Chapter 52

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The Exam - Part 7

Toru kept herself hidden from Best Jeanist. She had completely forgotten that his own outfit was out of fibers too. He had already spotted her once and he had almost captured her. This was bad, so bad!

"It would be easier, if you just give up." Best Jeanist approached her slowly. The fibers from his outfit stretched in multiple directions, trying to find her.

Suddenly, something crashed into the building, Toru heard the loud roar of Dark Shadow. "I found you!"

Best Jeanist jumped back when one of Dark Shadow's claws tried to hit him. He controlled the fibers on his outfit and he tried to capture the creature of darkness but the sheer power of it ripped through the fibers as if they were nothing.

He made a fiber shield and blocked more blows, it was harder than expected. The inside of the building was still relatively dark, so no wonder the creature had so much power. He needed to get him into the light.

Best Jeanist wrapped again his fibers around Tokoyami. Before he could rip himself free again, he ran towards the destroyed window and jumped. Tokoyami followed him outside he could feel that Dark Shadow became weaker. But he was still powerful enough to rip free.

"Piercing Twilight Claws!" Even though it was bright outside he had trained Dark Shadow so much by now, that he could still hold this form for a little while in the daylight.

Best Jeanist dodged and pulled himself further away from the creature.

"Acid Splash!" He moved out of harms ways just in time. Mina was again in her Acidman form, her skin literally burning away now. Best Jeanist had to give it to her. He couldn't get to the fibers on her suit because of all the acid.

"Tokoyami!" She shouted while she tackled Best Jeanist full force.

Fumikage extended Dark Shadows arms and he captured the pro with it. Huffing, Mina cuffed him. She immediately jumped away and the Acid flowed to the ground, she was shaking and she collapsed. Her skin was greatly irritated. But she forced herself to her feet again. "There are others that need help. I'll go and see what I can do."

"Pinky wait, you are already on your limit!" Fumikage tried to stop her. But she just turned around and smiled at him. Her eyes still glowing pink.

"I'm fine, I can go on."

That's when Fat Gum charged in, he was still holding the struggling Kirishima.

Mina was horrified when she looked at the in blood covered Eijiro. She saw the injuries on Fat Gum and could only imagine what had happened. "Hey, I need someone to calm him down. My punches are not strong enough to even hurt him in this form!" Fat Gum yelled.

Best Jeanist used his fibers and wrapped them around Eijiro but the hardened skin was too sharp, the threads were cut almost instantly.

Eijiro managed to wiggle out, he jumped back, still growling he looked terrifying. He roared and was about to jump Fat Gum again, when Mina called his name.

"Stop it! Eijiro!" The feral alpha turned around to her. His eyes glowed yellow, hers glowed in pink. He bared his teeth and walked over to her.

Fat Gum looked concerned in her direction. Tokoyami had Dark Shadow ready, the situation was tense.

"I need you, to calm down! Everything is okay! You can control it!" Carefully, Mina walked over to Eijiro. She smiled at him and laid her hands on his cheeks. Eijiro struggled visibly but to everyone's relief, he dropped on his knees. Mina wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You did great, Eijiro. You have yourself under control, see?"

"I am sorry" he mumbled. He wrapped his arms around Mina, he buried his face on her shoulder. It stung a little because of the acid but he didn't care. He closed his eyes and he was relieved that the beast was under control again.


Fat Gum looked down to his hands there was suddenly a handcuff around it. "Wait what?!" he exclaimed.

"Well, I used the time to capture you. Now with Eijiro out of the picture, we would have had a really hard time" Toru laughed.

"Awww! You tricked me! That's unfair!" Fat Gum whined. The others laughed.

"You should have paid more attention then" Best Jeanist mumbled.

The students laughed for a while. Eijiro was pretty sure that he had failed again, but t was just happy, that he got his control back.

Izuku's eyes glowed yellow-green when he lifted himself up again. Blood ran down his face. His teeth got longer and sharper. He powered himself up again and jumped. He was even faster now. Mirko tsked and hopped back.

"You're still kicking, huh?" she growled. The alpha in her responded to the beast inside of Izuku.

Izuku accelerated and used full cowl on 50%. "St. Louis Smash!" He delivered a roundhouse kick, he aimed for Mirko's face, but knowing she couldn't dodge it, she jumped up a little to get her face out of harms way. It hit her side and cracked a few ribs.

She got kicked again into the next building. Izuku used blackwhip to catch her again and to pull her close. "Detroit Smash!" While she was still coming closer towards him he fired the heavy punch in her face. She flew back again and he jumped up. "Manchester Smash!" he brought an axe kick down onto Mirko. She screamed in pain as she crashed into the ground.

Her breathing was heavy, she looked up to Izuku. A real monster stood above her. He set his foot down on her chest the sun was directly behind him, that's why she couldn't make out the features on his face, except the glowing of his eyes. Without much of a delay, he cuffed her hands together. Blood was still dripping down his chin.

"Damn, you're a hard opponent" Mirko complimented. "You almost cracked my skull open, you know?"

Instead of an answer, he growled. He lifted the head and sniffed. "Kacchan!" he murmured. Green lightning flashed around him, as he went into full cowl again and off he went.

Tamaki wrapped the tentacles he had created around Katsuki. The blonde yelled at him, to let him go, but to his surprise, Tamaki didn't let go. He looked terrified but he still didn't let go.

This pissed Katsuki off so much! He jumped back and his hands burned into the tentacles. "I said LET GO!" he yelled louder this time. Tamaki squeaked and lifted his other hand, he manifested a clam to better protect himself. Bakugo jumped in the air and kicked against the shell, finally freeing himself from the tentacles. He grabbed Tamaki and head butted him hard. "You piece of shit! DIE!" he lifted his hand up and explosions crackled in his palm.

"That's not very heroic" came it from his side and seconds later, Mirio was next to him. He punched Katsuki in the guts. He flew backwards and coughed.

"Oh, Mirio! You took some time, but now you're here!" she cheered.

"Oh, yeah, I watched some of the other fights. It was really entertaining" he smiled. He then turned to Katsuki. "You better not kill Tamaki, I need him" his tone was serious.

"Hah, I understand how it is" Bakugo grimaced but it turned into a grin. "I'll kill you both then!"

"And here I thought I was supposed to play the villain. You're scary, my dude" he laughed. Then he disappeared. Shit! Where was he?

Katsuki got punched in the stomach again. "Let's see if you can catch me. You know, to make it fair for you guys, I won't phase all the time. There are intervals were you have the chance to catch me, but first you need to know when that is" he laughed loudly.

"Bastard" Katsuki growled.

He got almost hit by a wave of Nejire again and Tamaki fired little shells at him, mostly for distraction.

One of his arm protectors broke down when Tamaki had grabbed him. This wasn't good. But at least he was sweating a lot, so he should have enough fire power. A three versus one seemed pretty hard, especially against a guy who could phase through everything.

But nonetheless he smiled. This was a challenge that he liked!

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