Chapter 5: Disturbing News

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After finishing my daily routine and getting ready, I went downstairs to my huge kitchen where I was served my breakfast.

I went to the office and started to work on more documents while waiting for my colleagues and company to come. It is 7:49 AM. I should expect to see their faces in 10 minutes.

I don't like to wait long, so I hope they take my time seriously, and not be late this morning.

After 9 in a half minutes passed, I heard my phone ring on the table indicating someone is calling. I picked up the phone and answered with my sharp tone. It was my assistant letting me know that my company has arrived.

"Tristan Sir, Mr. Lukasiak and Mr. Bond are here. They also brought their assistants Jade and Conner" Jonah informed me

"Let them in" I replied.

"Okay sir."

I hung up the call and made my way towards the entrance where I will be expecting them to walk in, and greet them professionally.

5 minutes later, I noticed figures walking to the door. I immediately opened the door and shook their hand without a smile.

"Welcome, I have been expecting you" I told them

"We are delighted to be here and so have we" He stated

I blankly stared at them for a few seconds before turning around and heading towards my meeting room, which is between my library and office.

They followed me, and once we went inside the meeting room, we quickly settled in a chair and started our conversation.

They know I don't waste time, when you're conversing with me, I have a low patience towards others, and my strict rules are to get to the point.

"What exactly did you come to talk with me about?" I asked John while staring at Mark. They looked confused for a moment on who I was asking, and I quickly resolved their confusion.

"John, you asked to meet with me. What are you here to talk to me about?" I asked him again

"I came here to talk to you about your ownership of Turner Enterprises. I also asked my assistants, Mark and his to accompany me" He answered

"What about my ownership of Turner Enterprises?" I looked at him with curiosity clearly etched on my face. Why is he here regarding my ownership of Turner Enterprises? It makes no sense, but I am about to find out.

"Your business is going low, due to George Maddox's industries and Incorporation. Even though he died over 5 years ago, his business is still in pursuit.

We might think he's still alive or either his business is being run by someone new, but George's business is trying to take over yours, especially your ownership over it.

I came to discuss how we can resolve this issue as soon as possible." He told me clearly unbothered by a word he just said.

I remember 5 years back my father told me to kill this George Maddox man to prove my worth and that I am strong and capable of running the family business, and I am sure that he's dead.

He can't be alive, I didn't exactly kill him, I ordered a close connection of mines to do it for me, and I know that my rules were followed.

Not until now, I have been getting this news. Someone is trying to take over my business and take my ownership over my company?

I worked hard to get where I am, and I won't allow a single soul to ever jeopardize or affect me, and my work I put effort into.

Time I will never get back, and the stress I put myself through to make sure this company is perfect. Now I'm getting this information?

I will make sure no one touches my company, and pay the price for even attempting this bullshit.

"I will handle this, I don't need any interference, I got this. Thank you for informing me of this attempt, I will handle it and make sure that this doesn't happen." I told them

"You sure you don't need help with this? You can't possibly fix what is happening by yourself, you need us" He told me

"No I don't, I can handle this on my own. I don't need you nor any of your help. Thank you and good day"

"But, you..." Mark started, but I cut him off

"Not another word, I've heard enough. Please find your ways out now"

We all walked out of the meeting room, while Jonah and Trevor were quietly looking at us.

He was about to say something, but noticed my angry expression, and decided against it.

"I will give you a call in a few days" John told me

"Not looking forward to it, but I'll be here to answer" I told him

"Sure thing Tristan" He responded

After their goodbyes, John, Mark and their assistants left my mansion, I headed towards my office to think.

While going over the possibilities, I remembered that George had a family.

Maybe it's one of his kids who are trying to take over my company? I told Jonah and Trevor to find out everything they could about George and his family.

After almost 2 hours, they came back and told me about George and the Maddox family.

"We don't know much about the family, but we do know he has a wife and 4 children. Mrs. Malinda Maddox is a doctor and she is clean, including his 3 children Victoria Maddox, Bryce Maddox, and Ashley Maddox. George has another daughter named Alina Maddox. She is also clean and very smart, but it seems she has made threats towards your name and company. We did a little more digging and found she has an ill feeling towards you and your family. We believe it's because of the incident that occurred with her father, George." Trevor informed me.

"Thank you for this information, keep digging for more information on this Alina Maddox, and update me on her." I told them

"Yes Sir, Tristan" Jonah said

So she has ill feelings towards me and my family?

She has been making threats towards me and my company?

Seems like she might be behind this, but just to be sure, I will get to know this Alina Maddox a little more.

I called my cousin Arthur, and told him to find her, and pay her a visit. We'll see if you're behind this, Miss Maddox, and I will make sure you pay for this. I promised.

In Love With The Enemy: A Love and Hate Story Book #1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz