Chapter 45

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Start of the practical exams.

The written exams were not that hard in Katsuki's opinion. He had no trouble to get through them whatsoever. Mina and Denki looked really exhausted after the tests, Eijiro was a little more relaxed.

"Phew this was even harder than the last exams." Mina exclaimed on the last day of the written exams. "Even with Katsuki's help I am not sure if I got everything ..."

"I hope the practical exams aren't as hard as last year" Denki whined.

"I wonder if we have to fight against the teachers again, ribbit" Tsuyu mumbled.

"Hm, I don't really see that happening again. At least not in the same fashion like last year" Izuku muttered. "Maybe a different fight scenario? Rescue? Nature disasters?"

"He hasn't muttered in a long time!" Ochako mumbled. "Good to hear it again" she smiled brightly.

They were advised by All Might to change into their Hero Costumes. After they all changed, they made their way over to the fighting grounds. "SHOTOOOO!" Shoto heard before he saw him. His eyebrow twitched and he felt the urge to immediately turn around and walk away.

"What's Endeavor doing here?" Ochako asked.

"I'd like to know too." Shoto grumbled. He didn't hate his father that much anymore, he was however annoyed that he had to make a circus out of it."

The students were stunned at the amount of Pro heroes they were facing. Before them were some of the strongest heroes, most of them alphas. "Welcome students, to the practical part of the final exams" Nezu greeted them.

"You may wonder what all the pro heroes are doing here. Well, they will be your enemies in this part."

"Damn, this is an upgrade compared to last year" Hanta mumbled.

"But Mr. Principal, how are we supposed to fight and win against the top heroes of Japan, ribbit?"

"Good that you asked. They will have weights again, even though the weight is reduced. You all got a lot stronger since last year, so you have to face stronger opponents. This time the extra weight they have to carry is only a quarter of their own weight. But you too have some 'unfair' advantage if you want." Nezu looked over to the feral alphas.

"Midoriya, Kirishima, Todoroki and Shinso are exceptionally strong, when they tap into their feral state. You are allowed to use it, but be warned. If you loose control to a point, where you start to attack the other students, you get removed and you fail the exam." He informed them.

"Yes sir!" the four students answered.

"To keep things fair, no alpha commands either. Especially you, Midoriya" Nezu added. During their internships, Midoriya had trained his commanding powers with Endeavor.

"Aye, I wouldn't do that. Besides I am still not good in commanding older alphas" he shrugged.

"The pros and some of the teacher will be the villains and this time, you need to work together and capture all of them!" Nezu continued.

"But, the 'villains' can also capture you guys. If you get captured, you fail. This time it is really hard, so give it your best!"

With that the pros, consisting of the alphas Endeavor, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, Mirko, Gang Orca, Fat Gum, Hound Dog, Tiger, Present Mic, Midnight, Ectoplasm, Gran Torino and Lemillion, the two betas Mandalay and Ryukyu as well as the omegas Hawks, Pixie Bob, Eraser Head, Neijire-chan and Suneater – who honestly looked like he wanted to go home again – left to prepare for the battle. It would start in one hour.

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