Chapter 66

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Some explanations for the alphas.

The alphas were running through the forest, as fast as they could. They should keep up with Kairi, without using quirks. She used her insane Parcour skills to jump through the trees. Izuku could see why Ian was so good at it.

Izuku was able to jump at a similar speed through the trees and Jurota was fast too, but the others struggled a bit. Tenya was good at running even without his quirk, but the uneven terrain made it hard. Besides his Parcour skills weren't as good.

"C'mon! You won't loose against an old woman, will you?" she yelled back.

"Old woman?" Tetsutetsu gasped completely out of breath. He and Eijiro struggled the most, they weren't the speediest people after all.

After about an hour of nonstop running through the forest, they stopped at another clearing. With the exception of Izuku and Jurota, every student was really out of breath, even Tenya. Kairi scoffed. "We need to work on your condition too. It's terrible. You couldn't keep up with me."

"Not everyone is used to this" Eijiro almost suffocated.

"That sounds like a You-problem. I thought heroes must be trained and all. How are you supposed to help people if you are too slow and out of breath after a little bit of running and jumping?" She stretched a little while talking.

"Anyway, the others are still training against the alpha commands. We will do that too, but not at this extend. You are alphas and the chance to meet a prime alpha is ... low. The alpha population is currently at roughly 15% and only about 0,1% out of that 15% are prime alphas. That brings it roughly about one million prime alphas." She explained.

"But that's still a lot. The teachers said prime alphas are very rare." Tenya said.

"Yes, they are very rare. It's only about 0,015% in total. One million sounds a lot, but we are almost at eight billion people. Plus this is world wide, not just Japan. Prime alpha population is very far spread. So you won't run into them on a daily. Plus many people hide the fact, that they are prime for good reasons."

"Why is that?" Shoto asked.

"Believe it or not, they are hunted down for their power. Not every prime alpha is a good or trained fighter like I am. Most primes that I met were terrified that they could be targeted. They didn't know how to control their powers and they were shy about alpha commanding people. T'was confusing for them and it scared them. Y'know Ian lived as beta for almost three years, after he was targeted by a group that hunted primes down."

"What? I would have never guessed that!" Izuku mumbled. "Everyone so far told me, that prime alphas are these strong, invincible creatures and that I have to be especially careful."

"Bullshit. We are normal people too, at least most of us anyway. Of course there are exceptions! Like in All for One's case. Or for example Shango in Africa. Téramos in Greece. The Madgod in Spain, Mr. Sky in Russia, or Loup-Garou in France. But this is more them being psychopaths besides being prime alphas. But there are many betas and omegas in power positions too."

"W-wait, come again? What do you mean with Loup-Garou? He's a prime?" Izuku looked confused.

Kairi raised her eyebrows. "Yes? How do you know about Loup-Garou?"

"Uh, the girl, Savage, the one who bit us, talked about a guy named Loup-Garou and Endeavor and Hawks are after him. You should really tell Mr. Aizawa about this!"

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt