Part 12

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The bastard only gapes at me in fear, unknowingly feeding my thirst for blood. He's going to get what he deserves and this time, I won't give in to my fury and finish him quickly. I'm going to take my time with him, keeping him in pain for as long as possible.

It's amusing to see him shake in horror as he stares at me with wide eyes. I have to say, it's quite satisfying to make fuckers like him suffer.

"Can you put him on the table?" I turn to Blood and my sweet Blake as they unchain Gloria's corpse and lay it on the floor.

"Sure." Blood nods. Wow, he's said TWO words today! That's the most I've ever heard him speak.

I wait patiently for Bernard to be placed on the same tables his wife just died on, not even minding Shovel as he drags Gloria's body out of the cell.

The guys tie the fucker's limbs to the table, spreading him out like a starfish. "Anything else you want us to do, baby?" Blake asks, pulling me into his arms.

"I will need you later, you know for what." I smile at him, getting a short nod in response. I told Cakey that I plan on castrating Bernard. In my opinion, every guy that even thinks about hurting women like Bernard or Patrick deserve to have their dicks blown off. And Blake knows that. But he won't let me touch Bernard's junk. The only dick I am allowed to touch is Cakey's. Not that I mind doing that.

Blake gives me a quick kiss then leaves the cell to stand beside Killer and Muffin like earlier.

"What is she talking about?" I hear Muffin ask Blake as I go through the stuff on the tool table, wondering what to use on Bernard.

"My girl has a... special approach to assholes like Bernard. I mean guys that try to take advantage of women or force themselves on them. She believes that all those scumbags deserve is getting their dicks cut off. But I sure as hell am not letting her touch this fucker's junk." Blake explains. See? He really gets me.

I tune out Muffin and Killer's quiet exchange, concentrating on choosing my weapon. After a moment of consideration, I settle on scissors. I have an idea.

I quickly cut Bernard's jeans and pull them off, leaving him in his soiled boxers, then take the C-clamp back to the tool table and exchange it for a thin chain. I cut it into short parts before plugging in a drill and taking it back to Bernard, along with a wrench and J-bolts.

Using the drill, I make holes in the table on each side of Bernard's legs then put the J-bolts in the holes and thread the chains through them, pinning fucker's thighs tightly to the table.

The scumbag starts thrashing widely in his restraints when I take the drawknife, pleading pathetically for me to 'stop' and 'have mercy'. Mercy, my ass. This shithead doesn't deserve mercy.

"Aww, look at that, he's scared. - I mock - You want me to stop, huh? And did you stop when Kat was begging you to?! Did you fucking stop?!" I snarl, grabbing the fucker's face harshly. "Well, let me remind you - YOU FUCKING DIDN'T!" I yell. Yeah, asshole, I heard all that!

I ignore the scumbag's cries and wails and drag the drawknife through the skin of his shin, cutting it off effortlessly and revealing his bone. That's it, asshole. Scream.

When the small part of the skin by his ankle doesn't want to come off, I rip it off with my hands and lay the severed flesh on the table. "Don't worry Muffin, he won't be screaming for long." I tell Kat with a smirk, getting a huge knife from the tool table before chopping Bernard's skin and shoving the pieces of it into his mouth, nearly choking him with it.

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