Chapter 18

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A check up on Izuku. A talk with Savage. And Class B

The feral students were locked up in single cells. They were chained to the walls. It was necessary, because once they regained consciousness, they would rampage again. And even in this locked up state, they wouldn't stop growling and even howling.

Midnight was very surprised when she stood in front of Izuku. The boy was awake now and stared at her, his look was predatory. He wanted to hunt her down, even though she wasn't even an omega.

She moved closer and grabbed his jaw. She forcefully opened his mouth and inspected the fangs. Izuku snarled and tried to bite down. His eyes started to glow in an eerie green-golden glow. His claws grew rapidly and his fangs got even bigger. He couldn't close his mouth at this point.

"My, you are a naughty boy, under different circumstances I would enjoy that, but this is quite serious" She still licked over her upper lip.

It was nowadays unusual for alphas to get these animal traits. Alpha teeth were a bit sharper than normal human teeth but they weren't outright fangs! The exceptions were of course people who already had sharp teeth or fangs due to their quirk, or other factors, like Kirishima. But Midoriya was a normal human, without animal traits, so this was very, very odd. Midnight knew from experience that extreme rage or aggressiveness could cause the fangs and claws to sharpen, but it was not common. And glowing eyes ... she hadn't heard of that before.

And it was also unusual, that people would go on all fours – if not for a quirk again. So what exactly was this quirk of the captured omega? Her villain name was Savage und it was suspected that she was the one that turned the alphas into feral beasts. But usually it happened within minutes, not days. So what changed?

"Get these things off of me" Midoriya growled. Midnight could feel the force behind this command, but she was strong enough to withstand it.

"So naughty ... but no, you stay chained up." She narrowed her eyes on him. She released her aroma and put Midoriya back to sleep. It was concerning.

All Might, Eraser Head and Present Mic were with the police at the moment. They were sitting in front of Savage. The woman smiled at them. Her wolf like features had retracted a bit. She had a normal human face now, even though her fangs were still larger than the average human teeth. She was completely chained up, and she didn't like it.

"So, Savage," Aizawa started, "what does your quirk exactly do? Our records stated that you can turn people feral within minutes, why did it take so long for them, to turn?"

"..." She just stared at them. "How can we bring them back to normal? How long will they stay this way?"

She smiled slightly but she quirked her eyebrows a little up, she wouldn't tell them anything.

"Mic ..." Aizawa looked to his mate.

Hizashi sighed. He then focused on the woman in front of them. "Savage! Answer the questions!" He alpha commanded her. Savage shuddered.

"Yes, alpha! My quirk is turning people back to their primal state. We are all offspring's of wolves, and my quirk can bring out the savage side of them. Some call it a different version of the rabies virus, because it causes aggressiveness, fevers and other symptoms of rabies, but that's not it. It's more like I let out their inner beast. I free it from the chains."

"I can control when I want them to go nuts. Usually my alpha wanted me to infect them extremely quickly so there would be a panic, but those kids were already down. So I gave them a longer incubation time. I figured you would keep them in quarantine and away from the omegas but I guess it wasn't long enough ..." she smiled sinisterly.

"You see, I awakened their primal state. I know that some people see that as an illness or a bad thing. But is it really? They will be stronger from now on ... The primal state awakens unbelievable powers. You saw Lobo, my alpha, right? He was so incredibly strong because he used my quirk! Nothing will stop them, if they learn how to control it."

The three teachers were absolutely shocked. "So there is no way to get this virus out of their bodies?" All Might asked.

"It will become weaker, if I am not there to bite them from time to time, but it will never go away fully. They, of course, can try to tame the beast that I unchained. But why would they want that? This is much more fun" she giggled.

"They tried to hurt other omegas! This is not funny!" Shota growled.

"So? Is that my problem? I only care for my alpha" Savages look was cold.

"Can we somehow suppress their feral state?" Mic asked with alpha authority.

"You could take my blood and can make suppressants out of it, I suppose. But you would have to milk me dry to get blood over and over and over again, because there is no long time solution."

Damn this omega! This was not going how they wanted it. They really couldn't help their students? What were they supposed to do now? They couldn't let them go to the omegas until this was settled.

"Can they give the virus to someone else? For example if one of them bites another alpha student?" Eraser Head asked.

"No, only I can give that power. Are we done now? I really want to see my alpha!"

"You ain't gonna see him in a long time, girl", Mic said aggressively. Savage pouted a little, before she grinned again.

Extremely unsatisfied, the three teachers left. There was really nothing they could do. Only time and determination of their students would decide their fate.

"What?! You can't be serious!" Katsuki yelled. The A Class was in the common room of the B Class building. After their check-up they were ordered to stay there until the repair work was done in the other building.

"I am, as much as I hate it" Aizawa looked at them with a serious gaze. "There is nothing that can turn them back. At least not for now", he said.

"What do you mean, Mr. Aizawa?" Momo asked.

"We are still training Eri's quirk, she could maybe rewind them, but for now, she is not able to do it."

"Eri? Was that the pup of yours?" Tetsutetsu asked.

"Yes." Aizawa answered. "We will keep these four locked up. Savage mentioned that it would get weaker, if they aren't bitten by her again, but we don't know how long it will take to weaken. If we see, that they are more themselves again, we try to work with them. She said that they could train to control themselves ..."

"And we are not allowed to see them in this state?" Mina asked.

"No. Their instincts take over as soon as an omega is near them. I visited them earlier and they were even growling at me." Aizawa stated. "It is too dangerous for you, to stay together with them."

The students were so shocked. How could such a bad thing happen to them? Katsuki was sitting next to Tetsutetsu, he had grabbed the alphas hand unconsciously. Tetsutetsu reminded him so much of Kirishima that he didn't even registered it at first.

Tetsutetsu looked over to Katsuki, he could see how distraught the omega was. He knew that Kirishima and Bakugo were close. He released a calming scent

What would the future bring for the four alphas? Were they able to regain control again? What if they couldn't? He hoped they could train that little pup faster, so she could rewind the alphas.

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