Part 19

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When I wake up in the morning, I see that my kitten is still asleep, not that I'm surprised. I heard her get up earlier and go out with Lorenzo.

I wonder what he wanted and why he couldn't ask me instead of waking my girl up. She has enough on her shoulders...

I press a small kiss to Lia's head then get up from the bed and go get ready for the day. Deciding to make my kitten a nice breakfast for when she wakes up, I go to do some shopping, since there's nothing useful in the fridge.

When I'm finally back, it's to the sight of Ivy sitting by the island and letting out a heavy sigh.

"That's a big sigh..." I comment as I put the groceries on the counter.

"What?" Ivy is clearly startled by my sudden appearance and gives me a confused look.

"You look upset..."

"I was just... thinking. - she pushes away her plate and leans her chin on her folded forearms - There's a lot going on in my head." Tell me about it.

"If you want, you can tell me. I may not be able to give you any advice, but I can still listen." I offer, leaning against the counter to face my friend.

"I... I was thinking about the whole... immortality thing - say what? - If I accept Ren and Wolfe and seal the bond, I will be like them, immortal. But that would mean I'd have to watch everyone I know die... And I don't want to go through all that loss. But I also don't want to leave Ren. He means a lot to me." Ivy pours everything out, making me hum quietly in understanding. I think I get it. But what does she mean by 'all that loss'?

"Did you remember anything? Your family, friends?" I ask with a small frown.

"No. I meant you and Lia. You're really important to me and I'd hate to see you die..."

"Woah, don't kill us yet! - I laugh heartily - I'm not planning on dying anytime soon."

"I know you know what I mean... - yeah I do - You two will grow old and pass away and I'll stay young and alone." She sighs sadly. Oh, Ivy...

"Oh dear... Ivy, you won't be alone. You'll have Lorenzo, Lia, me... We may not be able to stay with you for thousands of years, but we'll be your friends for as long as we live." I smile reassuringly, unintentionally making Ivy's eyes water.

"What did you do?!" Lorenzo snarls furiously as he storms towards his woman before kneeling beside her. "Love, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I didn't do anything, you idiot! Why would I hurt my friend?" I exclaim defensively. This asshole!

"Don't be mad at him. He's just comforting me." Ivy scolds with a mad glare.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I don't want to watch them die!" Ivy cries out, lunging at her man.

"What are you talking about? Blake, what's going on?" Lorenzo turns to me with a lost look, clearly not understanding the situation.

"Ivy's worried about being immortal because it would mean she'd have to watch her friends die." I explain shortly.

"Oh, my poor little mate. You're not losing your friends. Lia has witch's blood, which means she doesn't have the same lifespan as an average human. Witches live for a very long time." Lorenzo smiles warmly at his girl, not seeing my suspicious look.

"Hold on, what do you mean by that?" I question.

Lorenzo gets up from the ground and pulls Ivy onto his lap before turning to me. "Lia is a witch. There's no denying that. And because of that, her lifespan exceeds that of a human by tenfold. You can do the math. - Holy shit! - But that's not all. Witches can choose their mates, with whom they share their life. I'm pretty sure that in Lia's case that's you. Which means, you will share Lia's time. If she dies, you die, and if you die, she dies too. Witch's bond is far stronger than the mate bond werewolves share." Okay, now I'm getting slightly freaked out. What the hell is all this?

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