Chapter 112

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Katsuki's and Eijiro's counseling session.

His counseling with Kirishima helped him too. They talked a lot during these supervised meetings. The therapist asked them regularly how they were doing. And they were actually doing pretty good.

They talked about many things during counseling sessions, some of the talks were uncomfortable. Eijiro talked how he had felt when he saw Katsuki with Izuku on multiple occasions. How it made him feel when he learned that he was just being used as back up. When he guessed that he was just being used. How his own feelings for Katsuki were.

It was sometimes really hard for Katsuki to hear, but he had to, his omega had to see the damage he had done.

Kirishima sat in the armchair opposite of Katsuki, one leg pulled up the other dangling over the edge, his arms were hanging over the armrests. Katsuki sat criss cross applesauce on his chair. They had talked for almost an hour now.

"You know what really sucked too?" Eijiro mumbled. The last couple of minutes, they had sat in silence. Eijiro thought about the things that had pissed him off and Katsuki tried to wrap his thoughts about it.

"What is it?" the omega asked.

"During summer camp, after you got dragged around by Ian, to aggravate Midoriya, you two hugged" he scoffed a little. "I know, it's petty, but oh my god, was I pissed off. The day before we almost killed someone, we brought Kairi to the brink of death, in that night I wished you would be with me, hug me, comfort me ..." He furrowed his brows. "But I knew you couldn't be in our cabin, so I had to accept it."

Katsuki listened carefully to him, he remembered that day pretty well. "All day, I was so on edge, I felt so guilty and all I wanted to do was to hold you close but ... instead I saw you comforting Izuku, and it made me so angry. I couldn't pull my eyes off of you two, I guess it was in that moment, that I really realized, that I would never have a chance ... I walked off to the cabin and all I could do was to scream into my pillow. I was so upset ..."

"You had every right to be" Katsuki mumbled.

Eijiro nodded to that. "My alpha was hurt in his pride. I second guessed myself. Was I not good enough? Clearly I couldn't be. God, by times I was even jealous towards Ian for just holding you, or standing close to you. Even though I knew he wouldn't do things with you. But the fact, that a prime was next to you made my blood boil." He bared his teeth.

Katsuki blushed at that. "Y-you were jealous of Ian?" he had to ask again.

"Yeah, I know, it was stupid ..."

"Oh, well, I did try to jump at him during my heat ..." Katsuki mumbled. He looked Eijiro carefully in the eyes.

A low growl could be heard. "Yeah, the heat ... That had pissed me off too. You and Midoriya kissing ... again" he seemed so aggravated now. But then he remembered something else. "God, I ripped open that guy's chest in my craze ..."

"What?" Katsuki furrowed his brows.

"Yeah, in my pursuit to get into the cabin, I ripped open Ian's chest ... never apologized for that" he grimaced.

"Oh my god ..." Katsuki mumbled.

"Yeah ... All I could think off was you, how your omega called my alpha, I never really experienced someone in heat, except when you first presented, I was overwhelmed by the smell and I just ..." he stopped himself.

"You just?" Katsuki animated him to speak further.

"I just wanted to get rid off the other alphas that were also after you, and with 'get rid off' I mean get rid off. My urge to be with you, was so strong, that I would have happily killed a guy for it."

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