Part 42

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It takes Blake the rest of the day to sort out his parents' belongings. He stays in their bedroom and meticulously goes through all of their clothes, jewelry, pictures... He's placed everything in boxes, tagging each one to know where they go. He's leaving only a few of his mother's things for Lia, jewelry and some other accessories, and a couple of his dad's things for himself, like his favorite watches. He was always fond of them and Blake wants to honor that by continuing his tradition of collecting wristwatches. The black and gold Gucci one he got from Lia for his eighteenth birthday will be the first in his collection.

While Blake takes care of his parents' things, Lia asks Cole to come over tomorrow because there's something she and Blake want to talk to him about. Then she makes a nice dinner for her man, wondering about how she's going to deal with the greedy aunt Sheila. The bitch better not stir any trouble or she'll end up hurt.

Lia will not let anyone take anything away from Blake. She will protect him and everything that's his forever.

"Done already?" Lia asks with a smile when she feels Blake put his arms around her all of a sudden.

"Yeah. I'll donate it all later. - Blake murmurs quietly, burying his face in the crook of his girl's neck - All that's left are the other things. I'm still thinking what to with those..."


"I don't want to stay here... Maybe I can sell the house and find some small, quiet place for us..."

"You don't have to look for a place for us. Remember? I already have a house." Lia turns in her man's embrace, smiling at him softly. "We can live there."

"True... - Blake says quietly, stroking Lia's hair gently - How did I get so lucky to get you, kitten?"

"I'm the lucky one." Lia retorts, leaning up to press a small kiss to Blake's neck. She simply can't reach his face since he's too tall.

"You'll never let me win, huh? - Blake teases, shaking his head incredulously - What are you making?" He asks, glancing at the stove.

"Dinner, what else?"

"Hm... I don't want to be a killjoy, but my grandma called... she wants us to have a dinner with them while they're still in town..." Blake says quietly, frowning in annoyance. He just knows his aunt will be there too. He can feel that something will go wrong.

"Oh... What time?"

"In an hour. I told her we can't make it sooner."

"Such a smart Cakey." Lia smiles sweetly, putting her arms around her man's bare torso. "But where are we meeting them?"


"Okay. - the girl nods - Shall we get ready then?"

"Oh, baby, you know just what to say..." Blake smirks then swiftly picks his girl up and effortlessly carries her to his old bedroom's en suite.

The two of them take a long shower together then get dressed in the bedroom, neither of them looking forward to having dinner with Blake's grandparents. His aunt, Sheila, will most likely be there too. That's why the couple decides to dress up for the occasion, just to show off in front of Sheila. Blake settles for a crisp white shirt with a black skinny tie, black suit and a pair of black leather shoes. He finishes the look with the Gucci watch Lia has given him and a thick black coat, since it's quite cold outside.

"Wow, kitten... you look... breathtaking." Blake sighs when Lia walks out of the closet, wearing a black sleeveless blouse, black leather pants tucked into her black high-heeled ankle boots with golden zippers and clasps on the sides, a black coat with decorative golden buttons on both the lapel and the sleeves and a thick belt finished with a golden buckle. With her hair left in loose waves and her hazel eyes popped out with the black eyeliner, she looks like a goddess.

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