Chapter 79

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The students get ready. Kairi and Miles get some traces to the League. An accident happens.

About twenty minutes later, the students were changed and they walked over to the vehicles, Ian's group readied a black, heavily armored Hummer SUV. Deku noticed the many fire arms they had.

The group had changed in all-black attire. Black trousers, black t-shirts and combat boots. Except for Ian and Jesper they all wore some armored plates; they also wore balaclavas, on the part where the mouth was, were skull prints.

Mai-Li on the other hand did not change at all, she still had her short red Chinese dress on. She was twirling two large khukuri knives on a leather string around. She also had some throwing knives attached to a strap on her legs.

Aizawa went over to the group to confirm their destinations. Katsuki came up to Deku. "Oi, nerd, what do you think will happen today?" he asked.

"I don't know, it comes so sudden. In the best case we manage to find the League and beat them, and safe Dabi, but in the worst case, many people will get injured" Deku sighed. "But when we do all our best, I'm sure we can manage a good outcome."

"Hmpf, that's surprisingly dark. I would have thought you say everything goes great."

Deku shook his head. "No, I don't think that. It's the League after all."

"Right ... Shigaraki's a prime alpha, this could be hard. And who knows what he has up his sleeves these days." Katsuki grimaced. Ever since the kidnapping, he hadn't encountered the Leader of the League of Villains.

Aizawa came back to them. "Okay, all of you, get into the busses, we will now drive to the location where Kairi sends us. She's at the crime scene and they are about to track down the League."

The students got into the busses; they all were more or less tense. They all wondered what would happen in a few hours.

Kairi and her crew, as well as Endeavor and Hawks arrived at the location and they entered the house. It was wrecked and burned, there was some heavy fight here. "Oi, bird, give me something that he wore. We need his scent" she pinched her nose, the burning was really heavy.

"Yeah, right, one moment."

She turned to Miles. "Oi, look around and give me the data. Can you see some tracks?"

Miles closed his eyes, when he opened them they glowed in a very bright light blue. "Hm, Three perpetrators. A male prime alpha, a male beta and a female omega. Of course the male pregnant omega." He blinked a few times.

He walked into the kitchen, Kairi followed him. "The male omega sat on the kitchen table. They entered through the door. They completely disintegrated it. They entered the kitchen and surrounded the omega. He used a fire quirk to get away, but being nine months pregnant made this impossible."

He looked around again. "There was a delay of a good five minutes, they presumably talked about something. The female omega moved closer towards him. The beta too ... and then ... he disappeared, just like that. They left the area the way they came." Miles blinked again. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Hm, you should go airborne and look for more traces." Kairi suggested. "From the disappearing act it seems to be this Mr. Compress."

"Seems about right. I'll go, grab Chicken Wings and he can fly me around." Miles walked over to the bedroom. Hawks came out of it and bumped into the massive alpha.

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now