, I had already engraved myself in it.

I was gonna either gonna Try Again or Fail Completely. I wasn't a failure or failed at anything. So, I wasn't gonna fail this either.

I was just gonna Try Again....but a little more harder each time until she couldn't deny the fact there was something between us.

A fatal attraction? An infatuation? Some obsession? Who knows what it is, but we both felt whatever it was.

She was my sweet downfall and I was her bittersweet hell. We weren't made for each other, but Alina was going to be mines regardless. I never played by the rules, I broke them.

I had broken her beyond repair, and I was going to fix her with everything I have.

Only I didn't know while I tried to repair her, I was breaking myself in the process. That while she became stronger with my strength, I became weaker. Even before I knew it, she was defienetely my sweet downfall. Eventually we all break, but I wouldn't ever think she would be the one to break me....

In Love With The Enemy: A Love and Hate Story Book #1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin