Part 41

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"Blake, we need to talk." Lia almost flinches at the sound of Blake's aunt storming inside the house with her husband following closely.

"How the hell did you get in?!" The young girl snarls at the obnoxious woman, quickly turning off the stove so the food she's been making doesn't burn.

"Don't forget it's my sister's house, little girl. I can come and go whenever I want."

"No, you can't. It's not your house." Lia glares angrily at Sheila. She's had a bad feeling about her during the funeral, but she brushed it off since everyone was the same that day. Dark and broody.

"And it's also not yours. I'm not going to argue with a child. - Sheila scoffs arrogantly, waving her hand dismissively - I need to talk to Blake."

"Speak to her like that one more time and you won't get the chance to talk to me." Blake sneers as he comes down the stairs, giving his aunt a hard glare. She better not disrespect Lia again.

"Finally! You've been cooped here for weeks, Blake! We need to talk."

"About what?" Blake says blankly, leaning against the counter with Lia wrapped in his arms.

"About what?! - Sheila parrots incredulously - About everything! The company! The house! The cabin! The shares! Everything! Surely you're not naive enough to believe you manage it all on your own." She laughs tauntingly while her husband, Warren, only stands behind her silently.

"I don't think I understand what you're getting at. All those things are rightfully Blake's so why do you care about them?" Lia raises her brow challengingly, trying to make the woman say what she wants.

"What I'm saying is that Blake is not capable of running such a big company. So he needs to give it to us." Sheila states arrogantly, getting a cold glare from Lia. Blake only watches her blankly.

"You've finally shown your true colors, huh? - he grumbles in annoyance - You just couldn't wait to try to get your hands on the company... Get out. If I see your fucking face anywhere near the company or my house, I'll destroy you. Once and for all. Try me if you don't believe it. See if I'm still the same stupid kid you've known me for." He warns deadly as he walks over to his aunt, towering over her with his intimidating posture. "I'm not beyond hitting you if you cross me, Sheila. One wrong move and you'll find out how much I changed since you last saw me."

"You'll regret this." Warren, Sheila's husband warns with a glare.

"No, you will regret this. Mess with me or mine and see what happens." Blake gives his uncle the coldest glare he can muster, making the man flinch in fear. Whatever he sees in Blake's eyes scares him enough to grab his wife and pull her away from their nephew.

"Let's go." Warren says before taking Sheila out of the house. Only after they're gone does Blake let out the breath he was holding.

"I should've known she would come. - he grumbles, going back to his girl who's been patiently watching the exchange - She's always had the hots for everything that belonged to mom, dad included, so it was only a matter of time before she did something about it."

"She can't take anything away from you, babe. Everything is yours. It's up to you to decide what to do with it."

"She was right though... - Blake mumbles, leaning his chin on Lia's shoulder as he holds her close to his chest - I can't run the company myself."

"Then what do you wish to do, amore mio?"

"What's with the Italian?"

"Don't change the subject. What do you want to do?"

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