Chapter 94

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Chapter Summary

It's finally happening!

Izuku sat on his bed and stared at the All Might poster on the opposite wall. He would have never thought that Eijiro would come to him and talk about that.

What should he do? Should he go over to Katsuki? No, he was sleeping for sure, it was almost two in the morning after all. He bit his lip and over thought what he should do. He wanted to talk to him so badly.

Unbeknownst to Izuku, Katsuki was also awake. He had tried to sleep for hours now, but ever since his 'break up' with Eijiro, he was restless. He sat in his nest and hugged one of the pillows tight. It was in fact the pillow from the couch that he took all those months ago. He thought about what he should do now.

He wasn't sure if it was the right thing in the first place. Yes, he loved Izuku but his feelings for Eijiro were present too. He wondered, what if he had been more persistent? Poly-relationships could work, he really should have tried more ... But maybe it just wasn't meant to be ...

His thoughts wandered to the prime alpha now. Izuku was asleep for sure, he couldn't bother him. He needed his rest! His mind was racing. Would Izuku want this in the first place? He was forcefully mated only a couple of hours ago, so would he even want a relationship? It drove Katsuki crazy that he didn't have an answer and that he had to wait until the morning to get one!

Izuku was pacing in his small room, he was really restless. His thoughts were running in overdrive. Could he really do that? Would Katsuki want that? Now, that he was mated, would Katsuki even want him?

The greenette wanted it for sure. His inner alpha screamed at him. He knew that Savage wasn't his real mate! He didn't care for her, and his alpha clearly wanted someone else! Yes, his alpha screamed for Katsuki's omega.

When they cuddled earlier, all he wanted to do was to hug Katsuki as tight as possible and kiss him senseless. But he couldn't because of the others. But now ... now Eijiro had stepped back, he told him that it was okay now ... He really wanted to go over to Katsuki ... to this Kacchan.

Katsuki was in the small bathroom and looked into the mirror. His hands gripped the porcelain sink and his gaze intensified. "You can do it, Katsuki! Since when are you such a chicken?" He scolded himself. He lifted his hands and then he slapped his cheeks. "You love him! And you fucking know that! You wanted to marry him, when you were younger. Now's your chance!" He talked to himself.

But ... what about the mate stuff? What if he doesn't want it because of that? How would that interfere with their relationship? He had no idea how all the mating shit really worked.

His omega was growling by the thought of Savage claiming his Izuku! How dare she? Izuku was his! God, he wanted to kiss him so badly! He wanted to run his fingers over his large body, his muscular chest and arms. He wanted to touch him everywhere!

Izuku was floating on the ceiling, he sat criss cross applesauce mid air, arms crossed before his chest. "I can't do it! He won't like it. Not with me being mated." He was really frustrated. "There's no way. This was all a mistake! I was about to tell Eijiro, that he should stay with Kacchan ... But ... what do I do now?" he muttered. He leaned over and grabbed his mobile phone. He unlocked it and stared at Katsuki's number. He wasn't online in a while. Of course it was half past two in the morning.

He covered the lower half of his face with the palm of his hand, when he saw, that Katsuki just went online. He typed something.

Katsuki couldn't handle it any longer. He couldn't sleep, even though his body screamed for rest, his mind was racing! No, he wouldn't find sleep now. He had heard Eijiro's door open and close. He guessed he was back in his room now.

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