32. Ready or not, here I go

Start from the beginning

"Can you please go. I need privacy, which means space that doesn't include your presence."

He feigned ignorance as he looked at her with confusion. "What's that again, my dearest kooky?" He asked her, his voice calm like the sea.

Out of all the times he could have done this, he chose to do it on that day. She tried her hardest to stay calm, hoping it would keep her feelings and senses at bay.

"Lets not start with this, I can't handle your shit right now. I'm a bag of fucking nerves in which you implanted with the heartbreak you constantly remind me of doing to my family, today. I'm trying to keep my composure, but your presence disgusts me. I need fresh air, to try and breathe freely without you breathing up my neck every single second." Alina voiced her thoughts out to him.

Tristan knew what he was doing, hoping it would somehow distract her but it only irritated her more. The thought of her thinking of him as nothing but a disgrace, hurt something deep down inside him in which he hid impressively behind the cold stoic face of his.

Doing as she asked, he sighed and left the room. While Alina applied makeup to her naturally beautiful face and curled her long brunette locks, Tristan freshened himself up and dressed into a pair of stripped black jeans, with a matching black shirt and a black leather jacket. He styled his raven hair backwards, giving him a badass killer look.

A few minutes later, Alina had finished geting dressed. She lastly wore a beautiful diamond necklace and a pair of diamond studs. Just as the time hit 4:25, she was completely done.

Tristan checked his watch and went back to Alina's room, finding her breathtakingly gorgeous. From head to toe, she was a goddess in the flesh. He gulped and looked somewhere else. The beauty she possessed was like the sun to his eyes.

"We have about 30 minutes before we leave. I need you to pack, we won't be coming back here anytime soon. I have something I need to do, so I'll be waiting for you once thirty minutes pass." He told her in a casual manner.

"But...what? Where are we gonna go?" She asked innocently. Her mind was confused as of why they wouldn't come back to the mansion any time soon. No doubt she was happy about it, but she was suspicious of what he had planned up his sleeve.

"Just do it," He said, opening the door.

Instead of making a big argument, she nodded and packed up a few clothing items in which she could use for a day or two. She was sure that, wherever a billionaire like him went, nothing was really needed...because everything would be right in front of you.

She packed a few dresses and heels, more than enough shirts, and put a good amount of bottoms in there, including undergarments.

Tristan had went to his office and dialed Trevor. "Do they know what to do, today?" He asked the moment the phone picked up.

"Yes, they know. Everything has been in place for today, Sir." Tristan was pleased with the response he got.

He spoke with Trevor for a few minutes more about upcoming deals and etc; "I will be back in New York tomorrow afternoon. Make sure everything is perfect before we arrive."

"We?" Trevor asked, making a slight smile appear upon Tristan's face.

"Alina will accompany me at my mansion once we leave from California." He informed him.

"Oh Okay, Sir." He replied.

Tridtan gave a goodbye and hung up, leaving out of his office and into Alina's room to see if she was ready.

"Are you done, yet." He asked and she nodded, holding a Louis Vuitton suitcase full of clothing.

"Alright, let's get going then..." He walked out with Alina behind him as one of his men brought the suitcase along.

They both sat down in the back seat of the limousine, the space filling up with awkward silence.

"You know I am gonna poison you for this." Alina mumbled to Tristan. He chuckled, amused by what she said. "Be my guess, but don't get high hopes on it."

She rolled her eyes and averted her attention to the beautiful landscapes they passed during the ride to the airstrip, where they would be taking his private jet to California.

They didn't utter another word to each other the entire ride, and on the plane. Alina spent her hours trying to sleep or gaze out of the window into the sky.

The jet landed on an airstrip in San Francisco, 45 minutes away to their destination. Tristan and Alina took his white lamborghini aventador s coupe the rest of the way. A few other expensive cars with his men and guards followed behind them.

As Alina passed through the streets, her body squirted uncomfortably. Her lips trembled furiously as the memories of her childhood, came back and filled her brain.

Tears formed in her eyes, remembering all the good times when she couldn't wait to grow up and live her fairytale. She blinked them away, refusing to cry. She had to be strong. Weakness wasn't allowed, so she hid the pain with an arrogant face and fake happiness.

Tristan saw the swirl of emotions in her eyes and the color of her face pale as her body shook. He tried to hold her hand to give her comfort, but she quickly jerked it away.

Her heart hammered in her chest once they pulled into the neighborhood of Atherton. Every single mansion they passed held some good memory of her life. She looked at the homes of her old friendly neighbors, and couldn't help but let a tear fall the moment Tristan stopped in front of the huge mansion which she spent her 19 years.

Tristan stopped the car and masked his face with a serious expression. "Do you remember the plan?" He asked her.

She nodded. "Yes, I d-do..."

Alina told him. He gave a curt nod and told her he'd be watching her every move from afar. " Do not mess this up, Alina," He warned her.

"I...I won't." She assured him and opened the door with her trembling hands.

The moment she got out of the car, he pulled out of the driveway and down the street to not give off suspicion. His men followed his lead as Alina walked up to the huge door which leads inside everything she left behind.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself. Opening her eyes, she knocked lightly on the door.

A few seconds later, the door opened, revealing the happy old face of her mother and her joyous emotional sister. Her face instantly paled and her breathing became erratic.

"Lina!!" Ashley boomed, her voice thick with emotion. "Ash-ashley.." She spoke, acknowledging her younger sister.

Her mother and sister both rushed to engulf her in a big breath taking hug, their eyes brimming up with tears.

"Its been so long, my dear. Do you know how much we all missed you?" Her mother said, tears falling from her emerald eyes.

"I....yes. S-sorry..." Alina stammered painfully.

"Come, my dear. Your other sister and brother are waiting for you. Let's have a beautiful dinner and make new happy memories. What do you say?" Malinda said, and Alina nodded.

She followed them in the mansion with heavy steps and a paled face. She masked those painful emotions and wore the stoic expression in which she always receive from Tristan.

"Ready or not....here I go," Alina thought, walking into the dining hall where she saw the familiar faces of Victoria and Bryce.

There's always the calm of the waves before the storm hits and those waves pull you under, suffocating you, drowning you, and erasing your existence.


In Love With The Enemy: A Love and Hate Story Book #1Where stories live. Discover now