Chapter 108

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The talk with Eijiro as well as Mina and Ochako.

Katsuki woke up the next morning and he was still in Eijiro's arms, the alpha lay on his back and watched the ceiling, he was already awake for some time.

The omega sat up rubbing over his eyes. The skin around them was red and a bit sensitive. He felt hot. Eijiro looked at him, while moving his right arm a bit, Katsuki had slept on it and now finally some blood was rushing to his fingers again.

"How are you feeling?" Eijiro asked.

"I don't know, weird" Katsuki answered honestly. It slightly rumbled in his stomach. He furrowed his brows.

Katsuki sat criss cross applesauce on his bed, even though he wore a big sweater and sweat pants, he shivered a little. He grabbed a pillow and hugged it.

Eijiro's alpha growled, when he saw this, suddenly, Katsuki looked so young and vulnerable. He wanted nothing more than to protect him. Everything in him wanted to make Katsuki happy, but he knew he couldn't – he shouldn't.

He cleared his throat and sat up opposite of Katsuki, he had grabbed the Typhlosion Plushie and absent mindedly patted its head. "About last night ... We still need to talk about that."

"Yes! I-I know" Katsuki answered. "I am so sorry, again, I hurt you so much, I know I can't make it better by just saying 'I'm sorry', but you have to believe me, I am so sorry" his voice was trembling. "P-please d-don't hate me anymore."

"Bakugo, I never hated you!"

Katsuki gasped. "B-but I-I mean, the things I did were terrible! I mean, I hate me for it, so y-you m-must hate me too."

Eijiro leaned forward and cupped his cheek. "Look at me. I was hurt, okay? Hurt that you immediately went to Midoriya after we broke up. I know it was a shit move from me too, I should have expected this, after a day like that. It only seemed natural that you would find each other, as soon as I am not around anymore. I made the way free for you, but then got pissed when you actually went with it. This was on me, I knew the consequences. I had the wrong expectations, and I made it unfair for both of you. Okay? I completely get that I was the asshole in this" he looked him in the eyes while explaining his side.

Katsuki stared at him, confused. "Why are you saying this? I made the mistakes. You're not the asshole, you could never! I hurt you! A-and what did you expect?" he asked carefully.

"I don't know, that you would choose me over him?" Eijiro exhaled. "I still hoped that you would love me enough to not let me go. That you ... that you would protest harder when I told you it was over. I ... I should have chosen to talk to you and Midoriya at this time. Maybe we could have settled it then and there. Instead I chose to chicken out because I never thought we could make it work." He shook his head and ran with his hand through his hair. "I was so jealous, ever since the summer camp you were closer to him again. You hugged him so much and I ... I wanted that too, but my stupid alpha was too proud to ask for it."

Katsuki had pressed his hands in front of his mouth. Tears were again in his eyes. "I ... oh god, I should have noticed that. But my omega, he's such a fucking bitch, I wanted to be close to you too, but it kept me away and made me focus on Deku ..." Tears were dripping from his cheeks onto his pillow. "I used you! My omega knew that it wanted Deku, but it got jealous when some other omega was around you. I got scared that you didn't want to be my friend any more that you would leave me for someone else, and it was scared that it wouldn't work out with Deku, so it wanted to keep you around. I used you as a backup, and I feel so bad for it. Please forgive me!"

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