Chapter 54

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The results from the Exam

The students that needed it got treatment from Recovery Girl, the pros as well. Some of them were very happy how everything went down, others were kinda frustrated. They chatted about the day, but Mashirao and Yuga stayed silent for most of it. Koji too, he felt like he had failed the exam.

Momo comforted Kyoka who was a little bit depressed. She had technically lost the exam for cuffing herself. Momo tried to cheer her up by saying that they might consider this.

Eijiro, Izuku, Shoto and Hitoshi were back in their rooms, they thought about their failures as well. Hitoshi was sure he passed the exam, but he still felt like he did nothing. Shoto was sulking over the loss against his father. Was he still so inferior? Eijiro and Izuku were sad that they lost control again. Izuku felt guilty that he had alpha commanded Mirio.

Katsuki on the other hand was kind of happy that he could stop Izuku this time. He felt good that he wasn't such a bad omega any longer.

Mina apologized profusely to Mashirao and Yuga for not being there on time, but they said it was not her fault. They could have run away instead of fighting.

On the following day, they were all pretty tense, they hoped they passed the exam. Denki was literally vibrating from tension.

Aizawa entered the class and swiftly he came to the point. "We will now discuss the results of the exam."

"Yuga Aoyama; failed. You got captured by Pixie Bob. Even though you fought really hard but your Quirk was not suited for this type of battle. You should have realized that it was a losing battle and retreated. You should know from last years exam that sometimes retreat is the better option than going down. In a real scenario you would be captured now, or worse dead. Otherwise, your fire power greatly improved, so this was a plus point."

Aoyama nodded he of course knew that he had lost, he still frowned.

"Mina Ashido; passed. You did a great job this time. You fought really well you managed to capture Ectoplasm on your own and you helped your team to fight against Pixie Bob and Best Jeanist, also you managed to calm down Kirishima. You out did yourself this time. You even went plus ultra with your quirk, but you need to be more careful, it helps no one if you use it to a point you become incapacitated."

"Yes sir" she murmured. She was still sad, that she couldn't help Yuga and Mashirao, but she was also a little proud, because of the praise.

"Tsuyu Asui; passed. You worked as a team with Uraraka and Sero and you managed to capture Ryukyu as well as Pixie Bob in team effort. You work really well together with your classmates and you avoided being seriously injured. You also took care of your incapacitated team mates. You analyzed the situations to the best of your abilities. You even went out of your way to look for Kaminari. Good job."

"Thank you, Mr. Aizawa, ribbit", she smiled and put a finger at the corner of her mouth.

"Tenya Iida; passed. You managed to capture Midnight and even though you had a slip up, you stayed conscious and you outsmarted her. You also assisted in the capture of Gran Torino. A critique point is that you had to seriously injure yourself to get out of Midnight's quirk. This could be fatal in a real scenario. You should avoid doing actions like this."

"I understood sir, thank you very much!" He had raised his arms and waved them around.

"Ochako Uraraka; passed. Together with Asui and Sero you managed to capture Ryukyu, you also captured Pixie Bob together. Your team work is excellent and the combination of your attacks is great. You also made sure, that your incapacitated team mates were safe."

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