Part 10

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It's the next morning. As always, it's a struggle to get out of my Cakey's arms, but all it takes is a deep kiss for him to loosen his hold on me. "Love you." I whisper into his ear then get off the bed to get ready for the day.

I reckon Kat is already awake and most likely in pain. She took quite a beating and I know exactly what it feels like the next day. It's always the worst once the adrenaline wears off. You feel the full brunt of every hit you took, every cut, every kick. Just... everything.

Once I'm dressed in my usual jeans, t-shirt and hoodie, I take my trusted med-kit and take it to Killer's room. I'm on nurse duty starting today and I don't plan to take it lightly.

I heard Killer leave his room earlier and he also texted me to ask to check on his girl, so I know Kat is alone in here, but I still knock. I'm not that rude to go into someone's room without knocking.

"Come in." Kat's faint voice resounds from the inside. I'm guessing she can't speak much louder because of her bruised jaw. It did look bad yesterday.

"Hey, Kat. - I greet with a smile which soon turns to a wince - You look horrible, I have to admit. How are you feeling?"

"Horrible. - she mocks my tone - I can't even move, everything hurts... And... um... I need to use the bathroom." She admits, blushing profusely.

"Oh, okay. - I nod, setting my box on the foot of the bed - I can help you get there, but it will still hurt. Doc said I can give you a shot, but it's up to you if you want it." I tell her honestly, coming up to where she lies on the big bed.

Kat only shakes her head mutely. I guess she doesn't want to get drugged up. Some medications can make you really loopy, so I always try to avoid taking pills unless the pain is really bad. I've seen enough people use drugs in front of my eyes and I never wanted to end up like that.

I carefully help Kat sit up, unintentionally making her whimper in pain. She must be really sore right now, she's so tense.

"Thank you." She says quietly, making me smile at her.

"Don't mention it. - I shrug it off - I know what it's like to be beaten up, so I understand your pain." I tell her with a half-smile. It's not easy to talk about the pain I went through, I don't like getting pity from people.

"I still want to thank you. You're doing so much for us..." Kat smiles gratefully.

"You don't have to. - I deadpan - This club is my family and you're a part of it too. It's a given I'll help you when I can."

I glance worriedly at Kat's legs as they dangle over the edge of the bed. I'm not sure she'll be able to walk to the bathroom on her own. "Can you stand?" I ask in concern.

"I'm not sure..." Kat trails off, throwing a furtive glance at me.

Hmm... "Let's not risk it, then." I mutter then gently put my arms around Kat and pick her up bridal style, earning a shocked gasp from her. She's actually lighter than I expected. Now I get why Killer carries her around all the time and keeps her clinging onto him like a cute monkey. She's so light that she probably flies with the wind.

"Y-you can put me down..." Kathie mutters, seemingly embarrassed about being carried by me.

I set Kat on the toilet in the bathroom, telling her to let me know when she's done so I can draw her a bath then leave her to do her business and go to check the contents of my trusted box. I know I packed some lavender and peppermint oils in there, but I want to make sure I still have it here. I also prepare the cloths for warm compresses for later, and plug in the heating pad so it warms up.

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