Chapter 17

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The teachers arrived at the scene.

Shoji made it out of the building. He ran as fast as he could with Toru and Mina to where the others were. Halfway through, he realized, that Mineta clung to him. "You could have helped a little" the alpha growled.

"Are you kidding me? They would have killed me!" the purple boy screeched.

Shoji didn't have the time or nerves to discuss this. He arrived at the location of the other omegas. He let down Toru and Mina. "I have to go back! You stay here and wait for the teachers!" With that he left the omegas and stormed back to the building.

He saw Aizawa, Midnight and Present Mic storming towards the building. "STOP!" he yelled to the teachers. "Mr. Aizawa, you shouldn't go there!" Shoji advised.

"And why not?" Aizawa was not amused.

"Because they turned absolutely feral and they tried to attack the other omegas!" Shoji's eyes were wide.

Aizawa tsked and turned to Midnight and Mic. "You stop them, I'll go to the other omegas. I try to get Hound Dog, Ectoplasm and Vlad" he pulled out his phone. He needed the other alpha teachers.

"Sure thing" With that Shoji, Mic and Midnight moved to the building.

Inside was pure chaos. Shoji wasn't even gone for two minutes and the situation had completely changed. The betas were cowering in fear and even the other alphas seemed kinda scared.

Izuku stood above all of them. He let out a deep growl and approached Denki. The blonde boy crawled back, he looked up to Izuku, tears in his eyes. "P-please stop!" he whimpered. What the hell happened here?

Tenya and Rikido were on their knees, they were shivering. Shinso was cowering behind the tipped over couch, he seemed kind of frightened too.

Shoto was somewhere in the kitchen area, he was crouching down and snarling. He was still on all fours.

Eijiro was next to the door, he had released his hardening and was kinda hiding behind a plant. He whined too.

Izuku knelt down and his eyes pierced Denki. He pressed Denki to the ground and pinned him down, he took both of Denki's hands into one and held them over his head. He showed his long and sharp fangs while he grinned maliciously and Denki almost fainted from fear. He grabbed Denki's hair and pulled his head to the side he was about to bite him!

"Stop right there!" Midnight commanded.

"YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Mic let out a scream. Izuku let go of Denki and covered his ears.

"STOP IT!" he snarled when the scream stopped. Midnight and Mic stared at him in absolute disbelieve and shock. Did he just ...

The door opened and Vlad, Hound Dog and Ectoplasm came barging in. With them were the alphas from Class B, Jurota Shishida, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Juzo Honenuki.

Izuku seemed unimpressed. "Get them", he commanded the others and to their shock, they followed him. Eijiro hardened again. Shoto came out of the kitchen. He looked still wary but he followed suit. Shinso got up and it looked like his right arm was dislocated.

Even the non feral alphas listened to Izuku and got up, but they followed him more out of fear. What was going on here? What had happened in these two minutes?

Eijiro roared and jumped, he targeted Midnight. Tetsutetsu blocked him in his steel mode. "You're not doing that!" He managed to throw Eijiro over his shoulder and the feral alpha hit the ground full force. Tetsutetsu pinned him down but it took all his strength to hold him there.

Vlad King charged forward and attacked Izuku. He used his blood to pin him to the wall.

Hound Dog and Ectoplasm went in too, and they subdued Shinso and Todoroki, who luckily didn't seem to want to fight them. They still growled and showed their teeth, but the teachers felt, that it was over.

"Fucking move!" Izuku screamed. The alphas growled.

"No ..." Tenya snarled. He cowered again on the floor. "Please stop him!"

Midnight came forward, she ripped open a spot on her costume and her sleep-inducing aroma seeped out. Vlad covered his mouth and nose, when she came closer towards him.

Izuku breathed it in and after a few seconds his eyes closed and he sagged. She walked over to the other feral alphas and put them to sleep as well.

Iida and Rikido relaxed, when Izuku was unconscious. "This was scary ..." the sugar hero mumbled.

Denki started crying, he robbed farther away from Izuku and the other alphas. Hanta hugged him, and tried to comfort him. "What happened here?" Vlad King wanted to know.

"Kirishima, Midoriya, Todoroki and Shinso turned feral. They attacked the omegas, we managed to get them out, but ... then Izuku ... he ... he commanded us ..." Tenya sounded terrified.

Vlad looked shocked between Tenya and Izuku. "Not possible ..."

"But it is!" Denki whined.

Midnight knelt next to him, and patted him on the head, trying to comfort him too. "We will talk about that later. Come now, stand up." She helped the disturbed beta up to his feet.

Aizawa finally showed up, Mic had texted him, that it was over for now. His eyes widened when he saw the destruction of the common room. He saw Denki crying, and the other betas seemed pretty disturbed too.

"We should bring them away from here. We need to lock them up until we find out, what exactly happened. We need to talk to the villain again." he mumbled. "And for god's sake, no omega goes near them."

"Yes, we'll bring them to the secured rooms of UA" Vlad King grabbed Midoriya and threw him over his shoulder.

Aizawa looked towards Shinso, he was damn glad that they kept him with the A Class. He couldn't even imagine, what could have happened, if he went on a rampage in the C Class dorms, where effectively no one knew how to fight. Besides the C Class had only two alphas, one of which was Hitoshi and they had so many omegas ...

The teachers brought the unconscious teenagers out of the room. After that they send the rest of the students to Recovery Girl. Denki needed to be carried because his legs wouldn't stop shaking.

They picked up the omegas on their way. "Hey, are all of you okay?" Tetsutetsu asked. Kendo was with the omegas, as well as Yui, Ibara und Kinoko. They all tried to comfort the distraught students.

"I don't know, ribbit ..." Tsuyu cried while she held on to Ochako.

"It was pretty scary" Toru added.

"I can imagine that." Tetsutetsu replied. "Hey, come, we bring you all to Recovery Girl."

"What happens to them now?" Katsuki asked.

"They will be locked away until they know what's wrong with them." Tetsutetsu explained. "They want to ask the captured villain, how her quirk works. No omega is allowed to go near them, before this is sorted out."

Katsuki nodded. He still felt Eijiro's lips ghosting over his. That was his first kiss ... what a horrible experience ...

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ