Part 61

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Both Lia and Blake are absolutely drained after meeting the officers. They expected their hostility, but they didn't want to give the men a chance to conspire against them, so they went to the Knights' headquarters right away, not even bothering to drop their things off at their new house. Only the bikers went there with their luggage.

"They're exhausting, aren't they?" Joanna chuckles as she walks with the young couple to their car. She's decided to join them at the meeting despite her fragile state and she can honestly say the trip was worth it. Blake and Lia just got their first taste of officers' bullshit.

"They're so fucking cocky. - Blake groans - But we'll put them in their places, don't you worry. Besides, Kian is here and he's a force to be reckoned with. He'll snap their necks if they as much as say a bad word about his darling niece." He laughs, holding Lia close to his side.

"True. Kian has a short fuse." Lia giggles, knowing well how protective her 'uncle' is of her. He even killed a man for touching her when she was younger. One day, the nasty guy just disappeared into nothing, but it was clear to Lia that it was Kian who got rid of him.

"I have to say, I didn't expect them to be so against you... - Joanna sighs heavily, rubbing her round stomach - I thought they'd be more... accepting. You're both Knights, so it's your right to rule, but they didn't seem to get that. It was a real challenge to make them accept me, so I can't even imagine what you two will go through."

"Why was it difficult for them to accept you?" Lia implores curiously. From what she learned, Joanna was a great leader and she often took assignments on her own, so the men's disapproval is surprising.

"It's because I'm a woman. The three men that opposed you taking over, Dexter, Zeus and Ripper, are chauvinistic assholes. They can't bear the thought of being ruled by a woman, as they see it as humiliating."

"Huh? - Blake scoffs - That's bullshit!"

"I know!" Joanna defends. "But that's the reality... To be honest, I don't think they'll give you too much hardship after Lia's power play, but it's better to be cautious."

"We know. - Blake nods - We'll test their loyalty and we'll see if they're trustworthy. We're not stupid enough to blindly trust a bunch of people."

"No, you're not." Joanna smirks before wincing in pain when she feels a kick in her belly.

"Are you okay? You shouldn't overwork yourself..." Lia frowns worriedly, putting her arm around Joanna to help her walk.

"I'm fine. The baby has just been pretty rowdy lately. - the older woman smiles reassuringly - It's better when you're nearby, to be honest."

"That's because my wife is special. - Blake grins - Just being near her has this soothing, calming effect on people, especially children."

"You have no idea how grateful I am that you're helping me... - Joanna smiles softly - I've never thought I'd be able to have a child... I believed that I was too old for this, that I'd never have a family."

"Don't worry about it too much, Joanna. - Lia chuckles - It's not that big of a deal." She assures, helping the older woman get in the car safely.

"Still... thank you."

"Don't mention it." The young Mrs Knight grins before turning to her husband. "Shall we go home?"

"Which one?" Blake teases, making the women laugh heartily. It's a genuine question, though. He and Lia have three places they can call 'home', so it's never clear which one his wife is referring to.

"The newest one." Lia smirks at her man then gets in the passenger seat of her husband's Mustang.

"Oh, right, I didn't warn you. - Joanna speaks up suddenly as Blake drives to his grandparents' mansion - We won't be alone at the house."

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