Chapter 84

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Dabi goes into labor and the time is running out.

Ian stared at Dabi in his arms. "Fuck" he mouthed inaudibly. "This can't be happening right now, shit" he cursed.

"S-sorry" Dabi grumbled.

"No, no, it's not your fault." He assured him. "What do we do now?" He turned to Mai-Li, he spoke in Chinese. The omega walked up to him and inspected Dabi.

"It's no use, we need to deliver the baby here" she answered, her jaw was clenched.

Ian let out a sigh. «Miles, we have a problem, the baby is coming. Is here some kind of infirmary or something similar?»

«Hmm, yes, there is an infirmary. You need to go back, then go to the left, two times straight and then on the right. But be careful there are some enemies on the way.»

«Alright, thanks.» Still tense, Ian turned around. "You heard it. We need to go to the infirmary ASAP. But what do we do with the omegas? We can't let them go on their own. Should we split?" He looked at the frightened omegas. They were huddled together.

"I don't think this is a good idea. You heard Miles, there are enemies on the way. We don't have enough people to effectively protect them and Dabi and you if we split." Jay murmured. "We should go together to the infirmary. Sam and I can free the way. If Kairi makes it in time, her group can escort the others out."

"Yeah, I think this will be the best. Besides, it's not done with bringing them just out of here. There are still wolves outside. And to bring them away and then come back takes too much time. Dabi doesn't have that much time. So we should head to the infirmary." Sam agreed.

Mai-Li and Jesper also agreed and together they made their way to the infirmary. Mai-Li led the way. She had her khukuri knives ready.

Toga was next to Dabi, she was very concerned. The other omegas quietly discussed what was happening now. Ian had to shush them, they needed to be quiet.

The little sheep girl clutched to Hitoshi's arm when they headed deeper into the building. He looked down to her and smiled. "Don't worry, nothing will happen to you." He patted her head.

She returned the smile. "Oui" she answered.

Mai-Li spotted the enemies first and informed the others. "Cover me, Jay" She murmured.

"Yes, ma'am" with that he sent his glass in the direction of the enemy. They were too far into the corridor for Sam's ability to arrive in time. So they had to violently approach the situation.

The glass pierced through the skin of the wolves they yelped in pain. Mai-Li ran through the glass, knives ready. She used her quirk to create the illusion that the whole corridor was circling and twisting. She jumped in the air and lunged for the first wolf. She cut his throat as if it was nothing, she used him and jumped off of him and with a flip she landed on the second wolf. She plunged her knife into him and rolled herself off of him.

Her movements were so fast. Without hesitation she was on the third and last wolf and she killed him, before he could do anything in the first place.

Jay and Jesper walked over and dragged the bodies a bit away so that the poor omegas didn't have to see them. They had waited around the corner.

Dabi tried to be as quiet as possible, but it was hard. He was in incredible pain, he pressed his hand on his mouth to muffle the sounds. They moved forward now, and a few minutes later, they arrived at their destination.

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now