Chapter 105

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Katsuki gets in trouble.

TW: Burning People! More derogative talking about omegas, and forceful kisses on a minor!

The first time he noticed that something was odd, was when the area got more and more neglected. "Hey, are you sure, this is the right way?" he asked.

"But yeah! I work in that café so of course I know where it is. It is right over there!" she answered.

That was when spine chills ran down Katsuki's body. He couldn't pinpoint it, but something in her voice had changed. He was cautious now, he wished it wasn't so damn cold! His gloves were wet from his tears and now they had started to freeze a little, this made it harder for him to use his quirk if he needed to.

They arrived at a burned down ruin of a café. "What the hell is this here? That's completely burned down!"

"Huh ... right ... I did that last month. My bad, I work in so many cafés that I sometimes forget which I already burned down" she turned around, while Katsuki backed away. He could see a crazy look in her eyes, the glowing of her blue eyes freaked him out. She had lifted her arms a little while she shrugged.

"You're a villain!" he growled.

"Ah, yeah, technically yes. You could call me that." She started to walk towards Katsuki.

"Why did you bring me here?"

She scoffed. "You'll see."

He heard more steps left and right of him, they started to slowly close him in. Shit, he thought. Just his fucking luck ...

Two other women appeared behind him. One looked like a Geisha, she had flame-like hair, it was red, orange and yellow in colors, and she wore a kimono. She had a sword with her and her face was covered by a hannya mask.

The other woman was incredibly tall, she wore some outlandish looking robes, she had dark purple hair and her face was covered by a black veil.

"Nice one, he's so cute" the tall woman said.

"I'm impressed that you always get the cuties." The Geisha mumbled.

"Well, if he's just sitting there, waiting to be picked up, than I can't let my fingers off of them" the first woman said.

Katsuki snarled and got into a fighting stance. "Oh, he's a little rascal. Does he want to fight us?"

"I doubt he can. That's Katsuki Bakugo" the first woman said. "He's got the Explosion quirk. But I doubt he has enough sweat to effectively use it. Besides, explosions wouldn't work on me" she laughed.

"Besides, these past couple of months, something must have happened and he got rather tame" the woman added. "He works for my darling Moruga. Hey, you think you can call her up here? I'd like to have a date with her, but she refuses me, ever since I kidnapped her two years ago" she broke into laughter.

"Khaoz! Don't play with the fire!" The Geisha growled a little.

"Don't tell me what to do, and you know, I love the fire" she laughed more. "But anyway. Katsuki Bakugo ..." she turned back to him.

"What the fuck do you want from me? Also 'Chaos'? What's that for a stupid name?" he growled.

"Do not talk about the master this way, you peasant! You will learn to fear her name! Oh! And for your single minded brain: It is spelled K-H-A-O-Z, don't you dare to spell it wrong!" The tall woman raged at him.

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