Part 63

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As Blake drives home, Lia thinks about how to deal with the man that Dexter failed to kill. As boring as it is, burning his house might be the best way to eliminate him. He's armed to the teeth, like Blake said and he went crazy about his own protection, almost as if he knew someone wants to kill him. It's suspicious, but there's no use dwelling over it now. The guy needs to disappear and Lia will be the one to make it happen.

The moment Blake's Mustang crosses the iron gates of the Knight residence, the couple catches sight of Joanna and Sawyer's car in the driveway. They must've raced like crazy through the city to get here before us...

"Welcome home, Master Blake, Lady Lia." Edwin greets warmly as he opens the front doors for the Knights. Ever since they started living here, they barely have to touch any doorknobs, since either Edwin or Julie open the doors for them. It's kinda funny, to be honest. It seems that the people working here want to do things for the Knights all the time. It's really sweet.

"Hi, Edwin. - the Knights greet at the same time - You look good... Got a date with Julie later?" Lia teases, enjoying the bashful look on the older man's face. He and Julie are not exactly young anymore, but their love still runs hot and it's so cute to watch.

"As usual, nothing can be hidden from you, my lady." Edwin smiles.

Before Lia can tease the older butler a little more, her stomach releases a monstrous growl that alerts both men about its hunger. "Sorry. I guess skipping lunch was a bad idea." Lia mutters, avoiding the teasing looks from the men.

"I will tell the cooks to prepare dinner right away." Edwin announces, absolutely unbothered by the situation.

"Let them know that the Conans will stay for dinner too." Blake requests, getting a firm nod from the butler before he retreats to the kitchen.

"Hi, kids. - Joanna smiles sadly at her nephew and niece as they enter the open living room - I... I didn't know what to do. I couldn't let someone cut my baby open..."

"Don't fret, Jo," Lia assures after exchanging greetings with her and Sawyer, doing her best to not wince at the heartbreaking sound of Davin's crying. She reaches out to the wailing baby and gently takes it into her arms, cradling the tiny boy to her chest. "It's going to be alright, little warrior. You'll be okay in just a moment." She says soothingly, smiling at the little bundle of joy as he stares at her with those sweet blue eyes of his that are just like Blake's. A gorgeous trait that runs in the Knights's bloodline.

"And just like that he calms down... - Sawyer sighs in relief - Fascinating."

Lia doesn't bother commenting on that and simply focuses on the baby in her arms. "The break is pretty bad, his wrist is shattered." She informs the Davin's parents before closing her eyes and quickly healing the little boy. It takes only a minute for her to make Davin's wrist to look as good as new, mostly due to Lia's excessive training sessions with Thalia. She's been practicing her healing skill on the witch all the time and spent hundreds of years in her dream just hurting and healing her ancestor. Thanks to that, she now can heal someone almost instantly and the more severe injuries take a minute at most.

"All better now. But be careful about your bed, little warrior. You don't want to have an 'owie' again, do you?" Lia grins adoringly at Davin, getting a happy giggle from him in response before he snuggles into her sleepily. "He's going to sleep for quite a while after this. He's absolutely exhausted from all that pain and crying."

"Thank you so much, Lia." Joanna finally sheds her mask and lets the young Knights see her despair. "I don't know what I'd do without you..."

"It's no problem, you know that. - Lia smiles reassuringly, carefully placing sleeping Davin in his mother's arms - He's a Knight, it's obvious he's gonna get in trouble." She adds, smirking at Blake over her shoulder.

Warriors (Ghost #4)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora