Chapter 3

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A trip to the shopping mall and Kirishima knows stuff.

The pair went down to the common room. Mina, Sero, Denki and Kyoka were also in the common area. "Okay, we can go now", Eijiro cheered.

Took you long enough", Kyoka muttered. She pushed herself off the couch and alongside Denki she left the building. The group immediately headed for the bus station.

Mina chatted excitedly with Denki and Kyoka while Sero was walking besides them, he laughed at some of the things the girl said.

Katsuki was the last, he walked slowly behind them. He was in his own thoughts, so he didn't realize that Eijiro was directly next to him. He could feel him sniff at Katsuki's neck. He snapped back into reality.

"What the fuck are you doing, shitty hair?" he asked aggressively but in a hushed voice. No need for the other to hear him.

"Just sniffing. You smell different" he murmured. He looked into Katsuki's eyes. His expression was serious, which pissed Katsuki off for some reason.

"Why the fuck would you do that now?" Katsuki growled.

"You act strangely the past few days" Eijiro started. "Are you ..." he shut his mouth as Katsuki's enraged look pierced through him. He had grabbed his arm and held him back. The alpha growled a little.

"Not a single fucking word" Katsuki spoke quietly. Eijiro saw the desperation in his eyes.

"Katsuki! You can't keep that a secret", he whispered back. To their luck, the others paid no attention to them, but they were aware of Kyoka's good ears. "What if you're going into ... a heat all of a sudden?" He seemed really worried.

"I still have a few days. I don't want them to fucking know. Why does this fucking happen to me?" His fists were shaking. His stomach turned again.

"Hey, everything will be okay. The first time is the worst, but it will be better after that", Eijiro tried to cheer him up, but it failed.

Katsuki continued their way to the bus station. He was tense. Eijiro looked at him with concern. The others hadn't noticed it yet, but the alpha in him was already reacting to Katsuki's upcoming heat. He had also smelled Izuku's scent in Katsuki's room. Had he taken the pillow? Must be the case.

A while later they arrived at the shopping mall. Katsuki tried to stay behind so he could look for pads and scent blockers without the others knowing. But Eijiro stayed right next to him.

"What the fuck are you doing? Go with them, I have to buy some ... products" Katsuki snarled.

"They will be fine. I'd rather help you find the products you need" Eijiro smiled at him.

Katsuki grimaced but he was too tired to protest. Eijiro told the others that he and Katsuki were looking for something and that they would meet up here soon. The rest of the Bakusquad didn't seem to mind.

Eijiro and Katsuki entered the pharmacy. It was so embarrassing for Katsuki. He was upset that he had to buy this stuff. Why was it him of all people? They waited their turn in line and when it was their turn Katsuki stepped forward. His cheeks were red, he felt so humiliated.

"Uhh, I need some pads and scent blockers" he mumbled. The pharmacist was a female omega. She smiled gently and looked for the products.

"Is this your first time?" she asked, while she was ringing him up.

"Hmm", Katsuki grumbled.

"Do you know how to do it or do you want me to explain it for you?" she asked politely.

"I can help myself" he answered shortly. He avoided her gaze. After he had paid he grabbed the items and put them in his bag. He needed to find a toilet now, because he could already feel that more slick was leaking out.

Eijiro followed him patiently. He waited outside while Katsuki was applying the pad and some of the scent blockers. They came in the form of plasters. He placed them over his scent glands on his neck. He looked in the mirror. Fucking hell, he looked terrible.

After he was done he left the bathroom and joined Eijiro. "Do you need something else?" the alpha asked.

"Hm, I don't know, I'll see what I can find" he answered.

The pair went into different stores, they looked for different stuff, Eijiro was looking for training utensils and Katsuki? He still didn't know. He was browsing the shelves when he found himself in the pillow section. He eyed the soft and fluffy pillows. God he wished they would smell like Izuku.

He shook his head after he realized his thoughts. The fuck was he thinking? He grabbed one of the pillows and eyed it closely. It was a cutesy chibi-like Pomeranian dog pillow. It was really soft and fluffy and Katsuki's hands wandered over it. A small smile formed on his face.

"Hey, Katsuki, you found something?" Eijiro asked.

Katsuki flinched and pressed the pillow on to his chest. He turned towards his friend. Very much embarrassed he showed him the pillow.

"Oh, that's cute! It has a slight resemblance with you, Katsuki" Eijiro's smile was as bright as the sun.

Katsuki blushed harder, he shook his head. "Fucking hell, this is not good. I am going soft way too quickly", he muttered.

"Is this pillow for your nest?" Eijiro asked.

Katsuki pouted a little. "Yes."

"Very cool! Come on, do you need more stuff?"

"Pff, I am not infinitely rich you know?" He let out a growl. He checked his wallet to see if he had enough money for the pillow. It was enough, if not barely. The pads and blockers weren't cheap either.

They both went to check out and Katsuki stuffed the pillow in his bag. He didn't want the other to see it. It was almost time to meet up with them again.

Eijiro and Katsuki went to the meeting spot, but the other four weren't there yet. "Hey, want to grab a bite?" Eijiro asked.

"Don't have any money left" the blonde let out a sigh.

"I'll pay. Don't worry about it" Eijiro smiled. "What do you want?" he grabbed Katsuki's arm and pulled him into the line of the fast food restaurant.

"Just some spicy burgers" he mumbled.


They waited for a while and eventually Eijiro ordered the food. Katsuki was standing next to him with his hands in his pockets. While they waited for the rest of the group, they sat down on one of the tables.

It took like ten more minutes for the others to arrive. "Hey, sorry, we missed the time" Sero apologized. "Were you successful with your shopping?"

The redhead smiled brightly again. "Yeah we were. So can we go back?"

"Sure thing" Mina cheered. "This was so much fun."

When Katsuki got home, he went directly to his room. He closed the door behind him and locked it. He didn't want to be disturbed. He walked up to his nest and pulled the pillow out of his bag. He sat it down in his nest and searched for the perfect spot. After he had found it he smiled happily.

He flopped into his nest and curled himself into a ball. He reached for Deku's pillow and brought it to his chest. The scent was still strong and it was calming him down. He drifted off into a light sleep.

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now