33. The family Dinner

Start from the beginning

"Mm hmm, is that so?"

"Yes mom, it is so..."

"Ouuuu, Alina has a boyfriend!" Ashley teased her.

Her face turned crimson red and she looked down to hide it. "Noo, I don't. He isn't my boyfriend. I could never love him more than a friend..." She said. It wasn't actually a lie though. Tristan and her could never love each other, they weren't even friends. If anything...they were enemies.

"Uh huh, I'm not falling for it..." Ashley folded her arms and laid back in the chair, her eyes never leaving Alina.

She cleared her throat and began eating, although she didn't have an appetite for anything. They hit her with different questions and she gave short answers, but they weren't in the least of satisfied.

"What's going on, Alina. You seem off, somewhat." Her mother asked, worry for her daughter evident on her face.

"I...it's nothing. It's just weird being here, I guess." She shrugged, hoping they would take her lie and move on.

"Yeah, maybe so..." A small sigh erupted from Alina when she noticed that her mother has accepted her response and didn't continue pestering her with questions.

"Yeah, you should. It was you who left anyway." Victoria sneered from across the table. Alina had decided to ignore her and continue eating.

Ashley tried to make funny jokes to erase the awkward and uncomfortable tension, but it did nothing.

Bryce hadn't said a thing the entire dinner, instead he ate in silence and gave his attention completely to whatever he was looking at on his phone.

Alina was starting to get more and more uncomfortable each passing second while Victoria glared at her, and her sister and mother occasionally gave her questionable looks.

Eventually, the plan popped inside her head and she abruptly cleared her throat. "Excuse me, can I speak with you outside, brother?" She asked Bryce sweetly.

Alina's hand started to tremble and she hid it under the table so no one would notice, but Victoria noticed every single odd detail about her. She definitely knew something was up with her, and she didn't trust Alina with her twin brother.

"Why can't you speak to him here. We're all family. Anything you need to say to him, you can say to all of us."

Alina stopped and looked at her. "Its a private matter, Vicki. So please, just let me be, will you?"

A frown settled on Bryce's face as he eyed both of his sisters in confusion. Victoria was warning him with her eyes not to go, while Alina tried her best to get him outside.

If the family dinner went wrong before the plan could elope, Tristan would have her head in the most painful way. Alina shuddered with the thought of facing his wrath.

He sighed. "Its okay, Vick. I'll just be a minute. Let's go." Her brother stood up from the table and Alina followed him outside to the lawn.

Once they were out of earshot, she started speaking. "So, how have you been brother? It's been some time, don't you think?" She asked him nervously.

"Seriously, Lee? Did you just bring me out here to ask that?"

"I-uh no..." She stammered. "Can I bring you somewhere?"

He looked at her with suspicion like Victoria had done. Bryce wondered why she was acting strange and what she wanted to show him.

"Why? What is it?" He asked, raising his brow.

In Love With The Enemy: A Love and Hate Story Book #1Where stories live. Discover now