Chapter 10

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Izuku and Eijiro have a serious talk about Katsuki's behavior.

Katsuki knew that they wouldn't let him go. He snarled at them. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He let his foul scent flow freely between them.

But Izuku and Eijiro let out their own scents and they quickly covered Katsuki's. Soon his room was filled with the musky pine and cedar scents of his alpha classmates.

"Now shoot, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Deku asked. Katsuki raised his eyebrows, as he used vulgar language.

"Nothing's fucking wrong, stupid nerd. Everything is fucking fine!" he hissed and showed his teeth in a threatening manner. But neither Izuku nor Eijiro were scared.

Katsuki hated it, of course they weren't scared. They were alphas! They weren't scared of a puny little omega. It pissed him off so much! They were so much bigger than Katsuki now. They were half a head taller than him by now, and he knew they would still grow bigger. And those goddamn muscles! Izuku's shirt was tight around his muscular arms ...

Eijiro too, his shoulders seemed so broad. It was really intimidating. They were both impressive. Of course they were perfect, they were alphas! Something tightened in Katsuki's stomach, he was surrounded by their mixing scents and it was hell and heaven at the same time. This mix was dangerous!

"Obviously not everything is fine. It reeks after pissed off omega everywhere you go. You can't do that man! Everyone suffers from that!" Eijiro said. "I know, I said I would support you, but this is way too much! You need to stop and give them a break!"

"Pah, they are just fucking weak!" The blonde growled.

"We both don't know on what ego trip you are, but you are worse than ever before! I thought we had talked about this! Why did it change all of a sudden?" Izuku pressed the matter.

"What have the girls done to you, to deserve that?" Eijiro asked.

Katsuki snapped. "They were fucking close to you! Cheeks is always clinging to your arm as if you are her crutch. And how dare this damn raccoon eyes to cuddle with you? Why would you want them anyways? Are they fucking better than me? If you think so, you are dead wrong! I am the best omega here, not them!" His voice was pure poison. It sounded so hateful.

The alphas stared at each other for a moment. What did he just say? "You are jealous because Ochako and Mina spent time with us?" Izuku asked.

"Fucking hell! I am not jealous! I just hate it to see or even imagine it, how they cuddle up to you. They don't deserve that!"

"I-I ... I don't really understand, Kacchan. I mean I could guess why Ochako, but Ochako and Mina? Why are you jealous of both of them?"

"I am NOT JEALOUS! I just fucking hate it to see them with both of you!"

"But why the both of us?" Eijiro was confused. "I thought you liked Midoriya's scent more?"

"I don't fucking know! I am just pissed! You are my best friend after all. How dare she touch you? And you ... you were always after me! My childhood friend and rival. I can't stand the thought, that she distracts you so much! You are supposed to look after ME! You get that?! Your eyes should be on me! Not her! The same goes for you, shitty hair! What do they have, that I don't have?"

Eijiro and Izuku looked at each other again. Confused, Izuku scratched the back of his head. "Well ... they asked?" The greenette said.

"Yeah, Mina just asked me if I wanted to cuddle with her." Eijiro shrugged.

"They don't have anything special! They just asked nicely."

"I told you, you just have to ask me or Izuku and we would cuddle with you too. We know it's a thing that omegas like to do." Eijiro explained.

Katsuki gritted his teeth. "So you would cuddle anyone who asks? Every fucking omega that just comes up to you and asks?"

"Well ... I wouldn't say that I would do that for every omega, but for the girls of our class, sure", Izuku answered.

"Yeah, me too. Or other omegas that I know beforehand and that I am comfortable with." Eijiro said.

Katsuki still growled. He felt really sick to his stomach, to know that he wouldn't be any different to them. If he asked them to cuddle, he wouldn't be special. They would do it, and it wouldn't mean anything to them.

"So it wouldn't mean anything to you", he growled. "I don't fucking like that! I don't want to be just another omega for you!" he screamed at them. He stood up and banged his fits against Eijiros muscular chest. "How dare you treat fucking raccoon eyes as the same as me?! I hate that! I thought you said you were my best friend!"

Eijiro's eyes widened as he saw tears welling up in Katsuki's eyes. Izuku looked thoughtful at his childhood friend. "And you! You always admired me! Were always after me! You said so yourself. But you look down on me now, do you?! Because I am a fucking omega! Of course you can't respect me like that! I thought that ... I thought ..." He was so angry and sad at the same time. The hot tears streamed down his face uncontrollably. He felt really awful and his chest hurt.

Izuku felt at a loss. He could deal with Kacchan when he tried to fight him, but he wasn't so good at dealing with these kinds of emotions. What was he supposed to do now?

"Dammit Katsuki" Eijiro cursed. He opened his arms and pulled his friend in a hug. Katsuki tried to struggle free but he wasn't strong enough to escape Eijiro's vice grip. "I am sorry, okay. I didn't mean to upset you."

Izuku came closer and patted Katsuki's head. "You seem to forget that we are all pretty new alphas and omegas. All our hormones are amplified and it is hard to keep them in check. We didn't mean to upset you so much by cuddling with Ochako and Mina. I am sure if we talk with them too, that we can find a solution for this. We don't want to make you feel left out."

Katsuki tried to struggle against Eijiro's hug again, but he eventually relented and relaxed a little.

He buried his face on his best friend's chest. He was so on edge the past few days, so full of rage that he was now really tired.

"Maybe we could call Ochako and Mina, so we can talk to them too. I am sure we can find a solution", Eijiro suggested.

"Hm, not now ..." Katsuki's voice sounded exhausted.

"Okay. But we have to talk with them later." Eijiro said.

He looked to Izuku and moved closer to the other boy. "Here" he moved Katsuki over in Izuku's arms.

Katsuki let Izuku hug him too, while Eijiro patted his hair softly. "Nest", Katsuki murmured.


"Get into my nest. I ... I want more cuddles", his cheeks were burning at this point. He fell so low ... but at least in this moment he couldn't care less.

He freed himself from Izuku's hug and hopped into his nest. He patted on the blanket. "You said you would cuddle with me." He pouted a little.

"Uh ... sure! But are you sure we can come into your nest?" Eijiro sounded unsure. Mina usually came to his room if she wanted cuddles. He wasn't allowed anyway near her nest.

"I am sure, now get in here!" he demanded.

The boys complied and Izuku crawled behind Katsuki while Eijiro stayed in front of him. It was a bit of a tight fit, but they managed to squeeze into the nest. Katsuki purred softly. "You better stay fucking here with me."

"Haha, sure, no problem Kats", the redhead said, smiling brightly.

Katsuki closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth that was coming from the two other males. It was relaxing and for the first time in weeks he could really calm down.

Izuku looked over to Eijiro and flashed him a smile. Eijiro returned it.

They stayed in bed with Katsuki for a long time, until it was time for dinner.

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