Chapter 50

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The Exam - Part 5

Tenya finally arrived at Midnights location. "Oh, so you are my enemy? This will be very interesting, class rep! Were you a naughty boy?" she smiled sadistically.

"I am sorry Miss Midnight, but I have no time for your games. I am just here to end this." Tenya said. He focused on Midnight.

"Uuuh, always so serious! I like it" she chuckled. "You naughty alpha."

Tenya growled. This was very inappropriate behavior. He sped up and run towards Midnight. But she jumped to the side. She lashed her whip at him and suddenly, Tenya could feel how his helmet came off.

"Don't think that my whip is just for pleasure purposes." She smiled more, showing her teeth. She ripped open the thin piece of clothing on her arm and a sweet scent was filling the area quickly. Tenya stopped breathing immediately but he had already inhaled a little bit.

His eyelids became heavy and there was a fog in his head. Dammit, he was careless! He couldn't go down, he was the class representative! How would it look if he just lost like that?

Activating his Recipro, he charged again at Midnight. She laughed and whipped him again. She aimed for his legs and he staggered. He lost control and crashed into a railing. His head was fuzzy. He wanted to sleep ... What could he do? He needed to clear his head! His head was leaning against the cool railing ...

Midnight raised her eyebrows when Tenya suddenly bashed his head multiple times against the metal railing. "Oi, what are you doing?" she asked. He stood up and turned around. His eyes started to glow a little. His forehead was bleeding and the blood ran in streams down his face. He looked terrifying. Midnight's inner alpha was very excited.

Tenya grabbed the handcuffs from his belt, and the engines in his calves started to flare up again. He activated his Recipro Turbo and before Midnight could even react, she could feel how she was pushed to the ground. She hit the asphalt hard with her back and Tenya was on top of her. He didn't waste any time and handcuffed her. "Wow ..." Midnight exhaled and stopped her quirk.

The student stood up and helped her in the process. After a few seconds the air was clear again and he exhaled deeply. "I am sorry, if I hurt you, Miss Midnight."

"No problem, class rep. This was an unusual move – to hit your head against the railing – to get rid of the effects."

"It was the only thing I could think of. Now I have to go. Please, excuse me." She waved him, as he ran back. He needed to know, if the others were doing okay. His head was spinning, not enough to knock him unconscious but it would still affect him.

Suddenly, he felt a presence next to him and seconds later, he was knocked into the next building. He coughed and groaned. What just happened?

Gran Torino sat on one of the cars and he looked down to Tenya. "You're fast, kiddo", he mumbled.

Ojiro and Yuga were still fighting Pixie Bob's creatures. They did this for the last ten minutes and the creatures became bigger and bigger. Whenever one was destroyed, two others came instead. This wasn't good.

Mashirao jumped back but he couldn't move his tail out of the way in time, the creature grabbed him by the tail and it grabbed it hard. He screamed in pain when the creature flung him around it felt like his tail was being ripped out.

Ojiro got smashed into a tree. He felt like he couldn't breathe any longer. The air in his lungs was forced out, and he couldn't get new air in. He saw more lasers being fired, while he lost consciousness.

Pixie Bob jumped over to Ojiro and cuffed him. She had a frown on her face, as she looked at his tail. It was completely twisted and probably broken multiple times. She turned around to face Aoyama. "C'mon, shiny-kitty, show me what you got." She put up a grin, she had to play her role.

Yuga just stood there, he needed to end that. Where was Mina? Wasn't she supposed to be here? He charged his navel laser up. He needed to end that somehow! He looked over to the creatures. Could he do that? He had to! They had defeated Ojiro! He had failed the test!

"Can't stop twinkling: Supernova!" Aoyama fired his laser as much as he could. He managed to destroy most of the creatures, but Pixie Bob reformed them just seconds after they were destroyed.

"This is a losing battle!" she meowed laughing. She jumped in between her creatures and Aoyama lost track of her. His stomach hurt so much. He was already out of juice. He tried to dodge the next attack, but he got buried under the creature's hand.

Pixie Bob finished the job and cuffed him.

Kyoka and Shoji meanwhile were spotted by Tiger. He attacked Shoji with fierce blows. The other could dodge them however. "Go, Jiro, I can handle him!" Mezo shouted to the girl. Kyoka nodded and turned around. She trusted in Shoji's ability to fight against the pro. She needed to stay away, so she could tell the other's what was going on!

Tiger's arms stretched and he tried to wrap them around Shoji. But he duplicated his arms and did the same. "This is going no where!" He grunted.

"I agree" Tiger grabbed Shoji tighter and threw him over his shoulder. He sent a kick directly after him. Shoji rolled over and could dodge the kick.

Tiger used his cat combat to battle Mezo, all the student could do was dodge for the moment. The Pro didn't give him time to counterattack. They were pretty much the same in terms of physical strength, but the pro was much quicker than Shoji.

So, Shoji decided to catch the next fist. It was a heavy blow but nothing he couldn't handle. He created multiple arms. He needed to finish Tiger! He wasn't about to go down this easily. "Octoblow!" with that he unleashed a barrage of blows on Tiger. And he hit hard! The pro softened his body and endured the hits.

After Shoji was done, Tiger coughed blood up, but he seemed otherwise fine. "Got'cha" with that the cuffs clicked around Tiger's arms.

"What?!" he couldn't believe it. "When did you ...?" he growled.

"Of course when I beat you. I am really good at stealing things without notice" one of the duplicated mouths answered.

Tiger scoffed. "Good job." He lifted his hands in defeat. Shoji nodded and moved. He needed to help the others now.

Mina was being pinned down by the real Ectoplasm and some of his clones. She was on her way to Ojiro and Aoyama but she got caught. She couldn't move since the legs of the clones stood on her limbs. "Are you giving up already?" Ectoplasm asked. "C'mon, you can do more!"

The girl was terrified! The alpha above her was so huge and scary. But she needed to do something! The others counted on her! She needed ... 'Ojiro and Aoyama are down!' she heard Jiro over the headset. 'They got knocked out by Pixie Bob.'

This was her fault! She wasn't there to melt the earth creatures! They failed because of her! Her breathing got heavier. No! She wouldn't fail again! She let down two of her friends! She had to stop Pixie Bob from attacking more people!

Her blood was boiling. She couldn't be as useless as last year. She had trained so much! She would defeat the teacher. Acid started to leak out and the tip of Ectoplasm's prosthetics melted away.

"I will not fail here!" she screamed. "ACID SPLASH!" She ripped her arms from under Ectoplasm's legs, even though it cut her arms a little, and she splashed large amounts of acid on them. The clones were destroyed and Mina covered herself in more acid. She was so frustrated with herself. That she got distracted and two of her classmates failed because of that. Her teeth sharpened, as these raw emotions rushed through her body.

Under the Acidman her eyes glowed in a dark pink. She jumped at Ectoplasm, she faked a jab and moved over to a spin kick, turning into a cartwheel kick. She didn't give him an opening. She was so furious. He jumped back when the acid hit him. She dissolved Acidman and tackled him to the ground. She had her cuffs ready. "You're done here!"

She cuffed him and immediately she ran towards Pixie Bob's location, her eyes still glowed pinkish. She collected acid under her feet and glided over the surface. She had to make it right!

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now