Chapter 40

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A possessive Izuku ...

After dinner Katsuki went up to his room, Izuku followed him. Eijiro was on dish duty so he would come over when he was done.

Izuku grabbed Katsuki and literally threw him over his shoulder. "Oi, Deku! What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Katsuki yelled.

"Speeding things up" the greenette simply said. He arrived at Katsuki's room and opened the door. He walked over to the nest and threw Katsuki on it. The blonde gasped.

"What's the deal with you?" He asked confused.

"Just want to have you for myself, before Eijiro comes here." Izuku murmured, he was lying on top of Katsuki, his nose was buried in Katsuki's neck, near his scent gland. The blonde blushed deeply. Izuku's body was heavy and hot.

Katsuki knew that it was probably not a good idea, to let Izuku anywhere near his scent glands, but honestly, he didn't care. His heart beat was so fast! Deku was lying on top of him ... he was so fucking close. Katsuki moaned a little, this seemed to agitate Deku.

His hands wandered over Deku's very muscular arms. His breath hitched for a second, when Deku let out a deep growl. The greenette pressed his mouth on Katsuki's throat. The omega inhaled sharply when Deku's wet tongue licked over the soft skin.

Goddammit, Katsuki wanted to kiss Deku so bad! His fingernails dug into the skin of the alpha and he wrapped his legs around Deku's hips. "I want you for myself", the alpha mumbled. "Kacchan's supposed to be mine." His voice was so deep, Katsuki had never heard it before.

He should be alarmed, it was clear that this was the beast talking, but he didn't want to stop. It felt so fucking good! He only wished that Deku would really kiss him! He squirmed a little under the big body of the alpha. He noticed how aroused they were.

"My omega" Deku moaned.

"Yes ... yes! I am your omega" Katsuki replied breathless.

He could feel sharp teeth scratching over his neck. He knew that the fangs came back. He knew but didn't care. Fuck it! Izuku was a big strong alpha! Who wouldn't want to be mated to him?

He moaned louder when Izuku grinded his crotch against Katsuki's, his teeth still teasing his skin. Izuku placed kisses all over Katsuki's neck and he wandered up to his chin. Oh, he was so close! If he would just kiss him!

"Please" Katsuki begged. "Please, alpha!"

Izuku moved a little up and he finally placed his lips on Katsuki's. The omega moaned into the kiss. His stomach twisted and turned in joy and arousal. But then it suddenly stopped.

Deku jumped backwards and collided with the wall. He looked at Katsuki wide eyed and clearly shocked. His eyes were yellow with a glimmer of green. His teeth were fangs again. He panted heavily. He was heavily aroused and he cursed himself.

"Fuck ... Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he growled. "I have to go!" he turned around and sprinted to the door. He ripped it open and collided with Eijiro. He let out a deep, threatening growl. Kirishima returned it, going into a fighting stance immediately. But Deku got his control back for a split second. He ran away from the situation. He jumped down the stairs.

Eijiro was stiff when he sniffed their air in Katsuki's room. The arousal of his alpha rival was contaminating the room. He pressed a hand to his nose. "I'm sorry Kats. I can't stay here!" his voice sounded rough. He had to use every ounce of self control he had. He was so fucking livid. How dare Deku do such things to his omega?

He ran after the other alpha, he needed to get away from the omegas and this toxic scent. Katsuki jumped out of the bed, breathless he ran to the door and looked after Eijiro. "Shit ..."

The others were still mostly downstairs. Hitoshi and Shoto enjoyed the last minutes, before they had to go back. But suddenly, Izuku came full cowling down the stairs. He looked frantic and his eyes glowed yellow. "Hitoshi! Help!"

Hitoshi jumped up and he knew what to do. "Hey, Izuku, calm down, would ya?"

"No!" Izuku answered and was caught in Hitoshi's brainwash. He sagged to his knees and he didn't try to fight it. Shoto was alarmed too, he didn't want Izuku to go out of control again.

Everyone was tense. Tenya moved first, he walked over to Izuku. "Can you release him?"

Hitoshi nodded and deactivated his quirk. Izuku was panting heavily, he was still on the ground. His teeth shrank back to normal size. "Thanks ..." he mumbled.

"What happened?" Tenya asked.

"You fucking bastard!" Eijiro jumped at Izuku, he gripped him at his collar. "What did you do with Kats, eh?" He growled.

Izuku got aggressive immediately. "I did nothing! I could stop myself" he snarled and gripped Eijiro by the shoulder.

"Stop it, you two!" Tenya tried to intervene. But both feral alphas ignored him.

"You fucking asshole tried to claim him, am I right? You don't want to share" Eijiro gripped Deku by the throat and hardened his whole arm.

"Fucking hell, no! Of course I don't want to share, who would want to share with you anyway? Kacchan is mine!" In Izuku's eyes was pure hatred.

The others were shocked, the omegas cowered behind the couch, in fear of a repetition. Denki was with them, he clung to Kyoka.

They heard loud explosions from behind them. Seconds later Katsuki was in between them. Blasting them both away form each other. He had angry tears in his eyes, and he. Was. LIVID. "FUCKING HELL! BOTH OF YOU FUCKING STOP!"

The alphas cowered on the ground. Both snarling at the omega, for being so disrespectful. Katsuki send a second wave of explosions in both of their directions. "I said FUCKING STOP. What the hell is wrong with you guys?"

Eijiro calmed first. His breathing was still heavy, but his stance less aggressive. "He wanted to claim you, I don't like that" he hissed.

"And I don't like that you are around him" Deku snarled.

"You both are fucking dimwits! I am not one of your toys! I don't belong to you, Deku, and I don't belong to you either, shitty hair. So stop trying to CLAIM me, get that in your thick heads!" he went ballistic.

They both still growled. "And stop that. Tell this stupid fucking beast inside of your fucking heads, that I am not something they can possess! Seriously, this is pissing me off so much."

Now Izuku and Eijiro stood up again. "If you can't act fucking civilized than this is not going to work! You need to get your fucking shit together. No more cuddles, till this is solved" he growled. "And now you go fucking back to your rooms and think about what you did!"

Izuku clenched his jaw, he wanted to say something but he knew that the omega was right. "Sorry ..." he mumbled. "For that, back in the room, too." He turned around and quickly jogged over to the other building. He would have a lot of explaining to do. He had to write a report.

Eijiro waited a little while, before returning. "I am sorry, Kats ... I still try to control myself", the redhead murmured.

He looked at the light bite wounds on Katsuki's neck, none of them were deep enough for mating. It still rubbed Eijiro the wrong way. Izuku had scented Katsuki and now the pine scent was all over him.

Katsuki had his arms crossed before his chest. "You better learn it fast. I don't want you and Deku fighting over me. We're all friends."

Eijiro nodded. "Right ... I – I have to go now."

Hitoshi and Shoto said goodbye to the others, they followed Eijiro to make sure he wouldn't go after Izuku. This was a mess.

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