Chapter 47

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The Exam - Part 2

Shoto walked in the middle of the street. Kyoka had told him, that Endeavor was close. His eyes glowed yellow and he sniffed. Ah, he was above him. Shoto looked up and a sharp toothed smile spread over his face. The beast inside of him was howling.

The feral alpha knew that Mina and Momo were close, so he tried to draw as much attention towards himself as possible. He collected ice under his feet and a giant ice pillar appeared. He lifted himself up to reach his father.

"Come at me Shoto!" Endeavor shouted. He jumped off the building and with his flames he propelled himself towards his son. Shoto used more ice to block him off but Endeavor burst through the ice, no problem. Widely smiling he grabbed Shoto by the collar and threw him into the building. Now he stood on the ice pillar – it started to melt due to the heat.

Shoto growled and used his ice and fire sides to walk on the outside of the building. He froze himself to the surface with his right side, while he melted into the wall with his left side. He moved up to the roof. Here was enough space to fight. Endeavor huffed and used his fire to propel himself back to the roof. He sent a Flashfire Fist towards his son.

The student easily averted the fist with his own fire. Igniting his foot, he leaped over his father. He grabbed him with his right hand by the shoulder and started his ice, but Enji simply increased the temperature of his fire. "Don't think you can freeze me that easily." He scoffed.

Shoto landed on his feet and immediately spun around to ice-kick him in the side. Sharp icicles pierced through Endeavors site. He growled but luckily he could melt the ice, before it got too deep into his skin. He grabbed Shoto's leg and, enhanced with his fire, he spun him around. He let go of his son and threw him into the opposite building. Shortly after, he propelled himself after the student.

Momo had separated from Mina and she hid in a dark alley and concentrated on a weapon that could keep Endeavor at bay. But before she could do anything, she felt a short pain in her stomach. She coughed and looked up to see Edgeshot.

"I won't let you produce a weapon." He mumbled and his form got thinner.

Creati inhaled sharply and then she backed down. No, she couldn't let him hit her. Gritting her teeth, she retreated. She didn't know where Edgeshot would be, she had to make a plan. "Shoto, I was caught by Edgeshot, it will take a while!" she informed him over the radio. She could feel a slight shift next to her and before he could attack her, she had a shield up.

Shinya scoffed a little, of course he wouldn't go all out on the students. He could have ended it for her in an instant, but this wasn't the goal here. They were advised to give the students a chance of counteracting.

Momo looked him in the eyes. Shinya raised his eyebrows when suddenly a flow of matryoshka dolls came flying towards him. He sliced them but this was a mistake. A bright flash blinded him. Creati used this time to run away. She needed a plan.

Hound Dog charged at Rikido, his claws clashed with Sugarmans fists. He had to admit, the punches were really, really solid. Ryo's neck fur stood on the end. He growled and his eyes pierced into Sato's.

But the teacher was still physically stronger than the other alpha. He lifted Rikido up in the air and threw him around directly into the explosion of Katsuki. Rikido yelped in pain.

"Oh, shit" Katsuki snarled. He landed and fired some AP-Shots at Hound Dog. "You'll pay for that, shitty mutt."

Hound Dog pounced at Katsuki. The teacher was so massive that he easily buried Katsuki under him. The omega was held down by the shoulders and he looked again into a sharp toothed grin.

Memories of being pinned down by Eijiro flashed in his head. "Get off of me!" Katsuki screamed in fury. He slammed his hand in Ryo's muzzle and exploded them. Hound Dog howled in pain. Katsuki pulled his legs closer to his body and then kicked against Hound Dog's chest.

Rikido was up again, he had slight burns but he didn't care. He grabbed Ryo by the neck and ripped him further away from Katsuki.

Ryo growled and he resisted against the grip. He pushed Rikido's hand away and managed to free himself. He hit Rikido with a clawed hand and slashed him a little on the chest. Rikido staggered back. He growled and grabbed some sugar. He popped open one of the little containers and he downed the first pack of sugar.

Buffed, he was ready to go one on one with Hound Dog. "Leave it to me, Dynamight. We will get in each others way if we try to fight him together. Go get Nejire-chan!" He punched his fists together.

"Don't you dare to fucking lose!" With that Katsuki used his explosions to move quickly to Nejire's position.

He saw her firing one of her spiral beams at Koji, who desperately tried to get away from her and Ectoplasm. Birds surrounded the alpha teacher but it didn't help much.

"Oi, leave him the fuck alone!" Katsuki shot himself higher and he grabbed Nejire by the hair. The girl yelped in surprise and pain. He threw her a few meters around.

She steadied herself in the air again and she smiled brightly at Katsuki. "Hey, hey, are you my enemy?" She asked happily. "You are really strong, am I right? And you got stronger, am I right? You hang around with Deku a lot, am I right?" She bounced up and down in the air.

Katsuki sat on a lamp post and glared at her, annoyed. "Stop fucking talking, air head" he growled.

"Oh, you are scary!" Nejire laughed. She lifted her arms up and yellow whirls started to build in her hands. She aimed at Katsuki and suddenly a massive whirled beam shot out of her hands.

With his explosion, Katsuki was in the air in no time and could dodge. "Oh, you are so quick! My waves get slowed down because they twist. So how could I catch you?" She wondered, but still sounded excited.

Katsuki was so annoyed by her. He flew towards her using his explosions to avoid her shockwaves. He grabbed her by the shoulder, his explosions sizzled on her shoulder. He was above her. She lifted her arm and he got hit by a massive shockwave. Growling he pushed them down with his free hand, using great explosive force.

Nejire stopped their fall before she hit the ground. "I am not that weak, you know?" She giggled and wrapped her legs around Katsuki. "Gring Wave!"

Katsuki blasted her right in the face, but he was also hit with the shock wave. He jumped back and had to collect himself.

He didn't realize that Tamaki was behind him.

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя