Chapter 86

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Deku and Squad encounter Shigaraki and Darleen.

I should mention that this chapter actually plays before Dabi gives birth. (I just wanted to write the stuff with Dabi first) The next chapters will follow after that.
Kairi on the other hand has just encountered Spinner and Compress.

Also, Darleen's world views are extreme, so maybe a trigger warning! She hates omegas and she's a racist. (Omegas are usually held down and it's much like women were treated in the past in RL)

I haven't really mentioned it here, since this is still my first A/B/O story and I just get more and more Idea's how the world works and stuff. So it isn't present in the earlier chapters. but outside of UA, a lot of omegas wear actually collars/chokers. In the early days it was used to hold off alphas, because in the really old, old days an unmated omega was basically free real estate for any alpha. And the collars covered mostly the scent glands and blocked the scent and helped to prevent unwanted mating. Today it isn't as common that omegas wear collars/chokers other than nice accessory. The thing is, most collars/chokers do not have a clip on it, where you can put a leash on. those are solely used by human traffickers, like it happened to the captured omegas.
It would be a scandal - or at least very inappropriate - in todays society if an Omega wore a collar with a leash clip on because this would heavily imply bad things.
Of course there are omegas with kinks and some like to be treated in a special way in bed room, but they only do that at home.

Also, the way they are talking here, Darleen, Mina and Momo frequently use the word "bitch". Darleen uses it as in "female dog". Most of the time she uses the term bitch for omegas (male or female). She too, believes that they are descendants of werewolves.
Mina and Momo however use at as an insult.


Fat Gum, Deku and the other students, minus Katsuki and Ochako, had finally found Shigaraki and Darleen.

Darleen was a very beautiful woman on the outside. She had long silvery white hair and ice cold blue eyes. She had a muscular, big body. She still wasn't as bulky as some other female alphas.

"Oh, my dear, look who's here" Darleen stood next to Shigaraki, she leaned onto his shoulder. She had an evil smile on her face. "Another prime alpha ... Very interesting!"

At that, he started to growl. "You don't need him!"

"Oh? I don't?" She raised her eyebrows. "If I need him or not, is not for you to decide" she growled. They both growled at each other.

Momo realized it first, they had partially mated! She had claimed him, but the mate bond wasn't completed yet. Being halfway mated was terrible for the person who hadn't claimed their partner. She could see the jealousy in Shigaraki's eyes, when Darleen eyed Deku. It was a terrible practice that some alphas did to punish their omegas. Especially in pack constellations.

His teeth sharpened. "Why are you looking at him like that? You have me! You don't need him!" Shigaraki hissed.

Darleen didn't even look in his direction as she approached Izuku. "Hey, chéri, how about you join us? Loup-Garou would really like another alpha."

Both Shigaraki and Deku growled, but for different reasons. Shigaraki because of his raging jealousy and Deku because he was annoyed by her.

"Get lost, I have no interest in joining Loup-Garou" Deku growled. He then got ready to pounce at her.

But before he could do that, Shigaraki jumped. "As if I would let you." He lunged for Deku but he could dodge. Darleen was smiling in the background. Her eyes glowed eerily.

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