Chapter 85

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Ian's group starts their way out of the building. Mirko and Endeavor fight the wolves.

They gave Dabi a few minutes to regain his strength. Hawks was close by his side, he watched the sleeping baby. He was so relieved that everything was okay.

Ian on the other hand didn't seem to be okay at all. He sat on the floor, legs pulled up to his body, his forearms were lying on his knees he still stared on his hands, even though they were cleaned up now, they were still shaking.

Hitoshi observed him, he seemed really out of it, it was strange for him. He had no problem killing people but this was too much?

Mai-Li watched Ian too, she seemed to get annoyed. "Oi, get up Ian" her voice was sharp, some of the omegas flinched, they didn't understand her, since she talked in Chinese but her tone was enough to realize that she scolded him. "Enough of you sulking and getting a panic attack. You can fucking freak out later. Now we have a job to do." She hissed when he looked at her. "Don't give me that look. Get your shit together, ASAP!"

Ian clenched his jaw and sighed. "Sorry, I just needed a few minutes" he mumbled, he stood up.

Mai-Li pursed her lips, then suddenly she smacked him across the face. All omegas were frozen in fear. She dared to hit a prime alpha?

Ian looked at her wide eyed. "Do I have to repeat myself? You don't have time, get ready, we want to head out soon!"

"Yes ma'am!" Ian answered, he saluted reflexively. His voice changed again. He seemed to snap back into his cold self. He cleared his throat and walked in front of the omegas.

They shivered in fear, they were concerned that he was mad now and would be angry at them. "We will bring you out now. Keep close to us and don't wander off on your own. It is still very dangerous."

Cautiously, the omegas followed the group outside. They eyed Mai-Li. One of the women asked. "How are you so brave to smack a prime alpha like that?"

Jesper translated for Mai-Li. The woman raised her eyebrows. "I never respected or feared alphas or prime alphas, just because they were this specific secondary gender. The alpha that is able to control me, hasn't been born yet. Besides, Ian's my son-in-law so he better pulls himself together, otherwise he's in big trouble." She lifted her knife.

With that the group got on their way. Hawks stayed close to Dabi the entire time. Protecting him and the baby with his wings.

Mirko had a surprisingly hard time against the hare. Her body seemed to be made out of steel. Mirko's kicks seemed to be ineffective. "Lunar Fall!" She brought her leg down, Antoinetta lifted her arms to block her. She immediately grabbed Mirko's arm, pulling her closer. She tried to bite her throat out.

Mirko pulled her legs closer and kicked the woman in the chest. "You're strong, I have to say" Mirko smiled, she had a wound on her forehead. "Who are you?"

The hare tilted her head. "My name is Antoinetta Marie Garo" she answered in a heavy French accent. "I'm one of Loup-Garou's alpha daughters and one of the commanders. It is nice to meet a fellow hare here." She introduced herself.

"God, I wish you weren't the enemy" Mirko murmured. "Your technique is really crazy."

"Thank you, I got a very special training. But you aren't so bad either. You can join our ranks my father is always searching for new recruits."

"Haha, no, thanks. I heard some mean things about your father. I'll pass."

"A shame that your mind was clouded by a person like Kairi. Of course she would tell only the worst things, probably not even the truth. Father did many great things. He is not the monster everyone says he is. Besides, Kairi did a lot of awful things too. Have you looked into her? I mean really into her past?" Antoinetta grinned.

"Of course you would say that your father isn't that bad. Unfortunately I don't believe anything you say. Sure, could be that Kairi isn't as innocent as she gives herself. But I don't care, she's getting paid to do a job and she does it quite well. Now, let's fight" with that Mirko jumped she flipped through the air and crashed her leg against Antoinetta's head. She was so fast this time that she couldn't react.

She kicked Antoinetta to the ground. She pinned the arms down with her legs. She sat on the hare's chest and held her down with her left hand by the neck. "Sorry, but I don't have time to stay longer here. So just stay down" she lifted one leg and was about to bring it down on Antoinetta's head but she suddenly started to transform. Her facial features changed and she got the muzzle of a wolf. She lunged forward and bit in Mirko's left forearm, with her hand she grabbed the leg that was coming down.

She pushed herself off the ground. Mirko fell backwards, still in Antoinetta's grip. The wolf ripped on her arm and twisted it.

Mirko growled, her eyes started to glow yellow, she managed to get her leg out of the grip but her arm was still stuck. She wrapped her legs around the wolf's neck and she used her momentum to spin around. Antoinetta bit harder on Mirko's arm as a response.

The rabbit hero bit her teeth together, she ripped on her arm and she felt, that the flesh and tendons were ripping. She heard her bones crack. She eventually broke free by ripping her forearm off. She panted heavily, sweat dripping down her body and blood gushing out of her wound.

Without a second thought she jumped forward. "Luna Arc!" She brought her leg down once again and this time she hit the wolf head, it crashed to the ground. She dealt a second blow, just to make sure, the wolf stayed down. "Not this time, oh, big bad wolf! As if you could bring me down" she wrapped her long hair around her ripped off arm as an improvised tourniquet.

Suddenly, Endeavor crashed through the wall, he had Lobo in a headlock and he burned the wolf. He was yelping in pain. Endeavor had some big claw scratches on his arms, he raised his body heat.

Lobo let out a pained howl and eventually, he went down. Endeavor was steaming, he let go of the unconscious wolf and looked at his arm. He cringed a little, while he burned the injuries to stop the bleeding.

"Oooh, you got it." Mirko hopped over to him.

"What happened to you? This doesn't look good." He growled, he grabbed the arm that she was holding out, and he also burned the stump. She bit on a cloth, this muffled her screams a little.

"The hare turned into the big bad wolf and wanted to eat me. Pah, she's not early strong enough to devour me." Mirko explained, when Endeavor was done, she forced a grin on her face. "Let's tie them up and head after the others, we wasted enough time here."

"You're right." With that, Endeavor bound Lobo and Antoinetta together, they moved quickly forward. They needed to catch up to the others.

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now