Chapter 109

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Katsuki's nightmare.

Major Trigger Warning for the whole chapter!: Heavy, disturbing imagery during the nightmare. burning/melting/hanging people, blood; Self Harm!
Over all, it is not a nice chapter!

The sickness lasted for the next couple of days, he had to ran to the toilet constantly. He wondered, just how much of the black substance was injected to him, because it never seemed to be less than the time before. Kirishima took care of him and when he had trouble to sleep, he would stay with him.

Katsuki went to the therapist more these days. The images of a burned Khaoz just wouldn't go out of his head. Sometimes he remembered the first fight against Deku, when they came to this school. He had burned him in all his anger and even though the skin wasn't as badly burned as it was in Khaoz' case, he still couldn't get it out of his head. He had burned Deku! And from time to time his mind was doing him bad. Sometimes he imagined if he had hit him with his mega explosion. He saw Deku's burned lifeless body in front of him and he could smell it too.

Abhorrent images of all his classmates burned to crisps flashed before his eyes, and it was all his fault! Some nights he couldn't get it out of his head. He tried to calm himself like the therapist had taught him, but it wasn't that easy.

He didn't know how to cope with it, he couldn't deny, that this had pretty fucked with him. It wasn't even the kiss that was the most traumatizing to him. It was the burning woman, her shrieking laugh, right out of the fire. Her stench was still in his nostrils, even after days.

Some nights, he would wake up screaming, plagued by those dreadful dreams, of his friends being burned alive. He would take sleeping pills after that, but it made it even worse.

They were in a pitch black, infinite room, his classmates circled around him, they just stood there, heads low, arms hanging down form their bodies, they weren't really standing, it looked like they were hanging in the air. Yeah, as if they had a noose around their necks, an invisible noose. He heard them mumbling. He couldn't make out what they were saying, though.

The ground was covered with blood, ankle high, blood mixed with a black substance, dark streaks were dragging through it. The stench was abhorrent. It was hot in this room, the air was sticky and it smelled like iron, burned rubber, aluminum and petrol.

Katsuki was anchored in the middle, he tried to move but he couldn't, he couldn't even lift his legs. Suddenly the invisible nooses were cut and his classmates fell to the ground, in the mix of blood and petrol. He could see Ochako in front of him, her brown hair now red, her face too, when she slowly lifted her body up. Her brown eyes looked alive and dead at the same time, they were vibrant in color but they seemed still so empty. Eijiro was somewhere behind her, Mina next to her.

She crawled over the bloody ground, it looked much like those ghost women in horror movies. Her movements were weird, sometimes incredibly fast, and sometimes really slow. They all started to crawl in his direction.

Ochako dragged her body, over the blooded ground she held eye contact with him all the time. Her limbs cracked from time to time. They all did and every time it let Katsuki flinch, His breathing got heavier and he wanted to run, but couldn't.

They arrived by him and they piled up at his feet now, broken, bloody hands grabbing his legs, and pulling themselves up, tears ran over Katsuki's face. He looked down and suddenly his shirt started to move. It looked like his stomach was bloating but that was not it. His trembling hands grabbed the seam of his shirt and he slowly pulled it up. He looked into the smiling burned to a crisp face of Khaoz. Her vibrant blue eyes fixating him, her hands grabbed his head from an angle that seemed impossible. Her fingers slowly covered his eyes and he tried to shake his head to get them away.

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