Chapter 49

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The Exam - Part 4

Ochako and Tsuyu finally arrived at Ryukyu's site. They snuck up from behind. "We need to do that quick, ribbit" Then Tsuyu asked over the radio. "Hey, Cellophane, how far are you with your preps? We could use some of your tape closer to where we are, ribbit."

'I am done here, I'll make my way over to you. Oh, Tsukuyomi, are you able to lure Hawks to the location where my tape is?'

A few seconds later, Tokoyami answered. 'I'll try it.'

The line clicked and both girls prepared for the fight. Ryukyu was roaming around airborne. She must have seen the fight between Koda and Ectoplasm, as well as the attempts of Ojiro and Aoyama to fight against Pixie Bobs creatures. She could have helped, but this would probably a little bit too much.

She was suddenly jumped on by something and only a second later her whole body lost its weight. It was a very strange feeling and she needed some time, to adjust to it. She was used to flying, but not, when she couldn't feel her body weight. Ochako was somewhere on her, but she couldn't feel where.

Tokoyami grabbed onto Hawks' leg. The pro whistled. "You caught me" he grinned before he was being thrown in the opposite direction, where Sero's tape was. Hawks took the bait, and flew in this direction. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he had noticed that one of the students, was there earlier.

The area was much darker, despite being in broad daylight. But the alley was covered by some very high buildings and only a few rays of sunshine came through. He landed and waited for Tokoyami. He was covered in Dark Shadow now. It looked really cool.

"I will end this now. The abyss will swallow you." He mumbled mysteriously. Hawks raised his eyebrows.

Dark Shadow grew in size. It wasn't nearly as dark as it should be, but it would do, he wasn't here to seriously injure Hawks. Dark Shadow roared and a shudder washed over the pro. This was cool!

He turned on his heel and with two more steps he jumped off the ground. He needed to get higher! The alley was too small to properly fly. He could hear the raging beast behind him. Unfortunately, the roofs of the buildings left only tight spots, and when ever he tried to get higher, Dark Shadow's claw was over him, stopping him from squeezing through it.

Keigo knew that he was in a trap. He cursed under his breath. "Damn you, Tsukuyomi!" But all of a sudden, he crashed into something. He saw it the last second but it was too late and he couldn't dodge it. The tape was placed in a way, that from Hawks' position, he could only see the thin side of it. That's why he hadn't noticed it earlier. His wings got caught in the tape and the more he struggled, the more he wrapped himself in it. He crashed to the ground.

Dark Shadow was over him. And slowly Tokoyami arose from the darkness. "I am sorry for using cheap tricks. But you're still too fast" he murmured, while the cuffs clicked around Hawks' wrists.

"Nah, it's okay. I could've avoided it." The pro just shrugged. Still covered in tape, Hawks sat on the ground, he looked up to Tokoyami as he wrapped Dark Shadow back around him and went airborne to aid his friends.

Shinso had spotted Eraser Head, he was now targeting Momo. While she had escaped Edgeshot, she was now being cornered by the other pro. Hitoshi thought of what he could do, since it was just the two of them and Eraser Head looked at Momo all the time, so he couldn't impersonate her with his Persona Cords.

Eraser Head had her wrapped in his bindings, because of his Quirk she couldn't do anything. The beast inside of Hitoshi growled when he saw the Omega in need. Momo and he weren't really close, but still.

Without thinking he tackled Eraser Head. Hitoshi hoped he could overpower him. He was bigger than the pro, and physically stronger. And if he didn't use a quirk to begin with, there was nothing that he could erase.

Shota was surprised when Hitoshi tackled him. He let go of his grip on Momo and tried to defend himself, when the feral Alpha pressed him against the wall. He got his legs up and kicked Hitoshi against the chest. The student let go and Shota used his capture weapon do bind Hitoshi instead.

But the alpha was stronger, he grabbed the binding cloths and used it against his teacher. He bared his teeth and even though he didn't use alpha commands. A shudder ran through Shota. His feral presence was intimidating nonetheless.

Both teacher and student struggled within the binding cloths. But they could escape their grasps last second, before the other one could really seal the deal.

Hitoshi growled. "Just stop it" his voice was deep, Shota was however not dumb enough to answer.

"Shinso!" Momo shouted. He turned them both around and suddenly, the pro was hit with something. His arms were now glued to his body and he couldn't move. He looked towards Momo and he saw, that she had created one of those cement guns that they frequently used during exams.

"Hmpf, clever." He mumbled.

"Good, we got him" Hitoshi freed himself from the binding cloths and wrapped the pro tightly in it. "Now we need to find Lemillion." He looked over to the pro. "We won't cuff you yet, you need to do something for us first."

"Oh?" but this response was enough for Shinso. Shota's mind went blank.

Denki ran for his life. Gang Orca was behind him. He used his hypersonic waves but luckily Denki was too far away for them to be really effective. But he needed to be closer too, to get maximum effect out of his quirk.

He tried to shoot his pointers but Gang Orca could dodge them easily with his waves. How was he supposed to fight against this guy? And why was Yuga not here for a distraction? What took him so long?

What he didn't realize was that he had moved closer to the area, Present Mic was in. The other Pro had spotted him. "OH HEEEYYYYY" Denki got hit by Voice and he had to cover his ears. Dammit! One with hypersonic waves and one with a super loud voice, why did he have to deal with those two?

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Hizashi yelled. From the other side he could feel a blast of Gang Orca's waves that hit him. He wanted to cry out, but no! He had to come up with something! Everyone was giving their best! He didn't want to loose here! Not after what happened last year.

With tears in his eyes from the pain, he charged at Present Mic. He shot his pointer to distract him for just a few seconds. He had to jump out of the way of another booming voice, at least away from the strongest part.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YEEEEEAAAAAAAH!" Present Mic tried to keep Denki at bay, usually people wouldn't come closer due to the loud sounds. But Denki powered through it. His ears were already bleeding. The last few meters Denki jumped, he tackled Present Mic and hugged him tightly. He then turned them around so Present Mic was facing Gang Orca.

And then Denki released the pent up electricity, and Present Mic screamed. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" It was a high painful scream and even though Denki was behind him, the sheer volume almost broke his ear drums. Gang Orca was hit by the quirk directly and he staggered. He covered his ears too.

Half conscious, Denki grabbed Present Mic's handcuffs and put them on the pro's wrists. Then he tumbled over to Gang Orca. His head was spinning, he had to cuff him. He was halfway out due to his own quirk, but the hypersonic waves and the almost deafening voice were not good either. He fell to his knees in front of Gang Orca. He grabbed his own cuffs and managed to at least cuff one arm, before he passed out.

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat