Chapter 73

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Katsuki is feeling sick the next day.

The fifth day started in a somewhat negative mood, after the story from last night. The alphas were already warming up again, Izuku, Eijiro and Shoto were completely unmotivated because of the tiredness.

Katsuki woke up pretty late, it was really hard for him to get up. He felt groggy and sick to his stomach. He was sweating really heavily too. "Morning Kacchan" Denki greeted him.

"Morning ..." he mumbled. He forced himself up on his feet. The world spun around for a few seconds.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Denki looked concerned. Hanta and Fumikage looked over to him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, maybe I stood up too fast?" He stretched and put some cloths on. Denki looked still concerned but didn't say anything. Together the four of them went outside.

Hound Dog ushered them to the training ground, he looked at Katsuki with a weird look but didn't say anything.

The training was very hard for him this morning, he didn't know what was wrong with him. Did he catch a cold? Did he eat something bad? Had one of the spiders bitten him and he was turning into spider man? Everything but this, please!

He was doing some push ups with Denki and Hanta, when the first wave of sickness hit him. He could hold it in however, so after some sips of water, he was ready to go again. "Hey man, you really don't look good" Denki mumbled.

"I am fucking fine! Maybe I ate something bad yesterday. It won't kill me." He growled.

"If you say so ..."

They got back to training again, this would be a very long morning ...

The alphas had again their special training, Kairi, Ian and Jesper had prepared the forest the last night. They had placed some 'treasures' and they had to find them with their alpha senses.

They all entered the Zone, even though they were afraid. It wasn't perfect but as Kairi had told them, it was easier to control than the last time. She promised them, that they would get the rest of the day off, when the last treasure was found.

They didn't know what kind of treasure it was but they thought that it had something to do with their sense of smell. Mezo was immediately checking the area with a lot of noses.

Izuku jumped through the treetops, he was in full on Zone mode and his sense of smell was incredibly heightened. He could even smell the others in the camp. He continued to jump through the trees.

Hitoshi and Shoto looked more on the ground. If they had at least a clue as to what they were searching for ...

They all continued to look, while Kairi was monitoring them. She wondered who would win. They had placed a treasure for each person. She sat on an overturned tree trunk and listened to them. Her thoughts drifted off a little.

Katsuki lay in the grass during their break. He was still hot and sweating like crazy. Some light explosions crackled in his hands as a result of that. He wasn't feeling well at all. He had eaten half of a sandwich, before the nausea hit him and he had to stop. He had one arm over his eyes, while the other hand rubbed slowly circles over his upset stomach. What was wrong with him?

Ian and Jesper came out of the forest, Ian looked like a zombie at this point. He had big, dark circles under his eyes, he was constantly yawning and even though his eyelids were heavy, he still couldn't find sleep.

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