Katsuki growled a little. "So? What you wanna know?"

"How about the girls? What is their connection to you? I mean, their scent is all over you!" Her voice was teasing.

Katsuki grimaced again. "Oh, we are friends! Cuddle buddies if you want." Mina said when Katsuki remained silent. She had a big grin on her face.

"Oh, really? I never thought, he would be a cuddle type ..." Mitsuki raised an eyebrow and looked at her son.

"Oh, you have no idea! He loves it. Even though he doesn't like to show it." Ochako smiled too.

"Well, omegas like to cuddle after all, so it's not that much of a surprise." Inko said.

"But the funniest thing is how this happened in the first place!" Ochako started.

"Oi! Cheeks! Don't you fucking dare!" Katsuki exploded.

"Oh, shut it, brat! Let her tell!" Mitsuki hit him on the head.

"Well, after he presented he was very focused on Deku's scent, but he didn't want to admit it, so he went to Kirishima. He got super jealous that I usually hung out with Deku. And then he learned that Mina and Kirishima were cuddle buddies. He was so pissed and for days it reeked of his scent." Ochako explained.

"Yeah! But then Eijiro and Izuku grabbed him and talked with him. Turned out, he was just jealous but too proud to ask for cuddles. They convinced him, that everything was okay, and they didn't have a problem to cuddle with him. They brought us along so that he wouldn't get jealous, that we still were close to them. Well ... yeah, that's the story." Mina giggled at the end.

Mitsuki laughed. "Really? But yeah, I can imagine that. He was always pissed off, if he didn't get what he wanted as a pup."

"I am not jealous!" Katsuki screamed. He blushed hard and this made the others laugh.

"Sure, pup", Mitsuki grins. Inko released some calming pheromones. She didn't want this to escalate.

"So you get along with Izuku again?" she asked.

Katsuki turned to her, his face got softer. "Yeah, we ... started to be friends again ..." he answered.

Inko smiled at him sadly. "That's good to hear ... please take care of him, when he gets out of this mess."

"I will do that. I know that it is not his fault ..." Katsuki gulped.

"I am impressed that you managed to get two alphas on your side. Without them trying to fight each other." Mitsuki mumbled. "I remember that I had a huge fight with this one male alpha when we were in high school. It was about a cute omega. She got scared so much and we got detention for it." She reminisced.

"Oh, right, you are an alpha" Mina mumbled.

"The wild days, huh?" Ochako added.

"Pretty much! But I tell you, this guy never tried to take something from me! Bastard was so scared afterwards, couldn't go near me for the rest of high school!" She had a wide grin on her face. The girls could definitely see where Katsuki came from. The resemblance was stunning.

"Oi, old hag, no one wants to hear about that!" He had an annoyed look on his face.

"Ah, shut up, Katsuki!" she smacked him again.

"Stop hitting me, you hag!" He exploded. He jumped off of the chair. He fired off a few explosions.

"Then don't talk to me like that, you brat!" she got up herself. They stared each other down. "And don't you dare use your quirk like that!"

"Hey, it's okay, please stop!" Inko got up too and tried to calm them down. Mitsuki sighed and sat down again. Ochako and Mina moved to Katsuki and pressed him in the chair again. They stood left and right of him now. Katsuki pouted. Ochako patted his hair.

Inko smiled at that. She was glad, that Katsuki was doing well. Mitsuki had told her, that he was an omega. It was a big surprise for Inko; she always thought he came after his mother. She was surprised that Izuku had turned into an alpha as well. It was like the complete opposite of what everyone expected.

They talked a little more about everything that happened, the girls were very amused about Mitsuki's antics.

It got relatively late when the two adults decided to head home. They said goodbye to the other students and left UA. Katsuki sighed heavily. He was glad that his mother was gone.

After dinner he immediately went to bed. Tomorrow the renovation of their building would be done, so they could finally go back. He preferred to sleep in his own nest.

Hawks flew over the city. He just left Endeavor's agency. He had tried to calm the man down but it was hard. He was so in rage, he personally took the case to find the second alpha. He would talk with Savage tomorrow. Hawks would – again – accompany him.

The winged hero spotted something on top of a building. He changed course and landed seconds later on the roof. "Whatcha doing here?" The hero asked the other person. He hadn't seen him in a while.

Dabi's gaze was cold. He sat at the edge of the roof, feet dangling over it. "None of your business", he growled a little. Damn, he was pissed off too.

"Hmpf, c'mon! You can tell me. I am a good therapist" Hawks teased.

Dabi snarled. "Don't make me laugh ..." he was not amused.

Hawks wings rustled a bit in the wind. He sat down next to Dabi. "No, seriously! You can talk to me. I had to calm down a pissed of alpha, so I can handle an omega", he said.

"Tch ..." Dabi sniffed. "Urgh, you reek ..."

"Oh, sorry, yeah. Endeavor can be a bit much."

"Endeavor?" Dabi growled; his eyes full of hatred. "Why was he pissed off?" There was a slight hint of curiosity in his voice.

"His son got bitten and is now fucking crazy. Shoto is an alpha you know ... He doesn't like that."

Dabi's head shot around. His eyes were wide. "What?!"

"Yeah, it was kinda my fault, I let the girl slip past me ... Shoto and three other alphas turned completely feral."

Dabi stared at him. "Fucking hell, so that's what happened ..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Hawks looked confused.

"Ah ... Shigaraki is acting strange lately ... he said he was bitten by some omega-chick about three month ago. He was badshit crazy for a while and we had to lock him up. It's better now, but he is still more aggressive then usual ..."

"Oh! Shit ... that doesn't sound good."

"It really isn't ..."

Hawks was kind of relieved. Three month to get a little better? He had to relay the information's to UA at some point. If someone as unstable as Shigaraki could get better, then it was more than possible for the students to do the same.

The wind turned and Hawks got hit with Dabi's scent. He sniffed the air and his eyes widened. "You ..."

Dabi shot him a glare. "I better go now." With that the villain stood up, turned around and headed for the door. He seemed in a hurry all of a sudden.

Hawks looked after him. Huh, who would have thought ...

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon