Part 56

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Just a short filler chapter, but I'll soon be back with more! 🤗🤗

The party goes on for a long time. Everyone takes their chance to dance with the newlyweds, the men keep stealing the bride to have a moment with her and the women use the opportunity to keep the groom busy.

The only ones that don't partake in this are Liam and Olivia, having disappeared somewhere a while ago. Lia has an inkling that there's something between them, especially after seeing Liam's shocked but happy expression earlier. They are most likely mates.

It wouldn't really be bad for Olivia, considering her previous experience with guys. Having a loving and doting mate that will treat her like a queen will definitely boost her self-esteem and help her get over Scott's harsh treatment.

Of course, at first Lia was slightly surprised, since the pair can be almost called family, but she's quickly forgotten about that. Liam and Olivia are in no way related. Olivia is from Anna's late husband's family and Liam is Thea's son.

"And what keeps my wife's mind so preoccupied?" Blake asks teasingly when he notices that Lia's mind has wandered off sometime during their dance. The couple only sways slowly in tune with the music, too tired to keep up with everyone's excitement. They've both danced with over a hundred people each, and it won't be long before they'll have to retire for the day.

"Olivia and Liam. I'm pretty sure they're mates." Lia grins, getting a shocked look from her husband.

"Really? Wait, but aren't they family?" Blake winces uncomfortably. That would be messed up.

"Technically they're not. Olivia is from Joe's side, and Liam is from Thea's. There's no relation between them." Lia shares her thoughts openly, having had the same concern before.

"True. - Blake nods before chuckling quietly - Look to your left."

Lia discreetly glances to where her husband is gesturing, only to nearly burst out laughing when she sees what amused him. Her dear Mama is shamelessly coddling struggling Ryan as they sit at one of the tables and tries to feed him more cake. "I thought she gave up on him." The bride giggles, laying her cheek on her husband's chest to hide her smile from the guests.

"Guess not. - the man chuckles - Tired, kitten?" He asks softly, kissing Lia's head.

"A little, but I can take it. This is too nice to let it go so easily."

"True that. You've really outdone yourself, my love." Blake praises lovingly, taking in the beautiful scenery around him. Just like Maggie took care of the decorations and the set up, Lia has decided to use her abilities and alter the backyard her way. The gazebo where the altar was built was created from vines and trees intertwined together on top of a heavy stone podium and decorated with blooming flowers, even though it's already September. Lia made the whole backyard behind the clubhouse into a gorgeous garden, with thousands of flowers, small trees that are bent to create a natural fence around the clearing, and even a small pond surrounded by a low stone wall that serves as a bench for the kids as they dip their legs into the water. Lia is also making sure the weather is nice. She's spent quite a while to perfect that particular skill of hers, but the effort was worth it, seeing that everyone seems to like how sunny and warm it is.



"Lia, there's someone here to see you." Justin approaches the newlyweds after a while, getting an intrigued look from the bride before she and her husband follow him to the front of the clubhouse.

Nothing can stop the gasp that escapes Lia when she sees the person in front of her. She could never their face, their warm brown eyes, their unique blond hair...

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