Chapter 33

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Denki has a panic attack.

"Oh my god, I am sorry!" Denki stuttered; he looked up to Izuku in pure horror. In his mind was still the terrifying look of Izuku with his sharp fangs, trying to bite him.

"No problem, Kaminari, nothing happened." Izuku smiled at him, but after a few seconds, the smile faded. Denki got even more freaked out, when he saw the smile leaving the alphas face, was he going to snap? He noticed that teeth were back to normal again.

Izuku bowed again. "I am sorry for what I did to you. I know that it must have scared you. I apologize! You have no idea how bad I feel for doing that."

Denki blushed and freaked out a little more. "Y-you don't need to apologize, everything is fine" he said, voice high-pitched.

Mina and Ochako looked at each other they knew that Denki was acting strange lately. They released calming scents, to help the poor beta to relax.

Eijiro felt bad for Denki, he had never seen him so freaked out. "Hey, is everything okay?" he asked.

"Jep, everything is fine, I was just ... I was on my way to ... aaah, um ..." he stammered, he couldn't think straight. His thoughts went haywire, now that he was basically alone with Izuku and Eijiro. No teachers in sight, no normal alphas around. He knew that Mina and Ochako wouldn't be of much help, if the alphas snapped again. His thoughts were wild anyways, so this was not a good situation for him to be in. He feared that his panic would trigger the alphas too. What should he do? Should he run away? Would that trigger them? Would Izuku command him again? What would happen if he stayed? Why were they here anyways?

"-nari! Kaminari!" he heard Izuku's voice. He snapped out of his racing thoughts, his heart beating so fast. What did he do wrong this time? Izuku was in front of him, a look of concern on his face.

Denki's cheeks turned a deep red, Izuku was too close! He couldn't breathe! He felt like he suffocated! Within seconds the shade of red on his face turned into white. He stumbled a few steps back.

"Denki! Hey, calm down, breathe!" This time it was Ochako. Denki felt like he was underwater, her voice sounded so strange. He couldn't really understand her. His heart beat got faster, so did his breathing, but he still felt like he was suffocating.

"What should we do? He has a full on panic attack!" Izuku was really concerned for the well-being of his friend.

"I'll go, get Mr. Aizawa!" Eijiro said and he sprinted off to get the teacher.

Ochako and Mina helped Denki do sit down, while Izuku moved away and out of Denki's sight.

Only two minutes later Aizawa arrived. He knelt next to Denki and tried to talk to him. "Hey, Kaminari, listen to me", he said in a calming voice. "You're having a panic attack. Focus on my voice, everything is going to be okay."

Denki's eyes tried to focus on Aizawa, but it was difficult for him. He was still searching for the alphas. "Hey, I am here, Denki, everything is going to be okay. The alphas won't hurt you" the teacher said. "But I need you to focus on your breathing. Can you do that for me?"

As best as he could, Denki tried to focus on Aizawa. "Now take a deep breath" the calming voice said. Denki tried it, he was still a shivering mess. "Now hold it ..." He did, even though it was kinda scary to do so. He feared that he wouldn't be able to breathe again. "And now breathe out." He did again what was asked of him.

"Good, very good. Do it again. Take a deep breath ... hold it ... and breathe out" Aizawa continued to talk to Denki until his panic attack stopped. It took them a few minutes, but eventually Denki had calmed down enough. He still cried and sobbed.

Aizawa wrapped an arm around the disturbed boys shoulder. "It's alright, its okay. You are save here. Nothing will happen to you" he murmured. He patted Denki's hair.

Ochako and Mina were on Denki's other side and watched him with fearful eyes. They hadn't known that it was that bad for him.

"What happened, Denki?" Aizawa asked. He released calming pheromones to help Denki relax.

"I-Izuku, I'm afraid ... t-that I-I could t-trigger him" he managed to get out.

"But what about the day before yesterday? You were fine with him in the room" Aizawa asked.

"Y-yeah, but others were a-around. H-Here were n-no one to stop him. I-I d-don't want to be c-controlled again" his tears got more again.

Aizawa shushed him. "This will not happen again. You don't need to worry about that. They have themselves more under control again, they won't command you."

"I promise, Denki, I won't do it again" came it from Izuku, he was still far away from Denki.

"Maybe he should see a therapist" Mina suggested. She had never seen Denki in a state like this.

"Denki, would you like to meet a therapist, so that you can talk about the whole situation?" Aizawa asked him.

"I-I don't know ..."

"I will make an appointment with her. She is really good and I am sure she can help you cope with it" Aizawa patted Denki's hair again. "Come now, do you want to go to your room? Or do you want to come down with us?"

"I g-go down with y-you. I-I don't want to be alone" He sniffled.

"Alright, then come." He pulled Denki up and supported him a little, while they made their way down the stairs.

Kyoka walked over to the group, when she saw them coming down. With her quirk she had listened in. She knew that Denki still struggled, she had wanted to go with Aizawa, but she felt there was nothing she could have done. "Hey, Denki, are you okay?" She asked him now. He moved away from Aizawa and pulled her in a hug. She immediately returned the hug, carefully patting his back. "Everything will be okay."

Hitoshi watched the scene. He wanted to go over there too, but he felt like he shouldn't. Izuku was the trigger, and since Hitoshi had also tried to attack him, he feared that Denki would go into another panic attack, if he came close.

Aizawa asked the others, if they could take care of Denki from now on. Kyoka said that she got it, while guiding him to the couch. Toru and Momo joined the pair shortly after for a round of cuddles.

Tenya went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the rest, alongside Sato. Neither of them was as good at cooking as Katsuki, but by now they managed to prepare really good meals.

Mina and Ochako went back upstairs. "Hey, how about we visit Katsuki?" Ochako proposed.

Mina looked at her, wide eyed. "Huh? But he is in heat, and Hanta said he wasn't even lucid. Besides ... I am sure he will be ... naked, and I don't need to see that."

"Me neither, but well, you heard Hanta, he wants his alphas. And now he is there without anything from them, I let Izuku scent a lot of stuff, and you can't tell me, that you haven't asked Eijiro to scent something for you. I just want to bring Katsuki a few pieces, so he has at least the scent. A-and if he's naked we can give it to the caregivers to bring it to him."

Mina tilted her head, she thought about that for a while, before eventually sighing. "Okay, I suppose we can do that. I get some pieces, be right back."

Ochako smiled and run to her room to, to get some stuff. She hoped this would help Katsuki during his heat.

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