Chapter 107

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The others take care of Katsuki.

TW: Katsuki's trauma, he has flashbacks of the burned Khaoz and the kiss.

The other students were really surprised, when Kirishima, Katsuki and the stranger entered. Tetsutetsu had said goodbye in front of the dorms already.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Momo asked.

"Ah, a villain attack" Sougo explained. "Do you want to brush your teeth first? Your entire mouth is black."

"Yes, please." And with that Sougo carried him to the bathrooms. "Sorry for the inconvenience" Katsuki mumbled.

"Like I said, it's not a problem."

After ten minutes they came back. Kirishima looked up when Sougo placed Katsuki on the couch. He undressed the thick jacket. "Do you want to keep it?" he asked.

"I think not, it's destroyed anyway." Katsuki mumbled.

"Okay" with that Sougo placed it on a separate pile. "How are you feeling now?"

"A bit better, still not great though."

"Understandable, just rest for a few days; it took Michiko about a week to get better."

"Alright ..."

Sougo smiled and sat next to Katsuki, he released some calming pheromones.

Ochako came carefully closer. "Katsuki? Are you okay?" she sat down in a bit of distance.

"Uh, yeah, at the moment everything is fine" he avoided her gaze.

Momo came over too, she had a cup of tea in her hands, she placed it on the couch table in front of him. "Here, I made you some tea."

"Thanks." He watched her, as she sat also next to him, between Ochako and him. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Do you want to cuddle?" she asked.

"... Yeah" he leaned over and rested his head on her shoulder.

Sougo stood up and left the building for a moment, he got a phone call.

Tsuyu, Denki and Kyoka were also next to his side now, they all cuddled close to him.

Mina was closer to Eijiro, she felt bad, she wasn't really mad at Katsuki any more, if she had to be honest, she was probably a bit harsh to him, back then. But now she didn't really know how to approach him. She of course felt bad that something terrible had happened to him. But could she really approach him before the things with Kirishima were settled?

The door opened again and Sougo as well as Michiko, Kuroko and Satsuki entered. Kuroko looked burned, and Michiko had some fresh wounds too.

"Katsuki!" Michiko yelled. She rushed over and knelt in front of him and grabbed his hands. "I am so sorry! I should have taken you back to UA. If I had known that this fucking bitch is in the vicinity I would have not let you walk alone!" she seemed really upset about it.

Still flustered, Katsuki shook his head. "No, it's not your fault, Michiko! I ran away and I walked with her, I should have been more careful!"

"Bullshit! That's absolute bullshit! Khaoz is not your every day villain! She even got me! I know how dangerous she is. I should have been more observant. This is entirely on me, you couldn't know! God, I don't want to imagine what she did to you."

"She burned herself in front of me. And then another one came and kissed me. They also put a leash on me."

The omegas gasped when they heard that. He had been leashed?!

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