Professor Cumberbatch~Part 6

Start from the beginning

At this point, your mother had made her way over with her mouth hung open. "No, you don't," your father told you. He then turned to your mother and said, "Call the police." You gripped Ben's hand tighter.

He turned to you with tears running down his cheeks. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "This was all my fault, I shouldn't have dragged you here..." You shushed his rambling with a kiss, making your mother gasp and your father blaze with fury.

"I love you," you shakily told him. He gave you a small smile and wiped your tears away. "I love you, too," he said with the most sincere tone you've ever heard.

Your father ended up charging over and grabbing Ben, pulling him away from you. You cried for him to stop, but Ben didn't fight it. He was thrown to the ground and stayed there. You tried to run to him, but your mother held you back. Ben shook his head at you, letting you know it was okay. You didn't need to fight.

When the police eventually came and your father explained what was going on, Ben was handcuffed and dragged away. You tried to fight back the tears, but it was physically and emotionally impossible. He mouthed, "I love you" and blew you a kiss, before he was thrown into the police car.

Now, you're sitting in between your parents, not listening to anything they or the lawyer is saying, just thinking about Ben. Your Ben. You wondered how he was holding up, what he was thinking. Would he still want to be with you? Can you be with him? Well, of course you will, you'll find away.

Suddenly, the words "restraining order" and "sue" popped up somwhere in the discussion your parents were having with a lawyer and you snapped out of your thoughts.

"I don't want a restraining order," you blurted out. "I don't want to sue him, either. We're together, I love him, it's not illegal." You mother sighed, "You just think you love him. He persuaded you with sex and words."

"Yeah, words he meant," you snapped back. You looked to the lawyer and asked, "Don't I have any say in this?" She nodded, "Of course you do. It's just...well, in your parents statement, it says they would take over and you would have full consent." 

"And I didn't have to sign anything?" You asked in disbelief. The lawyer and your parents looked at each other. You mother stepped in and told you, "You're going to sign everything after dicisions were made." You shook your head at her. You couldn't believe this! "And if I didn't agree to any of it?" You asked. 

You looked to the lawyer, who answered, "Then, your parents would have to, but you'd have to testify in court--."

"Court?! This is not going to court! I am not suing him, I am not getting a restraining order! I am of age and this is all perfectly legal!" Your parents looked to each other in shock. 

"[Y/N]," your father said sternly, "if you decide to be with this pervert, then you are no longer a part of this family." He has little emotion when he said it, which urged you on to say, "Fine." Turning to the laywer, you asked, "Do I need to sign anything, saying that I won't be pressing charges?"

Despite the glares from your parents, she slid over a few pieces of paper. You signed them without hesitation, then stood up to walk out. "Don't even think about contacting us in any way," your father called.

You weren't going to let him have the last word, so you turned to him and said, "I'm pregnant." It was a lie, of course. You and Ben had to be extra careful, but you felt that would just top this whole thing right off. 

After not even getting a glance of your parents' reactions, you walked out with your head held high, but your heart in the pit of your stomach. 


"Alright, mate," Martin said, as he walked into the room Ben was being held in for questioning, "you are a free man." Ben snapped his head up and asked, "What? How? What about [Y/N]? What about--."

"She's fine," Martin assured. "She signed some things that said she won't be pressing charges. As a matter of fact, she's the buzzing topic around this place. Apparently, she stood up to her parents in every way we all wish we could!" 

Ben was in a daze. Did he just ruin your relationship with your parents? Was this all his fault? "Come on," Martin told him. "She's waiting for you." 

Ben slowly got to his feet, his back cracking in every which way from that damn chair. Martin led him through hallways and doors, until they finally ended up in the front of the station. You were the first thing he saw. 

You smiled sheepishly at him and gave a little wave. He smiled, as a police officer came up to him and said, "You need to sign this." Without taking his eyes off you, he signed whatever it was they told him to. "Um, sir," the officer said, "that wasn't on the line..." But Ben ignored him and continued to walk to you. 

He opened his arms and you jumped right in them, hugging the life out of each other. Ben smoothed his hand down your hair and rubbed your back, just enjoying the feel of you again. 

"We can be together," you told him. "The world can't be against us." He brought his head back to look at you with solemn eyes. " your relationship ruined?" He asked. "With your parents? Cause that's the last thing I wanted, you know that." 

You ran your thumb over the creases on his forehead and told him, "It's fine. They were being unreasonable and they wanted to take me away from you. I don't want that." He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you flush against him. 

"I don't want that either," he told you, while nudging his nose against yours. "I love you too damn much to let you go." You smiled and told him, "That's exactly why I stood up for you, for us." He let out a shakey breath and kissed you tenderly. 

Someone cleared their throat right beside you, making you both jump apart and look over. Your parents were standing there with a look of sadness and anger. Of course, your father wasn't going to let you have the last word, so he told you, "I am very dissapointed. I thought you were better than this, but this man and that baby proved me wrong. Goodbye." Your mother looked reluctant to leave, but she went with your father anyways. 

When you looked back to Ben, he had his eyes blown wide and hands clenched into fists on your shirt. "You okay?" You asked him. He opened his mouth, then closed it, and then kept doing that for a few more moments. Finally he just said, "Baby. He" 

Now your eyes went wide. "Oh, no, no, no," you quickly told him. "I'm not...I'm not pregnant." A wave of dissapointment washed over his face, but it was gone as quick as it came. "Then what did he mean by...?"

"I told them I was because I wanted the last word and I couldn't just leave without something to give them. I know, it was stupid and it just ruined things even mo--." You were cut off by one of his hot kisses. When he pulled back, he smirked deviously and said, "You are so naughty." 

You let out a hearty laugh, as relief washed over you. "I guess it was pretty bad, wasn't it? Now, if they decide they wanted to meet their non-exsistand granchild, we'll be caught." He chuckled, while splaying his hand over your stomach. 

"Well, I mean, it doesn't have to be non-exsistant. If you want children, I would be more than happy to give you as many as you want." It's a good thing he was holding you because you were about to swoon! 

"Maybe after I get settled with...everything," you told him. "I mean, I did just graduate a few hours ago. And...I got a job. I was going to announce it tonight, but...things sort happened."

Ben looked at you in expectation. "Well, what job?" He asked excitedly. You winced at him and said, "It's in New York..." 

It was silent for a moment, just Ben staring at you with a gaping mouth and wide eyes (again). Slowly, he started to come out of it; stroking your back and a small smile creeping up. "I...I, um...I guess we're moving to New York then." 


Crap. I kind of want to write a short Epologue...but I'll leave that up to you! Let me know!

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